Teacher: Debey Tillerson Week of: Jan 23-27 2017 Subject: APUSH 11 Period: 6 subject to change as needed

MON / Social and Economic reforms-Growth expanded opportunity, while economic instability led to new efforts to reform US society and its economic system. / APUSH Key Concepts
7.1, 7.2, 7.3 / Period 7 (1898-1945))
Review APUSH DBQ Strategies / Prepare for DBQ tomorrow!
Test AAMSCO Ch 21 Wednesday / ·  Teacher observation
·  Classroom participation
TUE / Coomunication, Tech, Mass Culture, Migration- Innovations in communication and technology contributed to the growth of mass culture, while changes occurred in internal and international migration patterns. / Timed Writing: DBQ / Test tomorrow— standing assignments are due / ·  Teacher observation
·  Classroom participation
·  DBQ
WED / -US in global conflicts-Participation in a series of global conflicts propelled the US in international power while renewing domestic debates over the nations proper role in the world. /
Test AAMSCO Ch 21
TAKE THE NIGHT OFF!!! / Standing Assignments:
-AAMSCO Ch 21 guided reading
/ ·  Teacher observation
·  Classroom participation
·  Test
-ppt assigned (handout)
-vocabulary / Read p. 454-458 / ·  Teacher observation
·  Classroom participation
I / AAMSCO Guided reading handout / ·  Teacher observation
·  Classroom participation

APUSH students have homework every night! Sometimes it is a specific assignment due the next day. They also have standing assignments for each chapter/unit. These allow for more flexible completion, but do have a specific due date. Even if all written assignments are complete, students should read and annotate text or related handouts on a daily basis. Success in APUSH requires commitment.

The APUSH Mock Exam is Feb 11. All students are required to attend.