To:General Public

DRC Members

From:Catherine Coyle, Zoning Administrator

Date:May 4, 2009

RE:January 2009 Text Amendment Cycle – Proposed Language

The attached documents contain the proposed text amendments for the January 2009 cycle. New language is underlined and eliminated language is shown with strikethrough.City staff members, your comments are due to me, in writing, by May 11, 2009.

­Pages 2-6:Revision of Garrison Channel District toGarrison Channel Entertainment District within the Central Business District (CBD) & Channel District as directed by the Administration

­Pages 7-8:Garage setbacks (motioned by City Council)

­Pages 9-10:Open Storage height and setbacks (motioned by City Council)

­Page 11:Truck Rentals as a new special use (motioned by City Council)

­Pages 12-26:General Clean Up, including sidewalk cafes from Chapter 22 & 27 (as related to alcoholic beverages) as submitted by Staff

­Pages 27-35:Privately initiated amendment for radio & commercial towers in MAP district (continued from July 2008 Cycle

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions related to any of the amendment. We are pleased to assist you.

Kindest regards,

Catherine Coyle

Zoning Administrator

Note:We have changed the presentation format for this document, as we are trying to limit costs of reproduction and labor expenditures.


Requested by Administration


Sec. 27-436.Purpose and intent.

(a)The purpose and intent of establishing the central business district (CBD), CBD zoning districts and regulations is to implement the following goals of the Tampa Central Business District Land Use Policy Plan, a component of the Future Land Use Element of the 2015 Comprehensive Plan for the City of Tampa, hereinafter referred to as the "CBD land use policy plan":

(1)To promote design excellence in the CBD and to create a visual appeal between the natural environment and the physical development that will take place;

(2)To provide the highest quality amenities to create an exceptionally appealing pedestrian environment;

(3)To create active and attractive pedestrian connections along Franklin Street, the waterfront and throughout the CBD, giving highest priority to the movement and comfort of the pedestrian;

(4)To promote the CBD as the entertainment and cultural center of the state's west coast, recognized by its fine museums, galleries, theaters, restaurants, performing halls, nightclubs, public art and other amenities;

(5)To provide land for public use to help integrate the various areas of the CBD and to provide a variety of active and passive opportunities for workers, residents and visitors to the downtown;

(6)To preserve and, where possible, enhance the water-oriented character of the waterfront so as to create a festive and lively working, living and entertainment establishment;

(7)To guide public and private land use and development into a highly compact and integrated urban center that encourages maximum social and economic benefit to the citizens of the city and the region;

(8)Develop land use policies that will promote Franklin Street as the center of retail for downtown;

(9)Improve the appearance and condition of the Franklin Street Mall;

(10)Improve the knowledge and understanding of downtown's local and regional markets and increase downtown's retail role in the region.

(b)It is also the purpose of this article to guide development design to establish the desired character of development for each of the twelve (12) CBD character districts identified in the CBD land use policy plan and described and shown on the mapDiagram 18-1below:

(1)Franklin Street district. The focus of the highest activity and development intensity in the CBD. This district will contain compact mixed-use development.

(2)Retail district. A concentration of the highest activity and development intensities, with retail uses/activities required on the ground floor facing Franklin Street. The intent is to create a highly active pedestrian retail shopping mall.

(3)North Franklin Street district. The purpose of this district is to encourage the development of small offices and evening-oriented entertainment/restaurant uses.

(4)Gateway district. As a major entrance into downtown, special attention is directed to the treatment of the gateway district to protect important views, establishment of new views, and creating a quality downtown image.

(5)Cultural arts district. The purpose of the cultural arts district is to unify the cultural arts uses/activities that are presently in the area and provide for future supportive uses that will attract people from throughout the region.

(6)Riverfront district. The riverfront district provides the opportunity to create a public space that can be used as a people-oriented place for movement and enjoyment of the waterfront. Open space, pedestrian activities and access to and along the waterfront are characteristics of development in this district.

(7)Garrison Channel district. The Garrison Channel district should successfully develop as a strong visitor-oriented activity center in response to the development of the convention center, the cruise ship terminal and HarbourIsland.

(78)Waterfront overlay district. This district establishes guidelines for areas that are common to all waterfront districts, such as public access to and along the river, the preservation of view corridors, the prohibition of freestanding garages and required public open space as part of all development.

(89)East office district. A district expected to attract office, mixed-use, service and support uses with development intensities lower than those found in the Franklin Street district.

(910)Government center district. The intent of the government center district is to establish a unique identity for this area as the region's center of government through the treatment of sidewalk paving, landscaping, lighting fixtures and signs.

(1011)Development district north. A district generally characterized by its underutilization. As a result, a great deal of flexibility can be exercised as to the character of future development. Future development could include office development, transportation-related activities, service, housing and business uses.

(1112)Redevelopment district south. This area contains a variety of industrial and manufacturing uses. Although no distinct development character is designated for this area, its future could be substantially influenced by development initiatives in the Garrison Channel and Ybor Channel areas.

(1213)Garrison Channel Entertainment district (see section 27-437 for boundary description). This district spans and connects the Channel District and the Central Business District (see also Article XIX, sections 27-450 and -451) via the trolley and Riverwalk. It is located in proximity to the southern waterfront of both Districts and supports the two (2) districts by containing large venues for public assemblies and tourist-related activities, such as an arena, aquarium, convention center, museum, hotels, cineplex (multi-screen movie theater), supporting commercial uses, and cruise ship terminals with associated shopping center and offices.

General boundary description: an area lying within The Central Business District (CBD) and The Channel District; the northern boundary of which immediately abuts the following districts: Riverfront District, Franklin Street District, East Office District, Redevelopment District South, and the Channel District, including all lands lying to the south and running to and including: an area being a portion of Section 24 Township 29 South, Range 18 East and Section 19 Township 29 South, Range 19 East, all lying within the City of Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida, lying within the following described boundaries:

Beginning at the intersection of the Northwesterly Harbor line of the Ybor Turning Basin and the Westerly Harbor Line of Ybor Channel, said intersection being the Southwest corner of that parcel of land as recorded in Official Record Book 10707, Page 607, public records of Hillsborough County, Florida; thence along the boundary of said parcel, the following two (2) courses: 1) North 01°46’02” East, 495.16 feet; 2) North 43°13’58” West, 353.55 feet; thence leaving boundary of said parcel along a line running Westerly to its intersection with the centerline of Channelside Drive; thence Southerly, Westerly and Southwesterly along said centerline of Channelside Drive to its intersection with the centerline of Franklin Street; thence Northerly along said centerline of Franklin Street to its intersection with the centerline of the South Crosstown Expressway (S.R. 618); thence Westerly along said centerline of the South Crosstown Expressway (S.R. 618) to its intersection with the Easterly Combined Pierhead and Bulkhead Line of the Hillsborough River , per the Tampa Port Authority Bulkhead Lines as established by Hillsborough County Port Authority on September 15, 1960, and filed for record in Plat Book 42, Page 37 of the public records of Hillsborough County, Florida; thence Southerly and Southeasterly along said Combined Pierhead and Bulkhead Line to its intersection with the Northerly Combined Pierhead and Bulkhead Line of Garrison Channel; thence Northeasterly along said Northerly Combined Pierhead and Bulkhead Line of Garrison Channel to its intersection with the Westerly Combined Pierhead and Bulkhead Line of the Ybor Turning Basin; thence Northeasterly along said Combined Pierhead and Bulkhead Line of the Ybor Turning Basin to its intersection with the Westerly Combined Pierhead and Bulkhead Line of Ybor Channel; thence Northerly along said Westerly Combined Pierhead and Bulkhead Line of Ybor Channel to its intersection with the, intersection of the Northwesterly Harbor line of the Ybor Turning Basin and the Westerly Harbor Line of Ybor Channel, said intersection being the Point of Beginning

Sec. 27-437.Central Business District and subdistricts established; procedures for rezoning.

(a)Central Business DistrictEestablished; boundaries (see Diagram 18-1). The Ccentral Bbusiness Ddistrict (CBD) is hereby established as a separate district with subdistricts therein. The boundaries of the CBD are as follows:

An area within downtown Tampa which is generally located south of Interstate 275, west of the CSX Railroad and Nebraska Avenue, north of Garrison Channel, and east of the Hillsborough River, and more particularly described as follows: An area bounded on the west by the Hillsborough River; on the north beginning at the Hillsborough River and extending east along the south boundary of Interstate 275 to Scott Street to the west boundary of Central Park Village Housing Project; thence easterly along the southern boundary of the Central Park Village Housing Project to the easterly boundary of Nebraska Avenue; thence southeasterly to the southwest corner of Twiggs Street and Meridian Avenue; thence southerly along the west boundary of Meridian Avenue to the north right-of-way boundary of Platt Street; thence westerly along the north boundary of Platt Street, a distance approximately two hundred fifty (250) feet to the west boundary of the CSX Railroad right-of-way; thence southerly along the CSX Railroad right-of-way to Garrison Channel; and bounded on the south by Garrison Channel to the Hillsborough River.

(b)Subdistricts established. The following CBD zoning subdistricts shall be the only zoning districts permitted within the CBD:

(1)CBD-1. This zoning subdistrict is appropriate for CBD projects and areas with low- to mid-rise structures.

(2)CBD-2. This zoning subdistrict is appropriate for CBD projects and areas with high-rise structures.

(c)Procedures for rezoning to CBD subdistricts.

(1)A property owner requesting a rezoning to CBD-1 shall be governed by the parcel rezoning procedures set forth in Article XVI of this chapter.

(2)A property owner requesting a rezoning to CBD-2 shall be governed by the parcel rezoning procedures set forth in Article XVI of this chapter, the site-plan review procedures set forth in section 27-323 and the provisions of sections 27-440 and 27-441, design approval and regulations.

**INSERT REVISED Diagram 18-1**

Expanded Garrison Channel Entertainment District graphic for reference:


Sec. 27-450.Purpose and intent.

The purpose and intent of the Channel District (“CD” or “District”) is to provide for a growing mixed-use area which lies between and complements the Central Business District and the Ybor City Historic District. The CD provides for protection of existing uses and a variety of residential, commercial, and industrial uses consistent with the Tampa Comprehensive Plan. The CD also seeks to guide development design according to the desired palette as identified in the “Channel District Community Redevelopment Area Strategic Action Plan.” While these regulations allow for the potential for mixed-use development in the Channel District, it is the intent of this article to provide existing industrial, maritime, and commercial uses (specifically related to Port Authority activities) with the opportunity to continue, expand, prosper, and grow.

Per the Strategic Action Plan, the District is evolving dramatically to also include increased tourism, higher density residential, and more intense mixed-use projects. This constant evolution of uses makes the Channel District a unique redevelopment opportunity in the eastern side of downtown peninsula, given its proximity and geographical connection to the Central Business District. The District is on a direct path to becoming a destination with an urban, mixed-use, transit-related neighborhood reflecting the smart-planning concept of locating residences near job centers. Creation of inviting urban spaces through innovative, superior design will add to the economic and social success of the neighborhood.

The District contains a portion of the Garrison Channel Entertainment District (see Article XVIII, sections 27-436 and -437), which spans and connects the Channel District and the Central Business District. The Garrison Channel Entertainment District is located in proximity to the southern waterfront of the Central Business District and the Channel District (boundary description set forth in Article XVIII) and supports the two (2) districts by containing large venues for public assemblies and tourist-related activities, such as an arena, aquarium, convention center, museum, hotels, cineplex (multi-screen movie theater), supporting commercial uses, and cruise ship terminals with associated shopping center and offices.

Geographic location and the historic dependence upon port related activity have influenced the District’s development pattern. Even today the District reflects the diverse activities emerging at the Port and its evolution as a tourist destination. The Channel District is facing dramatic change as its future development pattern emerges at the onset of the 21st Century as part of Tampa's emerging downtown neighborhoods.


Directed by City Council through motion

Sec. 27-77.Official schedule of district regulations.

(a)Schedule of area, height, bulk and placement regulations. Except as specifically provided in other sections of this chapter, regulations governing the minimum lot area and width, required front, side and rear yards, floor area ratio, height of structures, area of signs and related matters shall be as shown in the schedule of area, height, bulk and placement regulations.

The M-AP districts, YC subdistricts, PD and PD-A districts, TQD district, CBD subdistricts and CD subdistricts are not shown in the following Table 4-2, Schedule of Area, Height, Bulk and Placement Regulations. However, district regulations governing said districts and subdistricts are set forth in this chapter as follows:

M-AP--Section 27-78

YC--Article VIII

PD and PD-A--Article XIII

TQD--Article XIII

CBD--Article XVIII

CD--Article XIX



Minimum / Lot Size / Required Yards (ft)13
Dwelling / Rear / Maximum / Maximum
District / Area (sq ft) / Width (ft) / Unit (sf) / Front14 / Side15 / Interior Lot/Corner Lot / Corner8 / FAR / Height (ft)1
RS-150 / 15000 / 100 / 15000 / 30 / 15 / 20/12 / 15 / n/a / 35
RS-100 / 10000 / 100 / 10000 / 25 / 7 / 20/12 / 15 / n/a / 35
RS-75 / 7500 / 75 / 7500 / 25 / 7 / 20/12 / 15 / n/a / 35
RS-60 / 6000 / 60 / 6000 / 25 / 7 / 20/20 / 7 / n/a / 35
RS-50 / 5000 / 50 / 5000 / 20 / 7 / 20/20 / 7 / n/a / 35
RM-12 / 5000 / 50 / 3630 / 25 / 7 / 15/15 / 7 / n/a / 35
RM-16 / 5000 / 50 / 2723 / 25 / 7 / 15/15 / 7 / n/a / 35
RM-18 / 5000 / 50 / 2420 / 25 / 7 / 15/15 / 7 / n/a / 35
RM-24 / 5000 / 50 / 1815 / 25 / 7 / 20 / 7 / n/a / 602
RM-35 / 5000 / 50 / 1243 / 25 / 7 / 20 / 7 / n/a / 1203
RM-50 / 5000 / 50 / 871 / 25 / 7 / 20 / 7 / n/a / 2003
RM-75 / 5000 / 50 / 580 / 25 / 7 / 20 / 7 / n/a / n/a5
RO / 5000 / 50 / 5000 / 25 / 7 / 20 / 15 / 0.35 / 35
RO-1 / 5000 / 50 / 5000 / 25 / 7 / 20 / 15 / 0.5 / 35
OP / 10000 / 60 / 1815 / 25 / 10 / 20 / 25 / 1.0-1.57 / 602
OP-1 / 10000 / 60 / 871 / 20 / 10 / 20 / 20 / 3.0-3.57 / 2003
CN / 5000 / 60 / 2500 / 20 / 10 / 10 / 20 / 0.35 / 35
CG / 10000 / 75 / n/a / 10 / 1012 / 10 / 10 / 1.0-1.57 / 456
CI / 10000 / 100 / n/a / 10 / 0 / 0 / 10 / 1.0-1.57 / 456
IG / 5000 / 50 / n/a / 10 / 0 / 0 / 10 / 0.75 / 60
IH / 5000 / 50 / n/a / 10 / 0 / 0 / 10 / 0.75 / n/a4
U-C / 1 acre9 / 10010 / n/a / 50 / 25 / 50 / n/a / 0.25 / 10011
1. Except where lesser height is specified by Hillsborough County Aviation Authority regulations.
2. For each foot of building height above 30 feet, the required yards shall be increased by 1 foot.
3. For each 2 feet of building height over 30', the required front and corner yards shall be increased by 1 foot, except that if the zoning lot is immediately adjacent to a residential zoning district, the rear and side yards shall also meet the setback noted above.
4. For each 3 feet of building height above 50 feet, the required yards shall be increased by 1 foot.
5. For each 4 feet of building height above 30 feet, the required yards shall be increased by 1 foot.
6. Places of assembly in the CG and CI districts may exceed the maximum permitted height provided that for every 1 foot of height above 45 feet, all required yards shall be increased by 1 foot.
7. The higher applies when 50 percent of required off-street parking is provided within principal structure.
8. The structural edge of the vehicular entrance to the garage, carport or any vehicular storage area must be setback a minimum of 18 feet from the property line located adjacent to a street for a 1-vehicle storage area and 10 feet for a 2-or more vehicle storage areaand 10’ for alleys, provided that the visibility standards of Section 27-240 are met.Alternative setbacks may be considered by the zoning administrator, or designee, for those structures that access alleys.
9. Public Utility structures in the U-C district are exempt from minimum lot standards.
10. In the U-C district only, the lot width shall be measured along the front property line.
11. For each 1 foot of building height above 35 feet, the required yard shall be increase by 1 foot.
12. The required side yard in the CG district can be reduced to 0 feet when the side yard is adjacent to a non-residential zoning district.
13. Section 27-130, buffers and screening, may require additional setback for required buffer area.
14. The zoning administrator may approve a reduction or waiver of the required front or corner yard setback when the historical pattern of development on the subject block face is less than the current requirement. For properties in a National or Local Historic District or historic conservation overlay district, the zoning administrator shall consult with the appropriate historic district administrator to determine the appropriate yard setback for a parcel. Consideration shall be given to the existing setbacks on the blocks immediately adjacent to the subject property. At no time may the reduction or waiver exceed the average front setback of the two adjacent properties. It will be the responsibility of the party requesting the waiver to provide a survey that identifies the existing setbacks on the adjacent properties. For the replacement of structures on properties located in a National or Local Historic District or historic conservation overlay district, the Zoning Administrator, after consultation with the appropriate historic district administrator, may approve a reduction or waiver of the required yard setbacks for a principal or accessory structure when such structures are being placed on the subject lot in conformity with the historical and precedent patterns of building setbacks for other similarly situated properties, and only when such replacement structures are being placed on the same building footprint and retain the same residential density or commercial intensity as the original structures.
15. RS-50 and RS-60 side yard setbacks may be altered without a variance for the sole purpose of off-setting the parking area when no garage or carport is provided within the front face of the structure, subject to the following requirements: (i) both side yards combined shall equal 14’; and (ii) no one side shall be reduced to less than 5’. Additionally, any yard reduced to less than 6’ by this provision shall not be permitted to apply for an administrative variance.