Tweedbank Community Council
Minutes of the meeting held at 7.30pm in Tweedbank community Centre on 8th June 2011
Present :
Councillors : Bramhall; Buchan; Cavaroli; Chang; Clayton; Lowther; Paul; Simons; Thomson; Torrance; Waterson; Wood;
Regional Councillors : David Parker; Nicholas Watson
Apologies : Ian Simons,
Press Representative: Ally McGilvray.
The first part of the monthly meeting dealt with the AGM – it was noted that in 2010 the AGM was not held until July 2010 due to local elections taking place.
The chairman presented his yearly report of the Councils activities. Mike Clayton ( Treasurer ) presently the yearly accounts showing at the end of the financial year at 30th March 2011 a balance in the ordinary account of £4529.20p and in the Projects Account £1133.71p. Andrew Bramhall proposed adoption of the accounts seconded by John Cavaroli.
The chairman Jon Cavaroli stepped down from the chair to allow Regional Councillor Parker to conduct the elections.
John Cavaroli was proposed as chairman – proposed by Maureen Buchan and seconded by Richard Chang.
Dougie Waterson proposed as Vice Chairman – proposed by John Cavaroli and seconded by Jim Torrance.
Andrew Bramhall proposed as Secretary – proposed by Vivien Lowther and seconded by Dougie Waterson.
Mike Clayton proposed as Treasurer – proposed by Jim Torrance seconded by Kenny Wood.
All other members agreed to further service.
David Parker then handed the meeting back to John Cavaroli to conduct the monthly meeting of the Council.
Police Report : Noted that no reports had been received for the months of May and June 2011.
The Councils attention was drawn to an anonymous letter to the “ Border Telegraph ” regarding antisocial behaviour amongst youths. The resident reported living on Tweedbank for 31 years. The Council was disappointed that the matter went to the press with no reference to the Community Council who maintain close links with the police and normally receive monthly reports on incidents within Tweedbank. Council members are regularly reminded to report all matters of concern to the police no matter how small. If the concerned residents do not wish to leave their name the report can be passed anonymously via Crime Stoppers. The incidents referred to in the newspaper letter would be passed on to the police.
Treasurers Report
This was as stated at the AGM with some committed out-goings expected soon which will reduce high balance in ordinary account. Annual honorarium to branch officers agreed at same rate as 2010.
Treasurer given permission to spent some of the money on flowers for the Gateway Planters.
Election of Richard Chang
It was noted that the formalities with his appointment had now been completed and necessary Constitution and Code of Practice passed to Mr. Chang.
Agenda Items 2 and 3
Chairman reported that these are still on-going.
Community Matters :
1. Notice board near new playpark still requiring attention.
2. Carlin Court Grass Cutting - grass not cut and height of vegetation hampering sight lines from the Honeylees Junction. Council noted that the responsibility for cutting lies with Link Housing and secretary asked to contact them to arrange for grass to be cut. David Parker would supply the secretary with the contact details.
3. Cotgreen Road Rubbish Bins – David Parker reported that the situation was subject to on-going monitoring.
4. School Car Park – David Parker reported that remedial work was being carried out but not complete.
5. Metal Utility Cover – reported that the offending cover has been marked for attention but no remedial work at present. Council would continue to monitor the situation.
6. First Bus time Tables ASDA – Councillor Buchan made an observation at a previous meeting about the apparent wrong listing of Tweedbank services in the Bus Shelter, Region had been re- contacted but no reply received.
7. Memorial for the late Mrs. Honeyman – suggestions revolving around a tree and plaque – Nicholas Watson to investigate and report back..
8. Gunknowe Loch – observations to date seem to indicate in is in a better condition. Reported that SBC still treating water for algae control.
9. Inconsiderate Parking Essenside – matter still continuing. Discussion centred around measures that may reduce the problem both for residents and users of the Community Centre. Reported that the police have no powers in this matter but would offer advice to concerned residents. Additional Car Parking space not possible but white lines may be consider to try and make car drivers park on the straight part of Essenside.
10. Tree Work – reported that work had commenced.
11. Village Snow Plough – David Parker reported that some details required for the proposal had still to be obtained.
12. Grass Cutting Community Centre – reported that this is now being addressed.
13. TCC Strimmer etc. – reported that the Community council Strimmer could not be located but a further search is being made.
14. Transport Scotland and Road Safety on Tweedbank Drive – nothing received to date from Transport Scotland.
15. Dog Fouling – reported as still being a problem in the village – reported that dog wardens are active amd people have been spoken to but no one charged as yet.
16. Black Path Litter – appears to be an on –going problem and David Parker would remind SBC Local to look at the condition of the Black Path.
17. Car Parking on Grass Verges – council members were concerned about the parking of For Sale vehicles and others on the grass verges at the Industrial Estate and on Tweedbank Drive.
18. Eildon Mill – council members concerned that when SBC is using the mill the parking of vehicles on Tweedbank Drive by those attending meetings is affecting traffic flow, particularly buses. David Parker would report on this issue.
19. Tweedbank Drive pavements – report received that the bushes are badly over-handing the pavement reducing its width. David Parker would look into having them cut back.
20. School Hedge – discussion took place on the hedge restricting sight lines for traffic using the school car park. As it is a potential safety issue David P@arker going to bring in a member of SBC staff to look at situation and advise. (It may mean hedge removal.)
21. Tweedbank Fair – reported as successful and good effort made to clear up rubbish in park.
22. Underpass – lighting being attended to but members wondered if the underpass could be given freshened up. Border college Students suggested as a practical project for them.
23. Planters at School – a sum of money has been set aside for this project but it is still requires some input from the school – Council will follow up the matter after the school break.
24. Walking Group – reported that the first outings have been successful.
25. Border Telegraph Coverage of Fair – members well pleased with the space given over to reporting on the fair this year and Ally McGilvary asked to convey thanks to the Editor and staff involved.
26. Swan Death – in recent days a swan was found dead on the loch but was probably from natural causes.
27. Industrial Estate Ad Hoc camping – the matter is currently being investigated – co-operation between police, SBC and King Sturge.
The Date of the Next meeting was fixed for the 10th August at 7.30pm – in the Community Centre.