Volunteer Site Information

Form also available at http://honeybeenet.gsfc.nasa.gov/Sites.htm

Identification and Location

Contact Name
Street Address
City, State
County / Zip

Contact Information

Email address

Location Information

Latitude (decimal degrees preferred)
Longitude (decimal degrees preferred)
Lat/Lon data source (map, GPS, etc)
Elevation (give units)


Describe the hive location relative to given street address

Hive and Scale Information

First date of record keeping. Month/Year
Describe the Hive and Colony (Deeps, stories, strain of queen, age)
Type of scale (e.g., Fairbanks- platform 17x22” 500 lb capacity):
Additional Scale Information (e.g., 0.25 lb increments, leveled on wooden base, exposed to weather):
Scale calibrated? (e.g. Not yet, Counterpoise Weights adjusted 12/06 ± 0.5 gm with lab balance):

Site Description: (Please describe the vegetation and local geography of the area around the site location and hive exposure to sun and elements.)

List the principal bee forage plants in your area providing your nectar flow? Indicate approx. timing of each type if known.

Species Latin or Common Name Timing of Flow

A web page for your scale hive site will be created after we receive your nectar flow data. Do you object to the listing of your last name and rough coordinates (within a mile or so), and email address on the web page?

Name / Yes / No
Location / Yes / No
Email / Yes / No

Additional Information:

Send us a digital photo of your hive that we can post on your site page.

If you have a Web site related to your bees that you would like to link to, please provide the URL.

Blooming dates for nectar plants are very useful comments to include in your records. Also consider sending them to the National Phenological Network (http://usanpn.org), a nationwide campaign to observe plant phenological events.

Return to: or:

Wayne Esaias

Code 614.2

Goddard Space Flight Center

Greenbelt MD 20771