Ideas for Autobiography Topics
These are not required topics, but are meant to help you think of an autobiographical incident to write about:

  • Have you ever spoken up when you saw something going on that was wrong? What ended up happening?
  • Write about something in your life that was “worth it”
  • Name one thing you have lied to yourself about. Why did you do that? Why did you stop?
  • “I wish I had paid more attention when…”
  • A time when you got lost
  • Write about your relationship with your phone
  • Have you ever lost a pet?
  • Write about a purchase you really looked forward to making
  • What did you do with your first paycheck?
  • Write about something you heard or saw that inspired you
  • What stresses you out?
  • Describe one odd item in your purse/wallet right now. How did it get there?
  • What is a memory you would like to erase?
  • Write about a time you were really selfish
  • Write about a time you made a discovery (doesn’t matter how big or small)
  • What is one line you will NOT cross?
  • Write about a time you said “No.”
  • Write about the last time you lost track of time
  • In one minute, thank someone who helped you. Then tell that story.
  • Write a “First day of ___” memory.
  • Write about a recent decision that you made
  • If you could go back 10 years and give yourself some advice, what would it be? Tell the story you’d like to avoid.
  • Write about a time you broke something
  • When have you had to let go?
  • What made you angry this week?
  • Write about a time you tried something new
  • What was the best compliment you ever received? Tell that story.
  • Write about a moment you felt proud of yourself
  • What is the worst emotion a human being can feel? Tell the story of when you felt it.
  • What is the biggest cultural difference between your generation and your parents? Write about when you realized that difference
  • Do you have a tattoo or a piercing? Write about the time you got it
  • When did you feel like someone really “got” you?
  • Have you ever had something stolen from you?
  • Describe the story behind your favorite photo/selfie

Ideas for Autobiography Topics
These are not required topics, but are meant to help you think of an autobiographical incident to write about:

  • Have you ever spoken up when you saw something going on that was wrong? What ended up happening?
  • Write about something in your life that was “worth it”
  • Name one thing you have lied to yourself about. Why did you do that? Why did you stop?
  • “I wish I had paid more attention when…”
  • A time when you got lost
  • Write about your relationship with your phone
  • Have you ever lost a pet?
  • Write about a purchase you really looked forward to making
  • What did you do with your first paycheck?
  • Write about something you heard or saw that inspired you
  • What stresses you out?
  • Describe one odd item in your purse/wallet right now. How did it get there?
  • What is a memory you would like to erase?
  • Write about a time you were really selfish
  • Write about a time you made a discovery (doesn’t matter how big or small)
  • What is one line you will NOT cross?
  • Write about a time you said “No.”
  • Write about the last time you lost track of time
  • In one minute, thank someone who helped you. Then tell that story.
  • Write a “First day of ___” memory.
  • Write about a recent decision that you made
  • If you could go back 10 years and give yourself some advice, what would it be? Tell the story you’d like to avoid.
  • Write about a time you broke something
  • When have you had to let go?
  • What made you angry this week?
  • Write about a time you tried something new
  • What was the best compliment you ever received? Tell that story.
  • Write about a moment you felt proud of yourself
  • What is the worst emotion a human being can feel? Tell the story of when you felt it.
  • What is the biggest cultural difference between your generation and your parents? Write about when you realized that difference
  • Do you have a tattoo or a piercing? Write about the time you got it
  • When did you feel like someone really “got” you?
  • Have you ever had something stolen from you?
  • Describe the story behind your favorite photo/selfie