Summer 2012
Meeting:5th July2012
Venue:The School
Mrs N Gilburt (Chairperson), Mrs L Irvin (Headteacher), Mrs A Graham, Miss J Walsh, Mrs M Nichol, Mrs J Williams, Mrs S Smith, Miss E Small, Mr G Phillips, Miss A Smith, Mrs B Hargreaves, Mrs E Splawnyk and Mrs L Appleton.
Pam DunhamSenior Governor Support Officer
The Chair welcomed governors to the meeting, especially Miss Elaine Small, the newly appointed Parent Governor. All present introduced themselves.
There were no apologies needed.
Governors were asked to declare any personal interest in any agenda items.
Mrs Splawnyk declaredan interest in governor training on bullying and safeguarding as her husband ran workshops for those issues.
RESOLVED - That the minutes of the meeting held on 8th March 2012, copies circulated previously, be approved by the Chairperson and authorised for publication.
The Headteacher advised that the SEN register update was included in her Termly Report.
A governor asked about the intake for YR and the Headteacher explained that pupil numbers were fluctuating between 60 and 23. The LA reported that it was officially 26, but the paperwork was being processed slowly. Governors discussed the LA admissions system and agreed that they felt they were not represented well by the LA. The meeting considered making the school’s profile higher, possibly by applying for planning permission for a sign from the main road.It was agreed that the Council should be approached for initial discussions.
There were no other matters arising.
RESOLVED - That the minutes of the following meetings, copies circulated previously be approved by the Chairperson and authorised for publication.
Resources Committee 12th June.
Teaching and Learning 19th June.
Resources Committee 12th June.
The meeting had considered the new ICT suite, and DFC (Devolved Formula Capital) was explained to the governors. The Chair of the Committee advised that it had been a short meeting to review budget matters and spend. Planning for next year was reviewed and the budget had been finalised.
A governor asked if subject leaders hadtheir own budgets and were then accountable to the Headteacher, and the Headteacher explained that middle leaders bought appropriate resourcesafter discussions with other staff. In response to a further question the Headteacher advised that purchase order approval could be given by SLT members as wellas herself.
Teaching and Learning 19th June
Governors heard that this meeting had considered similar issues of staffing and the school expansion but from a different perspective. A governor commented on the new phonics systems in use and agreed that it was very enjoyable.
The Headteacher was asked if she had had any holiday requests and the meeting heard that there had been several but they had not been authorised, except forparents in the police force, whose holidays had been suspended because of the Olympics. A comparison of the lasttwo years authorised and unauthorised absences was given in the Headteacher’s Termly Report. A governor asked if the message was getting through and the Headteacher advised that it would be tracked year on year. Governors heard that a text was sent if no message was received from parents to explain why their child was absent.
In response to a question on late arrivals the Headteacher reported that if she was on the premises she wouldstand at front gate to speed up latecomers. The late book was used as an encouragement; lateness was a parent’s issue not thechild’s. Governors discussed an early bird scheme but agreed that if rewards were offered it would cause an issue for the majority of children who got to school.
The car park was an ongoing issue. The meeting discussed access for disabled children and agreed that car access would always be difficult as the school was at the end of a cul-de-sac. A few families persist in parking inconsiderately but overall there was a change in the approach to the Headteacher who suffered far less abuse from parents now.
There were no other matters arising.
The report of the Headteacher was presented and discussed.
RESOLVED –That the Headteacher’s report be received.
The Headteacher advised that the Report had followed the format provided by LAwith the fourOfsted headings and she had added information to the Report. Governors agreed that they liked to know what staff and children have been doing although the focus on action and improvement was welcome.
Governors were reminded that the SEN register had been reviewed. The Headteacher outlined the action taken and summarised that two pupils on SA+ (School Action Plus) had been moved to SA (School Action), and there were fewer pupils overall on SA. Children now have 1:1 SERI (Stockport Early Reading Intervention) and support for behaviour where required. Governors agreed that the register now provided a more realistic picture.
The meeting heard that Miss Wilkinson has completed the SENCo role training and would be the SENCo in school with support from the Headteacher. The arrangement would work well, given that Miss Wilkinson taught YR where issues could be spotted at an early stage.
The Headteacher was pleased to update the meeting on the SIA report.
Governors noted that at the end of KS1 pupils who joined the school below the national average on entry had evidenced good progress. The Headteacher explained that two levels of progress would be judged by Ofsted assatisfactory; the government wanted to see more progress made.
Governors agreed that the school needed to focus on FSM pupils. Some families who may not be FSM were struggling with other issues; the school would look at the need for extra support.
KS2 data was outlined and the governors noted that results might turn out well.
Governors were reminded of the progress made by the children; there had been a great deal of hard work from the children whose levels on entry were below standard. Y5 was a small cohort where each child’s score had an impact in percentage terms.
The Headteacher outlined the new phonics screening system and reported that 73% of children had met the government target of 43%.
A governor asked about information sent to parents and the Headteacher advised that it had beenreviewed by staff and rewritten in consultation with a governor’s working party. Miss Small had reviewed it as a new parent and agreed that it seemed warmer in tone. The meeting considered the inclusion of sunscreen advice. The Headteacher thanked the working party for their proof reading and suggestions. Governors were shown the behaviour at lunchtime leaflet.
The School Development Planwas noted, with action points highlighted. Most actions had been completed, and if not were being addressed. The Behaviour Policy had been considered at a staff meeting. The original had been adopted in 2007 and a new one was being written to replace it, but a leaflet would be distributed in the meantime.
A governor asked if pupils were present at pupil progress meetings and the Headteacher advised that it was notnecessary in YR but would be done later in school. The teacher and child would discuss progressand then the teacher and Headteacher would review.
A governor asked how SEN reviews were carried out and the Headteacher explained that she met twice a year with the SENCo to review children with a statement of SEN and SA+ and set new targets.
In response to a question onthe pupil voice survey the Headteacher advised that an area highlighted that children were not sure of what progress they were making; this had already been identified as one of the main aims for the next year in the SDP.
The Headteacher asked governors to note the last page of the SDP on improvement; some items had been moved to this year. These had been reviewed again in line with the key priorities included in the SIA report.
The Headteacher was thanked for an informative report.
A governor asked about the future of the school link project and the Headteacher advised that the school had signed up for this again next year; it had been expanded this year for Y45&6 with the same school and would continue through the Ethnic Diversity Service. A staff governor observed that the link was strong enough to enable the school to manage the link themselves. Miss Moore will take over the project in Miss Smith’s absence.Governors noted that the link with Holy Trinity was especially successful. A governordescribed the useful contact with other children in terms of relationship building.
(a)Performance Management Update (Head and Staff)
Governors were referred to the relevant section of the Headteacher’s report and advised that the process was ongoing. Lesson observations had been completed and pupil progress meetings would be arranged. The evaluations from subject leaders had not been received yet.
The Headteacher outlined the objectives set for staff last year.
Headteacher Performance Management meetings took place on a termly basis.
(b)Report on Physical Interventions (Spring Term 2012)
The Headteacher reported that there had been no incidents during the spring term where the use of physical intervention procedures had been necessary.
(c)Schools with Additional Needs Stage on the LA School Protocol
The Headteacher advised the Governing Body that the school was currently at stage 2.The Protocol was outlined to the meeting. Governors were pleased to note the good leadership in school; the Headteacher thanked her staff in turn for their teamwork.
The Headteacher reported that there had been no racist incidents in school during the spring term.
The Clerk provided a nil return form, which was completed and signed by the Headteacher and Chairperson. The Clerk then undertook to return the form to the appropriate section within the Children and Young People’s Directorate.
(i)Budget Update
The Headteacher explained the final budget for signature. Self-evaluation had taken place as there had been no visit from the Finance Officer. The school had implemented the recommendations from the previous audit.
Governors were pleased to note the healthy budget position, including the building work planned for the next academic year. Instead of the whole year the reportwas condensed into terms and all known expenditure was accounted for, including new appointments. Cover for maternity leave and the term after had been budgeted for to maintain continuity for the children. Additional cleaning hours had been included as the school would have a much bigger site following the building work. Governors echoed the Headteacher’s thanks to Mrs Hargreaves for her excellent work in school.
The meeting was advised that there would be no 8% claw backceiling next year, but the Headteacher would aim to spend available funds on the children currently in the school.
(ii)Approval of the 2012/2013 Budget
It was duly,
RESOLVED - To approve the proposed budget for 2012/2013
(iii)Approval of School Fund Account Audit Arrangements
Governors agreed that Tony Martin would be approached and subject to his agreement, carry out an audit of the School Fund Account.
The Statement of Internal Control was signed.
(iv)To consider and approve any changes to the Buyback of Local Authority Services
Governors discussed the Local Authority buyback Services. It was agreed to purchase all services with the addition of the ICT provision.
(ii)Scheme of Delegation Form 2012/2013
Governors discussed and agreed a continuation of the existing spending limits and
RESOLVED – to approve the Financial Delegation Form 2012/2013.
(i)To consider the development needs of the Governing Body
Governors were encouraged to attend training courses made available by the Schools Governance Service, especially the online modules of Modern Governor.
Governors expressed an interest in the Learning Leads website and would like an evening training session, although the previous date with Laura Sparrow had not had sufficient numbers to justify the event.
The Clerk undertook to recirculate the Modern Governor joining instructions.
The meeting discussed the new Ofsted framework and agreed to arrange a training session.
Governors reviewed the Link Governor arrangements and agreed to revisit them in the autumn term.
Mrs Splawnyk left the meeting at8.10.
(ii)Induction of new governors
There would be new governors in the autumn term.
Governors were referred to the reports booklet circulated with the agenda papers.
(i)Health and Safety Update
(ii)Safeguarding Update
(iii)School Attendance
(iv)Fraud Awareness
The Headteacher described the processes followed in school.
(v)Low Carbon Schools
An audit had been carried out in school. When the building is rewired the school would have automatic lighting and a new meter to assess usage. All computer equipment currently powered down automatically at 4pm and again at 7pm if switched back on.A governor asked if the audit might lead to any grant funding and the Headteacher advised that it would not, but the school would save on energy costs.
The school was writing bids for other grants such as solar power and would appreciate any help governors were able to provide.
Governors were asked to note the guidance.
There were no items of correspondence for consideration.
(i)Full Governing Body
Thursday 15th November 2012 at 6.30pm
Thursday 7thMarch 2012 at 6.30pm
Thursday 4th July 2012 at 6.30pm
(ii)Committee Meetings
Teaching and Learning
Tuesday 16th October 2012 at 6.00pm
Resources Committee
Wednesday 24th October 2012 at 6.30pm
The Clerk undertook to arrange a Governor Development session on Wednesday 26th September. Invitees would present on the new Ofsted framework and Data Protection.
Governors noted the end of term of office of Mrs J Williams as a Parent Governor. Mrs Williams advised that she would not stand again and was thanked by the governing body for her service.
Mrs S Smith’s term of office would also end on 31.8.12 and Mrs Smith indicated that she would stand for a further term at the elections to be held in September.
Governors noted the Foundation Governorvacancy created by Rev O’Rourke’s departure.
(i)Terms of Office for Chairperson/Vice-Chairperson
Governors agreed a continuation of the current arrangements and terms of office would remain at 1 year.
(ii)Expressions of Interest for Chairperson / Vice-Chairperson
Governors were asked to consider the posts and forward their declaration of interest to the Clerk at least 3 weeks prior to the autumn term Governing Body meeting.
(iii)Expressions of Interest for Chairs of Committees
Governors were asked to consider the posts and again forward their declaration of interest to the Clerk at least 3 weeks prior to the autumn term Governing Body meeting.
The Committee Chairs were thanked for their support during the year.
15.Any Other Business
Miss Smith was thanked for her service, and the governors gave their best wishes for her forthcoming maternity leave.
There being no further items for discussion, governors were thanked for their attendance and the meeting closed at 8.50pm.