Chairman Tim Hudson Website: ~ see MEETINGSpage Oct 2017



F.1aSC CllrEd Potter reported on: LJC Meeting 21.09.17: Youth Services Fundinghas been cut completely

so MPC will consider a £150 donation to be sent direct to Nesscliffe Youth Club: ONGOING to 17N.

b.HeartStart Coordinator Robin Pococktabled three comparative AED Quotesrecommending Welmedical at £1975 including £289 VAT plus £240 wiring costs and offering to refurbish the kiosk: see 5.1 below ↓

c.Hall ChairmanDavid Holbrookrequested MPC finance towards the Hall Roof Repairs: see 6.2 below ↓

1.ATTENDANCE at MPC Routine Meeting 17Oheld at 7.30pm in Montford Parish Hall:

1.1Present Parish Cllrs: Chairman Tim Hudson, Vice Chairman Andrew Beckett, Roy Bayley MBE, Tricia Jones, Tony Hill, Adrian Bright, David Schofield. Plus: SC Cllr Ed Potter and Ian A. Hutchinson Parish Clerk. Plus: HeartStart Coordinator RobinPocock and Hall Chairman David Holbrook. NOTED

1.2Apologies from Cllr Angela Hanmer and Cllr Malcolm McSporran MBE were received and ACCEPTED.

2.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST NONE were received at Meeting 17O. NOTED

3.PREVIOUS MEETING 17S held on Tues 19 Sept 2017 previous minutes and matters arising as follows:

3.1Minutes 17S The Chair signed the minutes of the last meeting as a true and accurate record: All AGREED

3.2Ongoing Itemsarising from previous Sept Minutes 17S: NONE were raised at this Meeting 17O. NOTED

4.PLANNING APPLICATIONS Clerk to email this comment to SC Planners tomorrow:

4.117/04304/PMBPA Barn at Buckley Farm change of use from a farm building to two new dwellings:

Since there have been no objections from neighbours MPC also has NO OBJECTION. All AGREED

4.2NOLATE Planning Applications were received at the Parish Office after the distribution of this agenda.


5.1aHeart Start Project Coordinator to now proceed with AED purchase and refurbishment of the K6 kiosk:

b.MPC accepted the Welmedical Quote of £1975 including £289 VAT plus £240 wiring costs: All AGREED

c.As promised in Min 176-5.1 of 20.06.17 MPC will pay all Heart Start costs so MPC will own and insure the kiosk and AED but the Heart Start Group will manage and run the entire project themselves. All AGREED

5.2Montford Bridge Phonebox Adoption was agreed in principle last year so MPC will purchase the kiosk and ask BT to remove the telephony but retain the power supplyfor a possible AED station: All AGREED

5.3Yell Bank Site local concerns about road flooding and NW boundary wall: the Clerk has made two visits:

a.MPC accepts that the wall will extend two metres beyond the site and into SC's road reserve as it now does but MPC asks that the wall is not extended any further. Clerk to email SC Roads+Planners: All AGREED

b.The Clerk will email SC Roads and copy in SC Cllr Ed Potter to ask for a reply to MPC's previous emails asking for extra road gullies to deal with increased road flooding created by road widening. All AGREED

5.4A5Shrawardine Turnneeds a Police Enforcement Camerato ensure observance of the double white lines that drivers often ignore: Clerk to ask MP Daniel Kawczynski to contact Highways England: All AGREED


6.1Monthly Audit of Accounts Bank Statement at 22 Sept 2017 = £9,879.68 VERIFIED by the Meeting

6.2Parish Spending MPC considered offering MPC finance to some Projects and Concerns: seeBudget-19

a.Neighbourhood Funds (NF) may be used to provide, improve, replace, operate or maintain infrastructure.MPC regards its parish roads, Churches, Hall and Green to be infrastructure so MPC may use its precept or NF for any Project or Concernand will ask SC to use its CIL funds for any key Roads Concerns. NOTED

b.MPC will make a firm offer of £1500 MPC finance towards a Forton Bank Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) and will ask SC to also use its own CIL money to take this project forward without delay. All AGREED

c.MPC might consider offering MPC finance towards some other Concerns listed in Part B of Projects-18depending on how any negotiations with SC might proceed for each individual concern. All AGREED

d.Budget-19 will include funding for MPC grants to Parish Organisations such as: Churches, Green and Hall plus other Parish Groups but this doesNOT commit MPC to any such expenditure until such time as MPC has received proper applications for MPC grants and has formally approved any such grant. All AGREED

e.The Clerk will finalise Budget-19 to include all the above potential costs with a Precept-19 of £6000 which is a 9% increase of £500 needed to provide funding for future increasesin Parish Spending. All AGREED

MINUTES 17O Admin Continues OverCHAIRMAN'S INITIALS: ______

MINUTES 17O ContinuedTuesday 17thOCTOBER 2017Page 17O b

ADMIN continued ...

6.3Place Plan Update finaliseList of Montford Parish Projects for SC's upcoming survey:see Projects-18

The Clerk will refresh Projects-18 v2 to include all MPC Projects, Concerns and Grants to Organisations already listed on version 1 but add B10Montford Church Car Parkand also amend C2 Montford Church Clock to read electrification of the clockandC6 Parish Hall to read repair Hall Roof. ONGOING to 17N

7.PARISH ACCOUNTS Meeting 17O Date: 17 Oct 2017 NONE received NOTEDYear-18

8.EXTERNAL ITEMS including routine correspondence and other general information.

8.1Parish+Town Council Forum Fri 29 Sep'17: Parish Plans, Place Plans, CIL funds: see Report 29.09.17

The Clerk reported that he had revised his Projects-18 in line with information from that forum. NOTED

8.2Shropshire Poppy Appeal to Parish Councils: a resident's request for MPC support: see Email 23.09.17

MPC will not sign up to the Poppy Appeal but a £20 donation will be made on behalf of MPC. NOTED

8.3LJC Meeting 21 Sep 2017 consider pros and cons of the LJC and its future role: Report from Cllr Hill:

The LJC Meeting felt that the LJCs should continue so Parish Councillors and Clerks from different Parish Councils can meet and network locally and jointly tackle matters of mutual interest or concern: NOTED

8.4North West Relief Road Exhibition Shirehall 10am–1.00pm Tues 17 Oct 2017: Cllr Bayley's Report:

a.The estimated cost is £104m: £21m from SC and £83 from DfT: possible completion date Spring 2022.

b.MPC will complete the survey as follows: YES strongly agree it is needed because it will ease traffic in Shrewsbury town centre and remove the need for various "rat-runs" from Battlefield to Montford Bridge.

Our additional comment will suggest that a spur road should run into Frankwell Car Park. All AGREED

8.5Any Other Important Matters arising from emails which the Clerk has already forwarded to members:

SALC membership MPC will not join SALC at this time for a sub of £94.90 to 31.03.18. All AGREED

9.ANY OTHER ITEMS may be discussed at the Chairman's discretion and NOTED but not resolved.

9.1AnyLATECorrespondence not on this agenda plus any other LATE items of information from the Clerk:

The Clerk reported that he will be attending a SALC CiLCA training session on Friday 03.11.17: NOTED

9.2Any Other Parish Reports and any other information plus comments and queries from the Councillors:

a.Cllr David Schofield reported more fly-tipping at the Adcote Triangle: the Clerk will inform SC. NOTED

b.The Clerk has forwarded David's Email 16.10.17Neighbourhood Watch'snationalDomestic Abuse Survey to other MPC Members and it contains a link to an online survey that anyone interested may use. NOTED

10.NEXT MEETING 17N to be held on Tuesday 21 November 2017 at 7.30pm in Montford Parish Hall.

MEETING 17O CLOSED 9.15 pm duration: 1hour 45 mins


Chairman's Signature Dated: 21 Nov 2017

Ian A. Hutchinson Montford Parish Clerk Tel: 01743 850504 1331 words Draft-1 printed: 18.10.17

Montford Parish CouncilMinute Book EightPage 17O1