Maine Public Health Association Internship Opportunity

The Maine Public Health Association (MPHA) is seeking one graduate intern to develop a new Students & Young Professionals (SYP) section of the organization. The incumbent will be responsible for:

  1. Updating and managing the Career Pathways page on the MPHA website
  2. Establishing and organizinga public health network across all of Maine’s colleges and universities
  3. Promoting the SYP section statewide, across health professions programs
  4. Working with MPHA members to develop a webinar for undergraduate and graduate studentsabout public health careers
  5. Developing and executing an information and networking session at the MPHA annual meeting (October 18, 2016)

These projects are to be completed by September of 2016 culminating with the intern’s attendance at the 2016 MPHA Annual Meeting in October. It is anticipated that this internship will require 180 total hours (weekly schedule is flexible).

A $1,500 stipend is available. To be eligible for the stipend, you must submit a formal application and meet eligibility criteria below. Applications are due Friday, April 15, 2016, at 5:00pm. Early submission is encouraged.

Stipend recipients must:

  • Be enrolled full-time in a Master of Public Health or Master of Public Policy program at a college or university in Maine.
  • Demonstratea commitment to connecting health professions students statewide.
  • Demonstrate a commitment to workingon an interdisciplinary team and with community partners.
  • Live in Maine and have an ability to travel, or remotely join, monthly meetings with members of the SYP section.
  • Submit an application, resume, cover letter, and concise narrative describing learning goals, and professional aspirations and interests.
  • Submit the contact information (phone and email) for onefaculty reference.
  • Sign a Letter of Commitment agreeing to fulfill all requirements by the funder and the program.

Applications are due at 5:00pm on Friday, April15, 2016

MPHAPractical Experience Application

Please send completed application (Parts I – IV below) toTina Pettingill, MPHA Executive Director () by 5:00pm on April 15, 2016.

All applications must include Parts I, II, III and IV.

Part I



Mailing Address:

SchoolEmail Address:

Alternate Email Address:

Home Number:

Cell Number:

Work Number:

Part II

Please compose a brief essay(1 page) describing your relevant experiences as they relate to the development of a Student and Young Professional section of MPHA. Such experiences can include organizing clubs, or planning and promoting events. Also include information about how this internship will help you achieve your learning goals and professional aspirations.

Part III

Please submit a cover letter and resume.

Part IV

Please provide the name and contact information (phone and email) of one faculty reference.