Regular Board Meeting November 3, 2011


Town of Sylva Board of Commissioners

November 3, 2011

The Town of Sylva Board of Commissioners held a regularly scheduled meeting on November 3, 2011 at 5:30 p.m. in the Board Room of Municipal Hall, 83 Allen Street, Sylva, N.C.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Maurice Moody and Commissioners Danny Allen, Harold Hensley, Christina Matheson and Stacy Knotts

MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Ray Lewis

STAFF PRESENT: Brandi King (Town Clerk), Mike Morgan (Interim Town Manager), Eric Ridenour (Town Attorney), Dan Schaeffer (Public Works Director) and Doug Farmer (Police Sergeant)

VISITORS PRESENT: Leon Graber, Rod Colton and Carolyn Colton

CALLED TO ORDER: Mayor Moody called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Commissioner Matheson made a motion to approve the agenda as amended. The motion carries with a unanimous vote.

APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA: Commissioner Allen made a motion to approve the consent agenda. The motion carries with a unanimous vote.

PUBLIC COMMENTS: Leon Graber stated several years ago the Town installed a drainage ditch that has compromised the root system of a large white oak tree on King Street. Graber requested that the Town help with the costs of removing the dead limbs from the tree. The Board will address the issue at the next Board meeting.

MAYOR’S REPORT: Mayor Moody stated he attended the NCLM Annual Conference in Raleigh. There were several sessions including an Economic Development Strategy workshop.

COMMISSIONER’S REPORT: Commissioner Allen would like for the Town and the County to work together to clear the vegetation between Savannah Drive and the old Rescue Squad building since that is a main corridor into Town.

Commissioner Matheson stated the DSA Board met on Wednesday and they should have a full Board in the near future.

Commissioner Knotts stated she attended “Treat Street” and wanted to thank DSA for another successful event.

MANAGER’S REPORT: Mike Morgan thanked everyone for welcoming him to the Town of Sylva. Morgan stated the Resolution Opposing Duke Energy’s rate increase that was passed at the previous meeting was sent to the Utilities Commission. Morgan also stated the Board will need to approve a resolution authorizing the Mayor as a signatory on checks and a resolution to appoint Lynn Bryant as Finance Officer. The Board will also need to approve a Budget Amendment for the Main Street Program. The amendment will be to create a line item to be able to track monies through the Town and issue receipts for items being paid for the Main Street Program.

STREET LIGHT REQUEST – WILKESDALE STREET: The Board received a request at their last meeting to install a street light on Wilkesdale Street. Schaeffer stated that there are lights on both sides of the residence that has requested the street light, and both are working. There is adequate lighting in the area. The item died for lack of a motion.

REVOLVING LOAN FUND COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS: Commissioner Knotts made a motion to appoint the following members to the Revolving Loan Fund Committee:

Maurice Moody Mayor

Lynn Bryant Finance Officer

Joshua Brant Banker

Barry Buchanan Banker

Vickie Greene Economic Developer

Bronwyn Burleson Ex-officio (Town Auditor)

Eric Ridenour Ex-officio (Town Attorney)

The motion carries with a unanimous vote.

JACKSON COUNTY LITTLE LEAGUE DONATION: Commissioner Hensley made a motion to contribute $100 to the Jackson County Little League. The motion carries with a unanimous vote.

VOLUNTEER SERVICE AWARD DISCUSSION: Mayor Moody stated the volunteer service award has been given out two times in the past, but the Board has not developed any guidelines. Moody and Staff have developed a set of guidelines for the award. Commissioner Hensley made a motion to approve the guidelines for the Annual Award. The motion carries with a unanimous vote. The deadline for nominations this year is December 1st. The guidelines and nomination form will be added to the website.

MAIN STREET PROGRAM BUDGET AMENDMENT: Commissioner Matheson made a motion to approve the $1,000 budget amendment to create a line item for the Main Street Program. The motion carries with a unanimous vote. This line item will serve as a pass through account to allow the Town Staff and the Main Street Program Director to collect funds for DSA and to make expenditures as necessary to accomplish the goals and objectives of the DSA.

RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND REQUIRING DUAL SIGNATURE ON CHECKS: Commissioner Knotts made a motion to adopt the resolution. The motion carries with a unanimous vote.

RESOLUTION TO APPOINT A FINANCE OFFICER: Commissioner Matheson made a motion to adopt the resolution appointing Lynn Bryant as Finance Officer. The motion carries with a unanimous vote.

ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Hensley made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:08 p.m. The motion carries with a unanimous vote.


Maurice Moody Brandi H. King

Mayor Town Clerk