Your Address
City, Province
Your Postal code
(1 space)
Today’s Date
(1 space)
First and Last Name of Manager,Manager’s Title
Company’s Full Name
Company’s Address
Company’s City, Province, Postal Code)
(1 space)
Dear Ms. Manger’s Name, (Proper greeting – ‘,’ if you know the person)
Dear Ms. Manger’s Name: (Proper greeting – ‘:’ if you do not know)
(1 Space)
Write the body of the letter – DO NOT TAB!!!!!! The body of the letter.
You need a powerful opening statement. In paragraph one.
(1 Space)
Next paragraph talk about your skills, values and traits.
(1 Space)
Next paragraph list your work experiences and or your accomplishments.
(1 Space)
Last paragraph wrap up with a positive closure. Do not forget that you want to meet them.
(1 Space)
(4-6 Spaces – after you print the page, sign in this area)
First Last Name
(1 Space)
Enclosure (Means you are including your resume)
1234 Main Street
Port Coquitlam, BC
V5B 2C6
February 23, 2015
Diana Smith,Franchise Owner
Subway Canada
4321 Johnson Avenue
Coquitlam, BC, V5E 4J7
Dear Ms. Smith,
I am applying for the position of cashier at Subway Restaurants. I feel that I would be a suitable candidate for this opening because of my excellent customer service skills. I recently found out about this job position when looking through the Tri-City Newspaper.
The position of cashier would be appropriate for my current skill set because I often demonstrate the ability to resolve issues in times of crisis or confrontation. In regards to your computer program or system, I would be able to operate it at the highest level based on my comfort with technology and digital devices. (Add two more)
My abilities to work with all members of the community, regardless of age or ethnicity is demonstrated in my volunteer experience working at the local community center. During that time I …..
Thank you very much for the opportunity of considering me as a candidate for this position. I look forward to meeting with you in the near future. I can be contacted to set up an appointment at the following mobile number, 604-xxx-xxxx.
Brian Barazzuol
Brian Barazzuol
Enclosure: Resume
1234 Main Street
Port Coquitlam, BC
V5B 2C8
February 23, 2015
Diana Smith,Human Resources Manager
WalMart Canada
1234 Johnson Avenue
Coquitlam, BC, V5B 2C7
Dear Ms. Smith,
I am applying for the position of cashier at Subway Restaurants, because I feel that I have the abilities to contribute to your already great existing staff. I am writing this letter in response to your advertisement in the Tri-City News.
In regards to the cashier position, I think I would be a suitable candidate because…..
Based on my previous experiences, I would be able to function at the highest level within your establishment. My experiences include….
I thank you very much for taking the opportunity to consider me as a candidate for this opening. I look forward to meeting with you in person. I can be reached by my mobile phone at anytime in the evening at 604-xxx-xxxx.
Brian Barazzuol
Brian Barazzuol