Wednesday, June 24, 2015

3:00 – 4:00 PM

FAC 228D

  1. Network Architecture Change – Endorse (William Green)

Been endorsed by AIC but needs endorsement from BSC because involves some funding. Networking is introducing new architecture and funding models to support increased compliance and security demands, while managing complexity, capability and cost. Going to move from a single layer network to a multiple layer network.

Change: Introduction of virtual campus network layers, consolidation of equipment to more capable products that also supports MPLS, and implement shared infrastructure for small sites to reduce costs. This involves funding for any new virtual layer and small sites will have to move to rental model for building router or optionally, compliant equipment at higher cost.

Q. Benefit of own router?

A. Before, that was the only option. Technology has gotten better to where you can share routers. McCombs would have a large router, most of this does not apply to them but they can take advantage of the MPLS. Big schools will still need big routers.

Q. Talk about the UT system funding.

A. We got a ½ million-dollar grant from UT system to help with firewall.

Endorsement for a leasing model rather than a capital one. Lease rather than buy.

Unanimously endorsed.

  1. VoIP – Update (William Green, Linda Buckley)

Units very efficient.

Asked to review costs more frequently more than every 2 years.

Q. Have you figured out why caller ID doesn’t transfer?

A. We’re still working on that, we’ve found two errors but there could be more.

Q. When will rates be final?

A. When the annual bill goes out. End of July. Should be close to accurate. 4

  1. ASMP Technical Architecture and Infrastructure – Update (Brad Englert)

Restructuring underway to ensure success (more workday involvement and more scope assumed by UT team) and coordination with shared services and servicenow activities.

Pat Jones presented her PowerPoint.


One of the things that was overwhelming but helpful for Define was that it was so specific.

I’m not getting much of the readiness coordination meeting.

Reply: Let me be honest, it’s because big bang made the schedule longer. It may be like that for a couple of more months. It will be much faster for Finance