Mr. M P Capel BSc Hons Timberscombe
Tel/ Fax:01643 84125 Somerset
Email : TA24 7TY
Founded by Richard Elsworth 1714
Dear Parents,
We welcome you as future parents of children of Timberscombe Church of England School. We are very proud of our school and its long history, dating as it does from the eighteenth century.
The staff and Governors of the school aim to provide the children with an education that is broadly based and tailored to meet the needs of the individual. We provide a caring, happy and positive atmosphere in which a child may fulfil his/her potential and grow in self-confidence and respect for the people and environment around them.
We realise that taking your child to school for the first time is a very big step for the family. It is important that you feel involved in the life of the school because children prosper and thrive when their parents and teachers work in partnership. Therefore, we look forward to a close and happy association with you and hope that your child's stay at our school will be an enjoyable and stimulating one.
With best wishes,
Marcus Capel
Timberscombe, Minehead, Somerset. TA24 7TY (Tel 01643 841259)
HEADTEACHER Mr M P Capel, BSc (Hons)
ChairmanMr Sean Walsh (Foundation)
V ChairmanMr Andrew Bray (Elected Parent)
ClerkMiss Joe Scott
Mr P Clements(Foundation – Ellsworth Trust) Mrs Nicola Campbell (Foundation)
Mrs Wendy Schofield (Foundation - Ellsworth Trust)Sheila Stevenson(Foundation)
Mrs L Lyle(Ex-Officio)Mrs C Rayner (Staff Governor)
Rev Lee Brant (Foundation Ex-officio)Mr Mark Warwick(L.E.A.)
Mrs Jill Langdon(Foundation Ex-officio)) Mrs Angela Edwards (Staff Governor)
Mr Bryan White(Ex-officio) Mr Julian Abrahams (Elected Parent )
Sheralee Matravers(Foundation) Mrs R Griffin (Foundation Parent)
Mrs J Capel (Associate Governor)
Mr M Capel, BSc Hons Miss J Scott School Administrator
Mrs C Rayner BA Hons Mrs V Scott Learning Support Assistant
Mrs S Ridler, BEd. Hons Mrs J Bailley Learning Support Assistant
Mrs R Davies BEd Hons Mrs A Gummer Caretaker
Mrs C ProleLunchtime Supervisor
Ethos Statement of the Beacon Federation:
The Federation aims to serve its communities by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice.
It will offer an enhanced learning environment through increased interaction of children, staff and parents.
The sharing of resources and staff expertise will give a greater capacity for curriculum development and will promote and sustain high standards of teaching and learning.
Timberscombe Church of England School was founded in the 18th century by Richard Ellsworth. There is still a substantial sum of money from his endowment, which continues to benefit our school and children. It is a co-educational school for pupils between 4 and 9 years of age. It is a VoluntaryAidedSchool, which means that the Church is represented on the Board of Governors and that the teaching staff are in sympathy with the Christian faith as expressed by the Church of England.
At present the school caters for 24 children in two classrooms, both well equipped with books and educational resources including 11 computers. It has its own kitchen, a well-resourced T.V./Library area, a kiln room, excellent recreational facilities with an adventure playground, playing field and a swimming pool. The Village Hall is available for P.E. and Drama.
We are linked to Cutcombe Church of England First School - as the Beacon Federation - to enable us to maximise opportunities to work together for the benefit of the children and staff. In addition we are members of a larger group of seventeen local schools, which forms the West Somerset Learning Community. All member schools work co-operatively across phases to achieve high standards in children’s attainment and social development.
Situated as we are in the ExmoorNational Park, we make full use of our rich and beautiful surroundings. We feel confident that the school is not only able to provide a pleasant working environment, but a first class education for your child.
There are many advantages in a small school. A safe, caring, happy, family atmosphere prevails here and the older children are encouraged to look after the younger ones. In our most recent excellent Ofsted Inspection, Inspectors found that Timberscombe Church of England First School is a good school, highly regarded by its parents. We were recommended for creating a school where all pupils are valued and fully participate in the wide range of activities provided. The findings of the Denominational Inspection , carried out at the same time as the Ofsted Inspection, echoed the many positive comments made by Ofsted, “Timberscombe Church of England First School is a good church school which children are privileged to attend…”
The school has been commended for its provision for children with additional educational needs; classes are small and thus a great deal of individual attention can be given to each child in our care. Problems and difficulties, behavioural or academic, are noticed immediately and steps are taken to support the child in resolving them. Should the need arise we contact the parents to discuss the problem before it becomes magnified, thus minimising the distress to the child. Teachers have high expectations of all pupils. The positive attitudes and behaviour of all the children contribute significantly to their learning and progress. Staff and Governors are committed to the continued improvement of the already existing high standards in the school, whilst maintaining a broad and balanced curriculum.
Building on our Christian foundation and in partnership with parents, we aim to create a caring
community in which children can feel happy and secure and where children's intellectual and
physical potential can develop to the full, thus equipping them for life in the modern world.
We aim to develop
-a child’s full potential in all aspects of the school curriculum;
-a positive attitude to learning;
-an ability to think and reason;
-the power of concentration and listening with understanding;
-spiritual awareness and an awe of creation;
-confidence and self respect;
-a sense of responsibility and self discipline;
-independence and individuality;
-an understanding of other races, religions and ways of life;
-cooperation and a sense of community;
-awareness of the environment;
- the necessary skills and aptitudes to face the technological challenges of a changing world and society;
We aim to teach children
-to read fluently with enjoyment and understanding;
-to communicate clearly and confidently in speech and writing;
- different ways of recording and interpreting creative experience through aesthetic and practical subjects such as music, art, technology and physical education;
-to learn how to acquire information from various sources;
-to understand the application of mathematical ideas through problem solving and investigational work;
-to apply computation skills with understanding;
-to understand aspects of science and technology in the natural world;
-to be aware of geographical, historical and social aspects of the local environment.
Children are admitted to School in the September preceding their fifth birthday. The Reception children attend part-time for a number of weeks and are progressively introduced to full time education.
The Headteacher is always pleased to show prospective parents around so please telephone to make an appointment if you should wish to visit.
We have close links with the Playgroup and all new entrants are brought from Playgroup during the latter half of the Summer term to enjoy a story session in school on a Monday. In addition they are invited to spend 2 half days in school in the term before they start. There is a parents' evening in June to meet the teachers and to talk about your child starting school.
It is a great help, particularly to the children's confidence, if, by the time they start school, they are able to:
Go to the toilet without assistance.
Dress and undress themselves.
Understand and obey simple verbal instructions.
Listen to a story
On the first day of school your child will need:
P.E. Kit
Book Bag
All children bring a packed lunch and a drink in a suitable lunchbox. During the lunch hour, the children are supervised by a Lunchtime Supervisor. A member of the teaching staff is always on duty.
Details about free school meals can be obtained from the school secretary. These are only available to children of parents receiving Income Support, Income Based Job Seekers Allowance or Child Tax Credit, providing you don’t also receive Working Tax Credit.
Through a government-sponsored scheme, children in Reception and Year 1 and 2 are provided with a selection of fruit each day at break time. Fruit is now also available for childrenin Year 3 and 4 as we supplement it with our own funds.
Children from outlying areas can come to school on the school bus. Children under eight years of age who live more than two miles from the school travel free. All children living more than three miles from the school travel free provided they are in the school's designated catchment area.
If a child normally receiving transport is not to go home on the vehicle on a certain evening will parents please send in a written message or inform the school by telephone.
We are often asked by parents whether their child can go home with friends on school transport. Please remember this must first be approved by the LEA so we would ask you to let us know first thing in the morning if you wish to make use of this facility.
BUS RULES - (Please help us by discussing these with your child)
1.Children must wear seat belts and remain seated at all times. Standing, walking around a moving bus, playing with windows and unruly behaviour are all hazardous and distract the driver from the task of driving the bus safely.
2.Any misbehaviour on the bus will be dealt with as a breach of school rules. Bus drivers are responsible for pupils' safety on the buses and any child seriously prejudicing that safety will, in the first instance, be given a warning and could be excluded from travel for a period of a few days to several weeks.
Infants 8.55am - 10.35amJuniors 8.55am - 10.35am
10.50am - 11.50am10.50am - 11.55am
12.50pm - 2.30pm12.50pm - 3.05pm
2.40pm - 3.05pm
Children may arrive at school from 8.45am onwards. Parents are very welcome to spend time with their children in the Infant class prior to registration. It is an opportunity for changing books in the reading corner and we do like parents to be closely involved in this process. The Junior children are expected to come quietly into their classroom and settle down quickly with their reading books and spellings to learn.
We recognise that good attendance is a contributory factor to high achievement and we follow County and National guidelines to try to promote a high attendance rate.
It is also important that children are not late for school. Late arrival in the classroom can be upsetting for your child, and can affect the smooth running of the school. The register is marked at the beginning of each morning and afternoon. School officially starts at 8.55am. The register closes at 9.20am. Children are marked as late before that time and a record of reasons for their late arrival is kept in the register. If a child is late after registration closes it is deemed to be an ‘unauthorised’ absence.
Absence will be authorised for sickness, medical appointments or family bereavement. It will not be possible to authorise absence for single or half days such as family celebrations, long weekends, hunting, shopping trips, outings etc. If you wish your child to leave school during the day for an appointment please ensure that we are informed beforehand. If your child is ill, please notify us by writing or telephoning the school office on the first day of their absence. If we receive no telephone call or note, the absence is deemed to be 'unauthorised' and the school is required to keep a record of all unauthorised absences.
There is no entitlement to leave for holiday but headteachers may grant leave for holidays in exceptional circumstances or if that leave will not compromise the pupil’s education. If you wish to request leave to take a holiday during term time, you must fill in a holiday form, available from the school office. It is important that parents carefully consider the implications of taking their child out of school during term time. Headteachers may authorise leave of up to ten days in one academic year, only if:
- It will not result in the child’s cumulative attendance falling below 92%;
- It is not during or leading up to SAT testing periods; (National tests for Year 2 and Year 4 children take place each year in the summer term during May and June and we would therefore ask parents of those children not to take holidays at that time.)
- It is not within the first two weeks of a school term or at other key times;
If a child’s attendance becomes a cause for concern then the Headteacher will contact parents to discuss the matter.
We do have a uniform at Timberscombe and parents are asked by the Governors to send their child to school in uniform as this will help the children to develop their sense of identity with the school.
For girls it comprises a grey skirt/pinafore dress or grey/black trousers or leggings plus a white shirt and green school sweatshirt or cardigan.
In summer many of the girls wear check dresses; green and white check being the school colours.
For boys it comprises grey/black trousers, or shorts in summer, white shirt and green school sweatshirt.
Green sweatshirts, cardigans, fleeces and waterproof fleeces with the school logo are available from school.
Optional baseball/legionnaire caps in school colours with the school logo may also be purchased.
P.E. Kit
1 pair daps
1 green T-shirt with school logo
1 pair navy blue shorts
It is essential that children have a full range of clothing for P.E. and their P.E. kit is stored in an appropriate PE bag.
T-shirts and shorts are available from school.
All clothing must be marked with your child's name.
No jewellery is to be worn in school and watches are worn at their owners' risk.
If a child has their ears pierced please ensure that for reasons of safety they wear only studs in school.
Children should not wear nail varnish to school.
If your child is unwell at school, we will make every effort to contact you. It is very important that we have up-to-date home/work telephone numbers or other contact numbers. Until we have contacted you, we will take any action necessary in the interests of the child.
Minor accidents are common in school and are dealt with by a member of staff in school. Accidents are entered in the 'Accident Book' which is kept in the First Aid box.
If the accident is of a more serious nature every effort is made to contact the parents by telephone. The situation may require that the child be taken home or for treatment at the Casualty Department at MineheadHospital. In the event that treatment is required and if it proves impossible to reach the parents concerned, the school exercises its legal rights as it is 'in loco parentis' and may consent to medical treatment in an emergency.
The school undertakes always to send a member of staff to accompany the child home or to hospital and for that member of staff to remain with the child until a parent arrives.
In accordance with national guidelines for the administration of medicines in school we are not prepared to administer non-prescription medicines to children during the school day. However, it is often necessary, when children are undertaking a long course of treatment, for prescription medicines to be brought to school and to be dispensed during the day. All medicines are kept in the kitchen and well out of reach of children and dispensed by a member of staff. A letter from parents must accompany medicines which come into school. In the event that a letter is not forthcoming the school does not accept the responsibility to dispense the medicines.
In the event of children needing their inhalers in school, it must be accompanied by clear instructions from a parent or doctor to their use and dosage. All inhalers are kept in the staffroom.
The prime responsibility for bringing up children rests with parents. We therefore recognise that parents are key figures in helping their children to cope with the emotional and physical aspects of growing up. At this age there is no direct sex education teaching in school. It is given only where it is included in the Programmes of Study for Science. For the most part it will be taught at Key Stage 2/3 in the Middle School Years. However, it is our policy to answer questions as they arise, sensitively and directly.
As in other schools, all the children of statutory school age at Timberscombe follow the National Curriculum. This means that they follow nationally agreed programmes of study in Maths, English, Science, Art, Music, P.E., History, Geography, Information Technology and Design and Technology.
In addition to these subjects, the school
curriculum also includes RE and cross-curricular issues such as Multi-cultural Education, Personal, Social and Health Education and Citizenship.
Reception aged children are taught within the Key Stage 1 class. Their activities are planned in accordance with the Foundation Curriculum.
Children progress through the levels of the National Curriculum at their own rate.
Their progress is carefully checked by teachers and at the age of seven their progress is monitored by nationally organised assessments known as SATs. A meeting is held annually with the end of Key Stage Parents to explain the National Curriculum and the way the SATs will be administered.