Signing Ceremony at Plast-Ex Trade Show Marks the Launch of an Environmental Stewardship Program to Stop Raw Material Loss into Rivers, Lakes and Oceans

TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA ( June 22, 2011) – At a ceremony held today during the Plast-Ex trade show at the Toronto Congress Centre, leaders of the Canadian Plastics Industry Association (CPIA), SPI: The Plastics Industry Trade Association and the Plastics Division of the American Chemistry Council announced that a licensing agreement had been signed which will bring Operation Clean Sweep® to Canadian resin pellet handling operations. Originated by SPI more than 25 years ago, Operation Clean Sweep (OCS) is an environmental stewardship program that has been implemented by more than 200 U.S. companies and has recently been launched in New Zealand and the United Kingdom as well.

The global plastics industry is committed to its role as an environmental steward. Ensuring that spilled resin pellets – the raw material from which plastics are made -- do not make their way into local waterways, lakes or the ocean is a priority. Resin pellet loss can occur in manufacturing plants where pellets may be inadvertently washed down drains or lost en route during transportation. The goal of Operation Clean Sweep is to help resin pellet handlers implement systematic housekeeping and pellet containment practices to work towards achieving zero pellet loss.

“We’re excited to bring this very successful international environmental stewardship program to Canada” said Greg Wilkinson, CPIA President and CEO. “The Canadian Plastics Industry Association urgesall 3,350 companies engaged in the plastics industry in Canada to take the Operations Clean Sweep pledge to prevent the loss of resin pellets into the environment. We all agree that plastic pellets don’t belong in the environment and this program can help us practice better pellet stewardship across our industry.”

SPI President and CEO Bill Carteaux, who joined Wilkinson at the signing ceremony, said “Our organization is pleased to grant a license to our Canadian partner CPIA to administer and promote the Operation Clean Sweep program in Canada. Protecting the environment takes global cooperation, and we are delighted to share a program that has helped U.S. companies not only keep resin pellets out of waterways but improve efficiency by turning more material into products rather than waste.”

The Operation Clean Sweep (OCS) program and manual contain guidelines to help plastics industry operations managers reduce the loss of pellets to the environment. Learn more about the program at

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The Canadian Plastics Industry Association (CPIA) is the national voice of the Canadian Plastics Industry. With over 3,350 companies employing 106,000 workers, Canada’s $31-billion plastics industry is a sophisticated, multi-faceted sector encompassing plastic products manufacturing, machinery, moulds, and resins.

Founded in 1937, SPI is the plastics industry trade association representing the third largest manufacturing industry in the United States. SPI's member companies represent the entire plastics industry supply chain, including processors, machinery and equipment manufacturers and raw materials suppliers. The U.S. plastics industry employs 1 million workers and provides $374 billion in annual shipments.

For More Information:

Darlene Gray

Canadian Plastics Industry Association

t. 905.668.7748 ext. 239