December 1, 2006
NSPE Board of Directors
2007 Winter Meeting
Sawgrass, FL
Wayne D. Moore, P.E., FSFPE, CFPS, SET
NICET Observer
The Approved Budget for FY 2006-07 projects income of $3,673,500 – direct expenses of $1,344,800 – allocated expenses of $337,400 – staff salaries of $1,810,000 – and a ROI transfer to NSPE of $178,700 – for a Year-End Balance of $2,600. The NICET Reserve Fund was $203,370 as of October 31, 2006; and can be increased by $50,000 or more, depending upon disposition of the final Audited NICET Fund Balance for FY 2005-06.
Two additional staff positions have been approved for FY 2006-07, bringing the total number of approved NICET staff positions to 27.
To accommodate the additional NICET staff, additional office space is requested within the NSPE building and adjacent to existing NICET office space.
Testing volume for FY 2006-07 was projected to be about 13,000 tests, with nearly 1,000 of those being administered via Computer Based Testing (CBT). Second Quarter numbers indicate that testing volume is meeting budget expectations, and is exceeding FY 2005-06 volume by 27%.
Certification program development will continue and/or be completed in the areas of Construction Materials Testing, Fire Alarm Systems, Highway Maintenance and Renovation, Roadway Design, Stormwater and Wastewater System Inspection, Transportation Systems Construction, and Video Security Systems; and will begin in the area of Automatic Sprinkler System Layout. Industry Partnerships are expected to help this effort with contributions of $100,000 or more annually.
The Marketing Plan for FY 2006-07 will concentrate on increased communications with all stakeholders through electronic and print medium, participation in more Industry events to showcase NICET certification, gaining additional media coverage in all “engineering industry” publications through low-cost articles, editorials, press releases, etc., and continued efforts to update/improve the NICET website to be even more customer interactive.
NICET Report – continued Page 2
A joint Task Group with the NSPE Licensure & Qualifications to Practice Committee has been formed to draft a joint NSPE/NICET Position Statement on the roles and responsibilities of engineering technicians and engineers regarding “design” and “layout” of engineering systems (i.e., Fire Protection Systems). Discussions among the Task Group members has already begun, and it is hoped that a final draft will be ready for presentation to the NSPE Board of Directors by July 2007.
It is expected that a partnering agreement between NICET and ABET will be established; such that ABET becomes a signatory to the Dublin and Sydney Accords to facilitate international recognition of engineering technician and engineering technologist education. With the signature of ABET on each of these international accords, NICET might then participate in the respective Engineering Technology Mobility Forums (ETMF) which oversee the international mobility of practitioners with the Engineering Technology communities.
Respectfully Submitted,
NICET Board of Governors
Wayne D. Moore, PE, Chair
Leonel Saenz, Jr., SET, Vice Chair
James H. Wathen, PE, PLS, Recording Secretary
Danada McMurtry, Public Member
Lori A. Allison, SET
E. Terence Foster, PhD, PE
Philip L. Gaughan, SET
William M. Rivers, CT