Welcome to the CBH spiritual retreat!
October 16-18, 2015

Camp Ramah Darom

Thank you to our bag sponsors: Modern Tribe and Ariela Freeman of Maven Tree Consulting

Your mishpacha group leader is ______.
Your sleeping location is ______.

We are so very excited our retreat is finally here!
Please peruse our schedule and see all that is available for you to participate in with us.

ADD MORE HERE? – add Gayanne’s kavanah


All locations except children’s programming are at the Levine Center

Time / Activity / Location / Information to Know
Friday, 4-6pm / Registration / Welcome center
Friday, 5-5:30 / Mishpacha group leader meeting / Multipurpose room
(Levine Center)
Friday, 6-7pm / Dinner / Dining Hall
(Levine Center) / We will light the Shabbat candles and do the Shabbat blessings as a community before beginning to eat
Friday, 7:15-8pm / Kabbalat Shabbat / Spiritual Center
(Levine Center) / Led by Rabbi Josh Lesser, Will Robertson, and Gayanne Geurin
Friday, 8:15-9:15pm / Mishpacha groups / Multi-Purpose Room
(Levine Center)
Friday, 9:30-?? / Tisch / Lakeside dining hall
(Levine Center) / Led by Gayanne; all are invited to share a short story or song with the group. You are welcome to bring Kosher wine, beer, or liquor.
Friday, 8pm-10pm / Kids programming / Youth lounge / With Emet and madrichim


All locations except children’s programming and havdallah are at the Levine Center

Saturday, 7-8am / Modeh Ani Morning Hike, Waking up with Gratitude / Meet at porch / Led by Amy Price
Saturday, 7:30-8am / QiGong / Meet at porch / Led by Neil Norton
Saturday, 8am-9am / Breakfast / Dining Hall
Saturday, 9:15-10:15 / Shacharit Option: Torah Yoga / Lakeside dining / Led by Mitch Cohen. Please bring a yoga mat or towel
Shacharit Option: CBH traditional Shacharit / Spiritual Center / Led by Rabbi Josh Lesser
Shacharit Option: Chanting / Library / Led by Gayanne Geurin
Saturday, 10:15-11:15 / Torah service Conclusion of Service / Spiritual Center
Saturday 11:30-1p / Lunch / Dining Hall / Kiddish and Motzi to be done by individual tables.
Saturday, 1:00-5pm / Kid's camp / Youth Lounge / With Emet and madrichim
Sat 1-2:15 / Learning 1: Silence / Multi-purpose room / Led by Marcy Leach
Learning 1: Silence / Lakeside dining / Led by Rebecca Staple Wax
Sat 2:30-3:45 / Learning 2: Gratitude / Multi-purpose room / Led by McKenzie Wren
Learning 2: Gratitude / Lakeside dining / Led by Shelly Rose and Terry Egdal
3:45 / Snack available / Dining Hall
Sat 4:00-5:15 / Family Art Activity / Lakeside dining and outside / Led by Ariela Freedman
Tree Gong / Meet at porch / Led by Neil Norton
5:30-6:45 pm / Dinner / Dining Hall / Kiddish and Motzi to be done by individual tables.
7pm-8:30pm / Children's activity / Youth Lounge / With Emet and madrichim
7-8:15pm / Mishpacha Groups / Multi-purpose room
8:30-9:30 / Havdalla, bon fire, s’mores, singing / Fire pit at Alpine Tower / Please bring instruments to play together after Havdalla
9:45-?? / The “Newlywed” Game / Lakeside dining / Rabbi Malka Packer, MC
You are welcome to bring Kosher wine, beer, or liquor.
9:30-11:30 / Movie for kids PG / Multipurpose Room / Prince of Egypt; PG


All locations except children’s programming are at the Levine Center

Sunday, 7-8am / Walking Meditation / Meet at porch
(Levine Center) / Led by Shelley Rose
Sunday, 7-8am / QiGong / Meet at porch
(Levine Center) / Led by Neil Norton
8-9:15am / Breakfast and pack / Dining Hall
(Levine Center) / Rooms and cabins must be completely emptied by 9:15.
Sunday, 9am-noon / Children's program / Youth lounge / With Emet and Madrichim
Sunday, 9-10:30 / Learning 3:Chesed / Lakeside dining
(Levine Center) / Led by Rabbi Josh Lesser
Learning 3: Chesed/chant / Multi-purpose room
(Levine Center) / Led by Gayanne Geurin
10:45-noon / Mishpacha Groups / Multi-purpose room
(Levine Center)
noon-1pm / Lunch and farewell! / Lakeside dining
(Levine Center)

Session Descriptions

Marcy Leach- Silence as the Way Into your Soul

Mussar teaches us that in our essential nature, each of us IS a soul. In our noisy, frenetic world, it can be a challenge to connect with our soul, our truest, most holy self. In exploring the Middah of Silence, Sh’tikah, we will learn about cultivating a silent space and the ability to listen attentively to the voice at the core of our soul that guides us on our path to everyday holiness.

McKenzie Wren- Gratitude

Through a combination of movement, art and conversation we explore gratitude and the many ways that it enriches our lives. Learn techniques of deep appreciation, effortless gratitude and explore gam zeh la tovah, even this is for the good, even when it feels like there is nothing to be thankful for.

Terry Egdal and Shelley Rose- A Look at the middah of gratitude – Hakarat ha’Tov

The Hebrew term for gratitude is hakarat ha’tov, which means, literally, ‘recognizing the good.’ Through practicing gratitude we focus on acknowledging the good that is already ours. This can be easier said than done. Join us as we explore this middah through chant, guided meditation, text study and discussion.

Ariela Freedman- Free Art CBH Workshop

Free Art Friday is a global gifting art movement -- people make art and leave it out for others to find. We'll do our own version of this in our workshop, using the Middot as our foundation. Channel your creative self to make small pieces of artwork, then hide them around camp for others to find and take home. A wide range of creative materials will be provided. Open to all ages; no experience needed.

Rabbi Josh Lesser- Olam Hesed Yibaneh: The World is Built on Loving Kindness

Dive into some of the best Jewish wisdom on what exactly is lovingkindness and what can we learn from this trait. We will combine chant, reflection, text study and provocative conversation to uncover why Hesed should be the foundation of how we live our lives.

Gayanne Geurin- The sound of Chesed

Chant is a conduit of connection. Through the tools of sound , vibration, Word , and intention we connect more deeply to ourselves, to each other, and to the Oneness we are drawn towards. These are mighty fine conditions that when nurtured create a rich fertile ground for chesed, lovingkindness, to grow in our lives. This session will invite us into curiosity about the sound of Lovingkindess. We will explore how we "find each other" and care for each other in sound and harmonies. This session is open to ALL especially if you quietly judge yourself and think you cannot sing. It isn't true. In chant/prayer we will practice chesed in sound making and find release from restrictions and constrictions that limit our capacity to love ourselves and each other.

Neil Norton- Morning QiGong and TreeGong

Neil started exploring martial arts and meditation practice 30 years ago. To help bring balance and vitality back into his life after being diagnosed with cancer in 1998 he developed a qigong practice with the guidance of his Teacher, Dr. Michael Jamison. Neil teaches the Wild Goose, Tree Gong, Four Season, Five Element Medical Qigong, and Dao Yin. He has taught qigong at the Decatur Recreation Center, Decatur Hot Yoga, and Woodlands Garden. Outside of qigong, Neil works as a consulting arborist.

His teaching focuses on personal energy management to help combat fatigue and improve our immune response. The practice is accessible to anyone and may be practiced indoors, outdoors, standing up, and/or on the ground.

Torah Yoga - A gentle basic Hatha yoga practice for beginners and intermediate yogis with insights from this week's Torah portion weaved through out


Parking – Please park in designated areas near your accommodations once you check in, and then walk around campus during the weekend.

Food – Do not bring food into camp. It attracts both bugs and bears.

In case of emergency

Please leave word that you have an emergency and are leaving campus.

(706) 782-3100 or (706) 782-4233

Approximately 15 miles

1. From campus gates turn RIGHT onto Persimmon Rd

2. Travel 7.5 miles on Persimmon Rd veering Right at the fork of Mellie

Keener and Persimmon roads

3. At Stop Sign turn LEFT onto 76E

4. Travel 6.7 miles on 76E

5. Turn LEFT onto Germany Rd

6. Travel 0.2 miles

7. Turn RIGHT into Hospital Parking

8. Emergency Room is behind the main building.


During program hours, you can find a CBH staff member at the information table in the dining room.

Thank you to our bag sponsors: Modern Tribe and Ariela Freeman of Maven Tree Consulting