Rotary Club of Lions Gate
North Vancouver
Strategy Workshop 2010- 11
September 23, 2010
North Vancouver, BC
Record of Charts Created
Prepared by Don Evans
Sep. 23, 2010
Roadmap for the Session
- Introduction – RI Strategic Plan
- Progress results on last plan
- Set 2010 – 11 Objectives
- Next Steps - Implementation
John BillhamElizabeth Chong
Craig ClarkJim Godey
Sue Godey Sylvia Hamilton
Yazdi KhapoliwalaTerry Lehouillier
Maureen Park Shirley Robertson
Jim Thompson
Don Evans
Strengths / Weaknesses / Opportunities / Threats Activity (SWOT, 2008)
(Full list – Addendum 1)
Strengths (Priority ranked)
- Experienced and enthusiastic members
- Good projects within community
- Our focus on Youth at Risk
- Core women members
Weaknesses (Priority Ranked)
- Not all members are enthusiastic
- Not multi-cultural
- Need younger members/aging members
- Members not trained enough in Rotary
- Mentorship & member follow up
Opportunities (Priority Ranked)
- To diversify our membership to reflect make up of our community.
- To collaborate and work on projects with other North Shore Rotary Clubs.
- To leverage North Shore Safe House and other projects.
Threats (Priority Ranked)
- Potential membership decline
- Succession plans for project Leadership and Executive
- Lack of Rotary process knowledge
- Many 6 month members
Lions Gate Rotary Club
(Prioritized – full list Addendum 2)
- We are a vibrant & growing club (75 members) and our average age is 50ish.
- We are key partner in major community project.
- That Rotary is a strong Brand in our community.
- We become the Go-ToNorthShore club.
- We have a strong succession process.
- We have diversified and multi cultural members.
- We collaborate on major project with other NorthShore clubs.
- We are a club ahead of it’s time – leading edge.
- That we have a North Shore Rotary Youth Centre
- That we continue with Family atmosphere/feeling.
- Strong Interact clubs.(3)
Membership Strategy and Objectives
By end 2011, the Rotary Club of Lions Gate has grown to 35 members in size, which reflects the diversity of our community.
M – 1 Retain current members and provide a climate of motivation. Sue & Membership committee
M 1.1 Strengthen the mentorship program in its operation with members…..further develop the formal process, include committee / activity assignments, being a guest at a board meeting as part of the process. Review possibility of using a checklist. (Don to send)
M 1.2Discuss and determine key motivators for each new member and offer flexibility in establishing the climate for participation with each member. Include this discovery tactic on the planned checklist.
Craig2010 - 2011
M – 2Recruit new members to end 2011 – Goal net increase 10.
Craig - Membership Committee
M 2.1 Focus on the responsibility of each member Rotarian to introduce a new member in 2010 - 2011.
Craig / BoardOngoing
M 2.2 Recruit members proactively at community
events and offer invitations to attend a Rotary lunch as
prospective members.
Membership / PR Committees2010 – 2011
M 2.3Develop a strategy on how the club will
attract new younger members to the club.
Membership CommitteeRecommendation End 2010
By 2011, Rotary Club of Lions Gate collaborates with the other NorthShore Clubs on a major sustainable community project that generates a clear ‘Rotary’ Branding.
P – 1 Work with the other clubs on the North Shore to develop a
visible project in the community that generates a clear Rotary
presence on the North Shore.
Jim Godey / Other PresidentsIn progress
P– 2 Design and implement the Rivers Inlet literacy project.
Elizabeth / Committee2011
P – 3 Continue development of an International project with
the Burnaby Rotary Club.
Ted Butterfield/Elizabeth 2010 - 2011
P– 4 Foundation objective for 2010 - 2011 - $200 per member
(includes $2000.00 for Polio Plus from club).
Ted Butterfield/Jim Thompson2010-2011
Public Relations Strategy and Objectives
By 2011, the Rotary’s Brand awareness has increased due to projects completed and efforts by the PR committees.
PR – 1Work with District PR Chairs on implementing bus ads in Metro Vancouver.
Sue Godey2010
PR – 2Build the PR Committee to three members.
SueSep. 24, 2010
PR – 3Leverage good publicity from the two major service projects currently in process.
PR Committee 2010 –2011
PR – 4 Make Rotary visible at every club event/project.
Event ChairsOngoing
PR – 5Participate in the North Vancouver Chamber of Commerce events with visible recognition (partner with Rotary North Van).
Sue / Yazdi / CraigOngoing
By 2011, the Rotary Club of Lions Gate has developed and implemented succession plans for its leadership.
A – 1Develop a committee chair / key position succession for
at least 2 years that develops leaders and provides back up.
Jim / Yazdi / Chairs2010 – 2011
A – 2Develop a leader development strategy for the club.
SueJan 2011
Implementation / Next Steps:
- Communicate the updated plan – Jim, Oct. 15
- Start each Board Meeting with review of Vision. – Jim each month
- Quarterly progress reviews – Board
- Annual review – October 2011 with Don
Addendum 1:
Strengths (Brainstormed list, unranked)
- Enthusiastic & experienced members
- Welcoming & Friendly - Fun
- We all get along
- Good Community profile
- Good projects in the community
- We work well with all levels of government
- Financially strong
- Well organized
- Benefit from members business experience
- We are committed to what we do
- Our focus on youth at risk
- We easily meet RI requirements
- We have an efficiently run club
- Core of women members
- Rotarians supported by partners
- Good meeting location
- Good meeting time
- We have good socials
- Associate directors – help with succession planning
Weaknesses (Brainstormed list, unranked)
- Not all our members are enthusiastic
- Not sufficient multi cultural involvement
- We need younger people/aging members
- Club is not big enough – need more members
- Ask too much time of members
- Meetings don’t attract young people
- Members not trained enough in Rotary
- We don’t project our club to community enough
- Members don’t always engage guests
- Our mentorship and new member follow up
- Our members don’t take ownership or responsibility
Opportunities (Brainstormed list, unranked)
- To diversity our membership to reflect makeup of our community
- To engage businesses in Rotary
- To increase exposure of our projects
- To leverage North Shore Safe House and other projects
- To find higher profile speakers
- To get more grant funds
- To collaborate with other North Shore Rotary Clubs
- To do collaborative projects with other clubs
- To work with Rotary alumni on projects
- To attract Rotary alumni as members
- To leverage parents of interactors
Threats (Brainstormed list, unranked)
- Potential membership decline
- Number of other service clubs (competition)
- Dual income families limits younger people from joining
- Cost of being a Rotarian
- Succession plans for project leadership & executive
- Loss of our venue for meetings
- Not having compelling programs
- Lack of Rotary process knowledge
- Loss of Rotary grants
- Service Club participation declining in North America
- Many 6 month members
Addendum 2:
Vision Elements at 2018(1st Brainstormed list, unranked)
- 75 members – average age 50ish
- Vibrant growing club
- The Go-To club on the NorthShore
- Well known Projects
- We do International Projects
- The N.S. clubs working together on major project.
- Waiting List to join.
- Diversified and multi cultural members
- Ahead of it’s time.
- New meeting place
- Our kids are members
- Speakers want to speak to us.
- Strong succession process in place
- Multi Media technology
- Engaged long term members
- The place community leaders want to be
- Strong Brand in Community
- Family Feeling
- Forward thinking, leading edge
- International projects - $3Mil. Range
- Our Goals area achieved
- Great PR Committee
- Part of Major Community Project as a key partner
- Rotary Centre for NorthShore Youth
- Active Rotaract and Interact