Summer Camp Registration Form

Registration Process

1.) FIRST, please call our center (843-462-2150) or e-mail Matt Johnson () to secure a place for your camper(s).

2.) Once you have secured your camper’s place, please cut out and complete the bottom portion of this form and mail it to our center (336 Sanctuary Road, Harleyville, SC 29448) with a check for the appropriate amount included ($85/camper).

3.) Around the beginning of June, you should receive a packet from us by mail or e-mail with all of the information and details necessary concerning camp. This packet will include:

- Welcome Letter from our Camp Director

- List of what to bring and wear

- General Release/Liability Waiver (must be returned)

4.) Please return the General Release/Liability Waiver by NO LATER than the first day of camp.

Registration Form

Please mark the week of your choosing for your camper(s): June 20-24 July 11-15

Camper Name: ______Camper Age: ______

Parent/Guardian Name: ______

Parent/Guardian Address: ______


Home Phone: ______Work Phone: ______

To receive information by e-mail, please provide an address: ______

We look forward to meeting your camper soon!