Long Crendon PTA Minutes – 21st September 2016


Joanne ParkSimon Howard Sara Goddard

Sue Stamp Sarah-Jane JenningsAlison StottSimon Poote Amanda Sewell Ronel Britz

Liz GuerinLeonie BlatchfordGudrun Hamilton

Debbie BerrellMichele DuncanRosie Corby

Hayley BatsonJavier Barrio


Anna BowdenJohn MacleanClare Maclean

Kyrlie ClementDebbie RodaleLynsey Harman

Sophie DavisSusan McNicolasLizzie Hannaford

Sandra BrooksCassy Childs

Minutes of Last Meeting

Agreed by those attending and signed off.

Simon Howard welcomed everybody. He passed on gratitude and condolences on

behalf of himself and the PTA for the loss of Helen Miller. Helen had done so much for the school and it has been greatly appreciated. The PTA are hoping to be involved in getting a memorial in honour of Helen at the school with the family’s consideration and involvement.

Action: Sue to talk to family and ask about a suitable


Actions from Last Meeting

All actions were completed.

Matters arising

-Boxes for kitchen cupboard

Action: Joanne still to get

-Learning lodge (OWL)

The OWL is mainly used to store the equipment for Forest School. The mezzanine level makes it too low for teaching years above 4. Its purpose is not to be a class room as forest school is outdoor learning. The teachers have access to the OWL for use during school time. The school are very happy with the OWL and has helped the outdoor learning program which has won awards for Long Crendon School.

Updates and Results from Fundraising Events

•Sponsored Bike Ride 17th June

Sub-committee: Sophie Davis

This event was well attended and enjoyed by all, thank you Sophie for all your hard work. £1,300 was raised.

Planning for Future Events

•Cake sales & refreshments

Tessa Grist will continue as the person responsible for the cake sales and will set up a rota and dates.

Ronel Britz will become the person responsible for refreshments at assemblies and coffee mornings for example. She will set up a rota and dates for year group volunteers.

Actions: Tessa to produce cake sale rota and publish.

Ronel to produce a rota for refreshments and publish.

•Massai Cultural/Performance Night 5 October

Sub-committee: Simon Howard

The event has started to be advertised with posters and ticket sales already taken place. Simon is looking for volunteers to help with set up, refreshments and ticket sales.

Action: Joanne to send out to message to class reps asking for



Sub-committee: Clare Maclean, Kyrlie Clement, Jason Bekker, Joanne Park, Kate Bourlakis, Donna Taylor, Michelle Oxley

The fireworks risk assessment has been completed and handed to Aylesbury Vale. Kyrlie has submitted two funding requests for electrical items. Another meeting is set up for tomorrow morning.

Action: The committee will update in next committee meeting.

•Running Event

Ed Chipperfield has communicated that he would like to use a 5k as a fundraising event. Probably to be held at Easter. He would be able to organise the running part of the event but would like some other people to help with the organising.

Action: Joanne will talk to Ed and update in next meeting.

•Christmas School Disco

Sub-committee Louise Croft Baker and Sue Graham?

Goody will speak to Louise and confirm if she is happy to continue being the part of the sub committee. Date will need to go in the diary ASAP.

Action: Goody will update.

•Christmas Bazaar 3rd December

A sub committee is need to organise and plan this event. Ronel Britz and Michele Duncan have agreed to be part of this team. However more volunteers are needed.

Action: Joanne to email class reps asking for volunteers

•Christmas Cards

PTA will need a representative to help Sarah-Jane organise this. Tessa Grist has

offered PTA support.

Action: Update in Next meeting

•Black Tie Ball

A sub-committee has been meeting and have decided that the ball will happen in May 2017. They are going to involve MASKS - Make a Special Kid Smile. It will be a

village event, fully catered sit down meal and entertainment.

Action: Update in next meeting.


Lynsey had booked a date and has a sub committee set up to go nearer the time. The date for the circus is 9th September 2017 at 2pm.

Comms Update

Responsibility: Michele Duncan, Sophie Davis & Simon Howard

The comms sub committee are now meeting up once a month to keep the

communication from the PTA up to date and more frequent.

Comms will also be looking to promote and communicate more from the PTA will the use of posters in events and on notice boards. Along side all the other methods used at the moment.

Action: Comms team will update in next meeting.


Morgan and Associates sponsored the bike ride. Connell are sponsoring the fireworks. Lightfoot's are interested sponsoring other events, there could possibly be other. It would be useful for sub committees to have access to a list of firms/people who are willing to sponsor events.

Action: Simon to put together a list, included contact details where possible.

Treasurers Report

As at 31/07/2016 the total uncommitted funds are £11,841.95.

Financial summary attached.

As per the PTA AGM Sara Goddard is the new treasurer, thanks to Sara for stepping up.

Action: Sara to provide financial summary at the next meeting.


Funding requests :

1.Sports Equipment

Details needed from Jacqui Finlay on camera she wishes to purchase. Hayley may have one this is appropriate though and will speak with Jacqui and update us all.

2.Portable Transformer (Fireworks) - see attached

Approval of £63.99

3.Portable Tripod Lights (Fireworks) - see attached

Approval of £119.97

4.Books for staff use - see attached

Approval of £232.51

Outdoor Wildlife Area.

Mr Poote updated the committee on the project and spending which will benefit the whole school. Since the funding request submitted Pete (the caretaker) has started putting up the fence and the pump has been received. Mr Poote has been to Thame Rotary Club who has offered volunteers for manual work. They may also be able to fund match what the PTA agree to give the project.

The PTA have agreed with a potential match funding of £1500.

The original request was for £2100 has already been spent.


1.Paintball vouchers

Simon Howard has paintball vouchers which could be used as raffle prizes.

Action: Simon to confirm if there are any age limits on the vouchers and due dates.

2.Class Reps

Most classes have now got at class reps for this year. Details and forms will need to be completed before full update of distribution list is available.

Action: Joanne to finalise class reps details and update distribution list.

3.Calendar Dates for next year.

Sub-committee Leonie Blatchford

Leonie has started putting together the calendar for next year. She will need further information from the PTA and school to finalise dates. Its was discussed and

confirmed that 120 will be printed.

4.New Fundraising Ideas

A couple of ideas were raised and discussed. It is hoped that the Catwalk fashion show will be going ahead this academic year as it was a big hit.

Date of Next Meeting

16th November 2016