Nazism and life for the Jewish Population
Directions: You are to use the following website to answer all the questions and to complete the assignment. If you have questions or cannot find something please come and ask me.
**Answer on a separate sheet of paper**
(go to the class website, this website is already linked in there)
Once you are on this website scroll down to where it says Nazi Rule.
Click on the first link that says Nazi Terror Begins.
- When Hitler persuaded his Cabinet to declare a state of emergency, what rights did the citizens lose?
- Why did men join the SA? What was the SA’s main tactic?
Key Dates
- March ____(give the date) 1933 Explain what Hitler does to gain power…
- May ____(give the date) 1933 What does the Nazi Party do to Trade Unions and unions in general? What impact does this have on Germany?
- July ___ (give the date) 1933 ______. What impact does this have on the Country? How many Germans were part of the party in 1935? 1945?
- July 20th 1933explain the relationship between Nazi Germany and the Vatican. How does this affect the Catholic Church in Germany?
Personal Histories(Scroll up on the right hand side)
- Click on Edward Adler Listen to his story.
- What do you think the worst part of this whole event was for people?
- Click on Martin Hans Munzer Read his story.
- Summarize his story.
Click the back arrow (twice) at the top of the page. Return to the home page, click on the SS Police State.
- The SS was the Nazi’s Party private ______.
- What was another name for the Secret State Police?
- The SS and the Gestapo went on the hunt for Hitler’s enemies, how did they do this and who were Hitler’s enemies?
- What was opened on March 20th 1933? What did it model?
Key Dates
- February ____(give the date) 1933 Explain the event and the impact it had on Germany.
- June ____(give the date) 1936 What happens with the SS and the Gestapo?
View Map (on the right hand side)
- List five of the State Police Camps.
Scroll up and click the back (twice) arrow. Click on Nazi Propaganda and Censorship.
- What were the two goals of the propaganda campaigns?
- Who was the director of Nazi Propaganda?
- List the forms of communication that the Nazi party controlled.
- Explain the events surrounding May 10th 1933. How many books were burned that night?
- List five authors whose books were banned or burned.
- Describe the school setting of the Nazi party.
Key Dates
- May ____(give the date) 1933 What does Joseph Goebbels speak about at the book Burning?
Personal Histories
1. Retell the story of Julio Levin.
Click the back arrow twice. Click on Nazi Racism.
- What three characteristics made up the Aryan Race?
- How were the beliefs of the Aryan race “spread” to the public?
- List three groups/races that were targeted by the Nazi party (not including the Jews).
- What did the Nazis say about the Jewish race?
Key Dates
- February ____(give the date) 1920 Explain the Nazi Party Political Agenda.
- July ____(give the date) 1925 What is released and what does it outline?
- July ______(give the date) 1933 Explain the impact of the Racial Purity laws.
Personal Histories.
- Read about the Polish solider, click on the video or read the transcript.
- What is your reaction to his story? What does this video show you about the brain washing of the Nazi ideology?
- Scroll down, click and read on the ID Card.
- In 1933-39, why was the young lady not scared of the Nazis? In 1940-1942, what does her story tell you about the Ghettos?
Click the back arrow twice. (You should be back on the home page.) Click on Murder of the Handicap.( Yes, you skipped one.) ** This section can be very disturbing, if at any time you do not want to continue reading in this section please come see me.**
- What did Hitler say war was the perfect time for?
- What does “T-4” stand for?
- How many institutions were created for the “doomed” patients?
- What happened in 1941? How many handicapped victims are there thought to be after 1941?
- What did the T-4 program model?
Key Dates
- Oct ______,(give the date) what does Hitler authorize?
- August _____ (give the date) 1941, what institution denounces what the Nazis were doing?
- August______(give the date) 1941, what does Hitler do? How many victims were there thought to be by then?
Personal History
- Explain Helene’s story, why do you think the Nazi party lied?
Click the Back arrow twice. Scroll down to Jews in Prewar Germany, click on Jewish life in Europe before the Holocaust.
1. How many total Jews lived in what will become Nazi occupied Europe? How many would die?
2. List the countries in Eastern Europe that had heavy Jewish populations.
3. Describe the life of eastern European Jews.
4. Describe the life of western European Jews.
5. List the occupations that Jews were seen in, in pre Nazi Europe.
Key Dates
1. June ____ (give the date) 1922 What impact does this have on the Jewish community?
2. March ___ (give the date) 1936 Why do you think there was violence towards Jews before Nazis even arrived in these countries?
Personal Histories
1. Out of the three people, choose one and tell me their story in your own words.
Click the back arrow twice. Click on Antisemitism.
1. Define Antisemitism.
2. How long have Jews dealt with Antisemitism?
3. Why did Jews struggle with the Christians in Europe?
4. What role did Jews play for the Christian Majority?
5. Explain the Jewish situation in 1800’s.
6. Who is Lueger? What did he do in Austria? What impact does he have?
Key Dates
1. 1890sWhat happened for the Jews during this time?
2. 1894 Explain what happens in France during this time.
Personal Histories
1. Listen to Hanne and Ben’s stories… What are your reactions to their stories?
2. Pick one of the ID cards, summarize their personal story.
Click the back arrow two times. Click on The Boycott of the Jewish Business.
1. In 1933, describe the Jewish people in Germany.
2. What were the two phrases that were seen starting in April of 1933?
Key Dates
1. March ______(give the date) Explain what was happening to the Jewish population?
2. April 1st ______(give the date) What do you think your reaction to this event would have been?
3. April 7th______(give the date) What is the name of the Law that is passed? What did it do? Who were exempt from the law?
Click the back arrow. Click on Nuremberg Race Laws.
1. What did the race laws do to the German Jew?
2. Explain how the Laws characterized a Jew? What problem did this propose to the masses?
3. In 1937 and 1938, describe the impact persecution had on Jewish businesses.
4. Explain the ideas of the identification cards, how were Jews’ cards different?
Key Dates
1. October 18th ______(give the date) How was marriage changed after this law was issued?
2. November 15th ______(give the date) Who were the laws extended to?
Personal Histories
1. Listen to Johanna and Edward’s stories, what do you find surprising? How do you think you would have dealt with what they went through?
2. ID Card- Henny Explain her story.
Click the Back Arrow. Select a topic under the heading The “Final Solution” (scroll down to see the topics) and create 5 questions about the summary, 2 questions on the key dates and the 4 questions on a “personal history”. Turn all your answers in when you are done.