Parent Handbook
St. John’s Nursery School
1811 Lincoln Way East
Chambersburg, PA 17202
(717) 264-8224 (Nursery School)
Mission Statement………………………………………………………………..3
Welcome to St. John’s Nursery School………………………………………....3
Guiding Principles……………………………………………………………….4
Procedure for Sharing Concerns………………………………………………..5
Best Practices for Children’s Learning…………………………………………5
School Calendar, Operational Hours and Procedures………………………..7
School Closing and Snow Days...... 8
Tuition and Payment Information ………………………………...... 9
Confidentiality ……………………………………………………...... 9
SafetyPractices…………………………………………………...... 10
Suggested Attire ……………………………………………………………….10
Show N’ Tell. …………………………………………………………………..11
Snack/Lunch………….………………………………………………...... 11
Tote Bucket ………………………………………………………………..…...11
Health and Illness Policy …………………………….……………...... 12
Medical Insurance and Liability……………………….…………...... 12
Reporting Accidents/Incidents ………………………………………………..13
Child Abuse Policy and Health Concerns………………………………….....13
Discipline Policy……………………………………………………...... 14
Parent Involvement ………………………………………………………….....15
Fundraisers …………………………………………………………………….15
Forms to Return to School..………………………………………...... 16
WHEREAS, the Reformed Tradition of Protestant Christianity highly values all aspects of education;
WHEREAS, St. John’s values the spiritual, social and academic education of all persons;
WHEREAS, St. John’s values the family unit as the basis of a strong community;
WHEREAS, St. John’s values the involvement of the Church in and with the community;
WHEREAS, St John’s values children as treasured gifts from God;
THEREFORE, St. John’s reflects our values by operating a Nursery School in a Christian atmosphere for families who are striving to achieve the highest possible level of social, academic and spiritual development for their children.
St. John’s Nursery School began in 1970. Since that time, thousands of young children have had their first formal educational experience in the nurturing environment of St. John’s. St. John’s offers a wide selection of classes to meet the needs of children2 years through 5 years of age.
For toddlers, two year olds, classes are limited to 8 children.
Parents of three to five year olds may select from a two-day program which meets on Tuesday and Thursday; a three-day program which meets on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; or a five-day program which meets Monday through Friday. Class size is limited to 12-16 children, depending upon the class.
Each class is staffed by a teacher and an assistant.
The purpose of St. John’s Nursery School is to provide an organized learning environment in which children will grow and learn physically, socially and mentally. We believe it is appropriate to teach young children by example. To this end, we provide a loving atmosphere which promotes sharing and caring for others. The Nursery School is an educational outreach ministry of St. John’s UnitedChurch of Christ and does model Christian values and tolerance. Although simple prayers will be shared, the program is not intended to be a religious educational program. Parents desiring formal religious education for their children are encouraged to explore Sunday church school programs.
Early Childhood Philosophy:
4.High quality early childhood education has significant impact on children’s future success.
2. All children can learn in an appropriate environment, consistent with their needs.
3. All children are entitled to expect an early childhood education that is appropriate, based on
age, and on individual physical, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral characteristics; enrollment criteria should be consistent with the institution’s capacity to provide services at the level called for by the individual’s needs even if this criteria should dictate that some children not be enrolled.
4. Children learn best when they are able to…
- Construct knowledge through meaningful play
- Explore the environment through developmentally appropriate activities
- Engage and respond to planned activities connected to the designed curriculum
5. The learning environment for young children should stimulate and engage their curiosity
about the world around them.
6. A calm learning environment for young children should be maintained so that children
can feel safe, secure and non-threatened.
7. Children’s learning is supported when teachers are knowledgeable of early childhood
development and educational initiatives and supported through on-going professional
8. Children’s learning is enhanced by on-going teacher-parent communication.
9. A written assessment should communicate to parents the child’s growth and development in
relation to the set of standards/objectives that form the basis of the Nursery School curriculum.
10.Children’s learning is sustained when families, schools, and the community work
Enrollment Guidelines:
1. St. John’s Nursery School is an outreach program of St. John’s United Church of Christ.
2. St. John’s Nursery School is a private Nursery School.
3. Registration for the school year is available to current Nursery School families
and Church members two weeks prior to opening to the general public.
4. Registration forms are available at the Church and on line at
5. A non-refundable registration fee must be submitted with each registration form.
6. The staff of St. John’s Nursery School is neither trained nor certified to administer/teach
children with developmental delays and/or children with disabilities.
7. The enrollment of a child into and/or dismissal from St. John’s Nursery School is on a
case-by-case basis and at the sole discretion of the Nursery School Ministry/Board and
designated Administrators.
8. A compatible match between the Nursery School’s established programs, including the
discipline policy, and the specific needs of each registered child is an expectation for
The Nursery School Ministry is the governing body which sets the program, policies, procedures, daily operations, and administrative details for the Nursery School. Changes to the building, property, or the use of facilities may require approval from other church bodies. There are approximately ten members from the Church serving on the Nursery School Ministry Board
whosegoal is to assure that sound educational practices and policies are implemented.
Parents and Nursery School staff are afforded the opportunity to confidentially provide comments, concerns, and suggestions to the Nursery School Ministry Board through a sealed box located in the Nursery School wing.
If you have a concern within the Nursery School setting, you should firstcontact your child’s teacher who will help you to reach a solution. If your concerns persist, please contact the Nursery School Director.
When contacting your child’s teacher or the Nursery School director please call the Nursery School at (717)264-8224 or email your child’s teacher at the email address given to you at orientation. At no time should social media to contact your child’s teacher.(ie Facebook, Instagram, Instant messages)
Research tells us that children’s individual development and learning is constructed on a continuum that builds on prior experience and knowledge. Each child’s unique learning style, ability and experiences join together to support progress along the learning continuum. Children also learn holistically with physical, social-emotional and cognitive development working to create the whole child. Each area influences the other and none operate independently.
Play is a vehicle through which children build knowledge. Children need opportunities to develop new skills by using active exploration or hands-on materials. Children also need safe and comfortable environments where they can practice these newly acquired skills and build on them to learn new information. Teachers support children’s individualized learning opportunities by providing meaningful experiences that engage their interests, abilities and culture. Effective classroom learning for young children, then, is the balance of self-discovery and supportive, nurturing teachers’ construction of challenging, yet attainable tasks. Teachers’ repeated modeling and demonstrating of desired objectives is a recognized best practice.
The curriculum at St. John’s Nursery School is aligned with the Chambersburg Area School District’s Kindergarten program and the Pennsylvania State Standards for Preschool Education. Our teachers support children’s learning opportunities by providing meaningful, theme related experiences to engage their interest, abilities, and culture. Key objectives are obtained through stories, music, games, art, play, instruction, guest presenters and other interactive learning activities.
Two year – three year olds:All By Myself
First independent experience in a structured classroom environment
- Free play including learning centers
- Teacher read alouds
- Themed activities and crafts
- Activities that support gross and fine motor development
Resources and materials for thecurriculum for the 3 to 5 year old classes are from the Houghton Mifflin Pre-K program. The units of study include:
Three Year Olds:Four to Five Year Olds:
Welcome to SchoolWelcome to School
My Family, My CommunitySeasons All Around
My Five Senses Animals Everywhere
Seasonal ActivitiesConstruction Zone
Pre-writing skillsIn the City, in the Country
Math ActivitiesLet’s Move!
Growing and Changing
Ready for Kindergarten
Seasonal Activities
Kid Writing
Eureka Math
Extended Literacy Activities- including oral expression
Each classroom will have a daily schedule posted for parents to review. This schedule will show times of particular activities. These activities will include, but not be limited to: calendar, weather, job charts, sharing news, singing songs, rhyme and rhythm activities, nursery rhymes, prayer, snack time, Show N’ Tell, daily read aloud, guest readers, Book-Mobile, Kid Writing, listening activities, math activities, theme related arts and crafts, physical activity, outside play, and free play.
Assessments are routinely completed in January and at the end of the school year. The assessments are sent home to the parent(s) for review and signature. Parents may request a conference with the teacher to discuss the assessment. Parents may also request a conference anytime throughout the school year.
Should the teacher have a concern about a child’s progress, the teacher will initiate contact with the parent, as well as, inform the Nursery School Director.
An additional resource to all preschool children in Pennsylvania is the Intermediate Unit. This agency provides many services to preschoolers including speech and developmental evaluations. These services, designed to clarify developmental concerns, are provided at no additional cost to parents. Information may be accessed by contactingthe Nursery School Director who can provide information on how the parent might proceed.
Classes begin the last week of Augustand will be completed by the end of May. The holiday schedule of the Chambersburg Area School District is observed with the exception of Christmas vacation. Additional Christmas vacation dates will be announced for the Nursery School.
School Start and Dismissal times vary as per the various class options.
Arrival-The main doors will be unlocked 5 minutes before the start of your child’s class. Parents should bring the children into the classroom at the designated start time so that the class may begin promptly.
Dismissal- It will be most helpful for the consistency of our program if those collecting the children would not arrive in the Nursery School until the designated dismissal time. The main doors will be unlocked 5 minutes before your child’s scheduled dismissal time.After entering the building please line up outside your child’s classroom. Each child will be dismissed to the appropriate adult. Sometimes children may become upset and worried if the pickup person is not present when class is dismissed. If you know you will be detained, please call the Nursery School at 264-8224 so we can assure your child that you are coming. If you are continually late picking up your child, a late fee may be assessed.
Parking- When coming to and from school, it is mandatory, for the safety of all the children, that you use the East parking lotsand not the driveway to park your car.
Building Etiquette- Since our Nursery School is held in a church and we share space, we ask that you please keep the noise level to a minimum as well as control your children in the hall at all times. Sometimes there are church meetings or events (including funerals) that are held during the morning hours. There is no running in our hallways.
Newsletter-A monthly classroom newsletter will be sent home. Please be sure to read and maintainthe newsletter to stayinformed of school activities and important dates.
Gum- Sorry, no chewing gum allowed.
Scheduling Appointments- Weencourage parents to schedule appointments for their children at times other than during their registered school hours.(i.e. doctor,dentist)
We follow the Chambersburg School District’s calendar for breaks and holidays. For snow days, we are closed if Chambersburg School District is closed. If the district is operating on a delay, our school will open at 11:00 a.m.Please reference the chart below for your child’s pick up time. School delays and closing information is broadcast by 95.1 FM. You may also call the Chambersburg Area School District’s hotline 261-8000 or visit the district website at
You may also sign up for our text/email alerts using the instructions on the Remind 101 flyer given at orientation. Please see the Nursery School director if you have any questions about this process.
For detailed information on two hour delay schedule please see the chart below. You may also reference the School Calendar for this schedule.
Weather Related Delay Schedule / Student hoursAll By Myself– 9:30 Tues & Thur class / 11:00-12:15
All by Myself -9:30 Mon & Wed class / 11:00-12:15
3 year old 9:30-12:00 classes / 11:00-12:30
4 year old 9:30-1:30 classes //3 year old Wed class / 11:00-1:30
4 year old 5 day class on a Tues & Thur / 11:00-12:30
Snow daysmaybe made up if possible and parents will be informed of any make-up days.
A final decision of make-up days will be made by the NS Ministry and parents will be informed.
Picking Up Your Child during Inclement Weather/Early Dismissals:
If you are concerned about road conditions, please know that you are welcome to pick-up your child before the SCHEDULED dismissal time.
There is a nonrefundable fee for each registered student.
The tuition is calculated according to the total number of days that your child is scheduled to attend nursery school. This total is then divided by the 9 months. This means that you will pay the same monthly fee for a month like October, having more school days in it, as you will pay for a month like December that has fewer school days. Paid tuition will not be reimbursed.
Tuition Guidelines:
- Make checks payable to St. John’s Nursery School.
- Use the tuition envelope provided and include the child’s full name on the check.
- Tuition is due on your child’s first school day of each month.
- Tuition envelopes will be sent home with your child a week before the tuition is due.
- Payments are to be made in the tuition drop-off box located in the Nursery School hallway.
- Electronic Fund Transfer is available for monthly tuition payments.
- Payments not made by the 10th of the month are considered to be late.
- Beginning the 11th of the month, late payments are subject to an additional fee of $5.00 per week until payment is made.
- After 4 weeks of nonpayment, your child may be dropped from enrollment.
- There will be a charge of $30.00 for a returned check.
St. John’s Nursery School protects the confidentiality of the children in our program. Employees are to respect the individual dignity of the children, families and co-workers at all times. Daily incident reports and/or general information concerning your child’s progress will be shared only in a private conversation between the teacher and the parent. If the parent is not available at the time of drop-off or pick-up, the teacher will communicate any information directly with the parent in writing or by phone call.
Staff members do not post a child’s full name in classroom areas. Rather, children’s belongings and/or artwork are marked with the first name and last initial only.
Staff members do not post a child’s address, telephone number, or other information that would make it possible to identify the child. The staff may choose to generate a list of names, addresses, and phone numbers for the purpose of birthdays, Valentine’s Day, and other special occasions. Parental permission is required for your child’s name to be included on such a list.
Staff members and volunteers are not to discuss confidential information gained in the course of their employment to staff, families, friends, or community members.
Candid photos of the students are taken periodically throughout the school year. Parents must give written permission to have their child included in any candid classroom photos that may be posted in classrooms, hallways, presentations, newspapers, and websites (Church and CASD’s). Photo release forms are a part of the registration process.
We are very aware of separation anxiety (sometimes as much for the parent as the child), particularly during the first few weeks of school. The best tactic is to bid your child good-bye with a kiss and hug, and then promptly leave, no looking back. The majority of the time your child is laughing and playing within 5 minutes of your departure. Compliment yourself that your child is now able to adapt to new settings and has reached a maturity level of confidence and security. If we feel that your child is truly not able to adjust to our class, the school will be in contact with you.
The staff, Nursery School Ministry, and St. John’s Church Consistorytake the safety of your children very seriously. To keep thechildren safe, it is our practice to:
- Never let a student unattended at any time.
- Obtain written information about any special needs of your child.
- Obtain written permission as towho may or may not pick up your child.
- Control traffic at the entrance to the church.
- Maintain door security by implementing regulated access times.
- Train the staff in CPR and first aid and provide first aid materials.
- Obtain a Child Abuse and Criminal Background check on each staff member and each Nursery School volunteer.
- Provide each classroom with a telephone.
- Conduct timely and directional fire drills.
- Adhere to the Weapons policy of St. John’s United Church of Christ
available at