November 16, 2011
Name / Present / Name / Present / Name / PresentLonnie Myers / Dean Stanley / Yes / Mark Seay / Yes
Mike Seay / Roger Rich / Yes
Michael Davidson / Jerry Skidmore / Yes
David Turnbough / Yes / Fred Walker / Yes
Ken Rich / Yes / Gerald Cooper
John May / Yes / Steven Green / Yes
Randy Willison / Yes / James Floyd / Yes
Ann Webb / Yes / Rowdy Ross / Yes
Call to Order
John May, President called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
Report-1 President’s Report
No report from president.
Report-2 Director’s Report
Dennis Martin polled the superintendents regarding leaving the board meeting day on Wednesday with a general consensus of yes. The effects of the present and future health insurance changes being implemented by EBD were also discussed by members of the board.
Report-3 Deputy Director’s Report
Arnold Harris shared that our consortium was granted Perkins Reserve Funds to spend by December 15, 2011.
Report-4 Associate Director/Teacher Center Coordinator’s Report
Mark Gipson shared the following:
· Distributed Professional Development sheets for each district.
· Discussed the changes to Common Core Standards would be reflected in the Target Assessment process. The Co-op would need to know by February if districts will continue to participate in the program in 2012-13.
· There will be Common Core updates with Dr. Tucker through CIV on December 5 from 9:00-1:00 (classroom teachers are recommended for attendance by ADE)
· Included in the packet is a Commissioner’s Memo regarding the Teacher Evaluation System Regional meeting on December 5.
· Also, included in the packet is the November Calendar of Events.
Consent Agenda
C-1 and C-2: Fred Walker made a motion to approve the items on the consent agenda. Randy Willison seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Action Agenda
A-1: Dean Stanley made a motion to approve the list of Retired Fixed Assets to be Purged from ASPCN (attached). Ann Webb seconded the motion. Motion passed.
A-2: Dennis Martin noted that he was waiting for another bid to come in for the replacement of outside doors and hardware and would hopefully have all bids to submit at the December board meeting.
A-3: Dennis Martin reported that a recommendation from the Salary Schedule Committee was made regarding changing the Co-op’s additional contribution to employee’s EBD insurance premium; however, since the salary committee meeting, EBD had made a clearer ruling that would allow schools and co-ops to leave the contribution process as before. Because of the new clarification by EBD, no action was taken on the recommendation, but the consensus was to continue the same process currently practiced and allow the salary committee to revisit the salary/benefit issue in the spring for next year.
A-4: Mark Gipson discussed options about funding professional development differently than the present method. The board asked for a breakdown of costs v. school district contributions to be brought to the next board meeting. This will be discussed further after information is gathered.
Other Business
Dennis Martin made a recommendation to reduce the annual contract amount of Rhonda Bartelt who had been employed as an Early Childhood/Itinerant Speech Language Pathologist but was being placed on the EC Teacher w/Masters line on the salary schedule effective December 1, 2011. Ann Webb made a motion to approve this addendum. Jerry Skidmore seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Fred Walker made a motion to adjourn. Randy Willison seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Board President Board Secretary