Minutes - DRC 10-16-2014, District Office, 9:30am-12:00pm
Attendance:Anna Badalyan (T), Oleg Bespalov-phone (P), Boateng, Agyeman (W), Phil Briggs (SW), Sarah Crespo (D), Rhea Estoya (H), Michelle Fowles (V), Alfred Gallegos (E), La Vonne Hamilton (SW), Moon Ko (D), Joan Lang (E), Stan Levin (D), Sarah Master (M), Emil Mubarakshin (C), Maury Pearl (D), Bryan Ventura (E), Amari Williams (P), Yihunie, Yosief A (P), Ani Zarpas (T)
1. Agenda approved but order rearranged to accommodate Maury’s availability.
2. Minutes from 8/21/14 and 9/18/14 were not available.
3. Dean of IE - East modified title to Dean of Institutional Advancement. Job description is more of an academic position with more SLO involvement and faculty supervision, not just collaboration.
Apparently, STRS was the main reason this issue came about. A VP from Mission is meeting with STRS next week to ensure they understand the duties of this position.
Michelle asked the group to send their job duties to her. She will ask Rudy and Albertwhether they looked at job duties or job description when the position was assessed. The big concern is that the campuses were not approached when the position was evaluated.
Sarah and Patricia looked at community college positions throughout So. California. About half of the 50 they looked into have deans and the other half have directors/another title.
4. Trade Tech’s Proposed Equity Funding Model–Alfred asked how Trade’s the funding model based on 40% FTES and 60% on ARCC was put together. Anna explained that shewas asked by her president to come up with different scenarios most beneficial to Trade. She essentially found similar results after exploring various options and concluded that funding based on FTES would be the best choice.
5. Title IX Sports Interest Data–Open CCCApply replaced XAP. Phil received login details from his A&R but has not accessed successfully. He will forward the email to the group.Report due in November.
6. Rand Mental Health Survey (Cal MHS) – Begins 10/27. Except for East and Valley,we received an invitation through the State Chancellor’s Office to participate.The group asked Maury to reply on behalf of the LACCD and suggest to participate at another time due to numerous surveys currently being conducted at the different campuses including the Student Survey.
7. TRIO Grant – City, Mission, and Valley were not able to show TRIO eligible studentsnot performing as well as non-eligible population. Different approaches were taken but results were similar. Grant writers were not pleased with results. Data requests were received as early as the spring semester.
8. Student Equity Pan –Presentation to the IE committee of the BOT will be on 11/19. Handouts should include a completed 2014 Student Equity Plan Summary template (handout),which includes a one page executive summary, and a draft of our Equity Plan. Each campus will be have 5 minutes to present. Maury will send us a PowerPoint template we canuse. Maury suggested including #’s and %’s in Expected Improvement column of the summary template. Valley’s Plan includes emphasis on research capacity to examine why gaps were happening. There was a concern on the budget allocation (WBS – work based structure) that was shared with campuses. Funds were not allocated to certain areas/activities like Research, Professional Development, etc.
9. SSSP District Reports – A handout with LASW’s Monthly Report of New and At-Risk Students Receiving Service and Monthly Student Contacts Reported in DEC was distributed. The report uses an “as of” date, includes non-exempts, and credit students. There is a similar Focus report which uses date at any point in time. YrSem of report is the semester of contact. However, Date field in Contact table = actual date of contact; YrSem not consistent with date field; YrSem = term student plans tocome in. This is similar to the Assessment (Stud_APMS) table. MIS uses YrSem. Phil will ask SSSP reps to clarify date field. There was a suggestion to add a new row to Maury’s table with the number of students who have completed all three (AOC)components.
AOC information now in Student table. Maybe we should request a Focus report (including contact info) of students who have not gone through A, O, or C.
10. District-wide Student Survey– Maury asked the group to review the SLO mapping handout. Moon needs surveys returned by 11/14. The group agreed to extend the Online Survey deadline to 11/14. Some campuses are sending to student personal e-mail addresses. Others are only using the laccd.edu address.
11. IPEDS –A number of degrees (around 500) were awarded after the MIS deadline. Mission, Pierce, and Valley mostly affected. The District will resubmit completions to the state in time to be included in Scorecard calculations. However, Maury is unsure if his office has enough time to meet the 10/22 IPEDS deadline.
12. FTES Projection – Section FTES Planning Worksheet was distributed. 2014-15 Winter, Summer, and Spring figures are from 2013-14. Maury and Sarah will be visiting campuses to discuss projections.
13. Gainful Employment – Discuss in November.
14. IE Report – Same format as last year. Presentations tentatively scheduled in February, March, and April 2015.
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