Village of Bloomfield Planning Board meeting of October 21, 2010
Present: Chairperson Nancy Long
Members Dave Conklin, Dan Morley, Nikki Every, Tom Kugris
Mike Woodruff, James Shannon
Excused: Nancy Witt
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Nancy Long at 7:00 p.m.
Minutes: Nikki motioned, Dave seconded and it was unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the Oct. 7 meeting as submitted.
Area variance application for 31 Maple Ave.: James Shannon was present to discuss his area variance application for relief of 10 ft. in the building height to construct a two-story garage. The following points were raised;
- The garage is in compliance outside of the height variance
- There is a barn to the north of the applicant which is either the same height or more than the proposed garage.
- The roof is pitched to match the roof on the house
- The garage will be stick built, vinyl sided, with a concrete floor and electrical service
- The house is situated on a bank so that it appears approx. 10 ft. higher than the proposed garage.
- The Planning board complimented the applicant on the attractiveness of the garage.
Dave motioned, Nikki seconded and it was unanimously carried to recommend to the ZBA that the area variance application for relief of 10 ft. from the height regulation be granted to construct a two-story garage at 31 Maple Ave.
Zoning Law Section 1005:
Mike Woodruff shared information obtained through the Village Attorney. He explained the difference between a condominium and a townhouse such that a condominium defines ownership of a dwelling which can take the form of an apartment or a townhouse and a townhouse is a type of structure for single-family occupancy and has firewalls between dwellings.
It is recommended that Section 1005 remain as regulations for townhouses and that if the Planning board wishes to address condominiums, it should be included in the sections for apartments and townhouses.
Homeowners Associations can be formed for any type of development and the Planning Board need only to have a copy of the document to forward to the Village Trustees to ensure that it is in compliance with requirements established in the Office of the State Comptroller.
It is the goal of the Planning board to open up the zoning to allow a variety of housing structures in a development. This may be accomplished in the following:
- Use the state law for clustering
- Use section 1005 for townhouses
- Can develop regulations for PUD
- Can use/revise the Mixed Development Overlay District regulations
Mike will get legal definitions of townhouse and condominium from the Village Attorney.
Concept Plan for 1 Elm St.:
Mike distributed a revised concept site plan for a proposed mixed development at 1 Elm St. The original concept site plan was withdrawn by the developer due to concerns for traffic flow.
The following issues must be addressed in the review process:
- Drive-thru located in the front of the building
- The store is on a corner lot so there are no rear lot lines
- The buildings will be larger than 4000 sq. ft.
- Special use permits will be needed for the gas station, car wash, and drive-thru
- The senior housing is proposed as a stand-alone use and is not part of a commercial use building.
The developer will provide a list of addresses for other projects that he owns so the Planning Board can get a sense of what he is proposing. Mike will prepare written comments based upon his review of the revised plan.
The Clerk left the meeting at 7:55 p.m. Notes were taken by the Chairperson Nancy Long.
The Planning Board held an informal discussion with a tentative timeline for review of various regulations such as the village center district, land use regulations, comprehensive plan, and sections of the zoning law. Nancy Long will contact Maria Rudzinski at the Ontario County Planning Boardfor advise on several issues in the village center district regulations.
Dan motioned, Tom seconded and it was unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m.
The next meeting will be Thursday, November 4 at 7:00 p.m. The tentative agenda will include a review of a concept site plan for 1 Elm St. (former Agway property)
Respectfully submitted,
Kathleen Conradt