626 Dutchess Turnpike, Room 103
Poughkeepsie, NY 12603
(845) 486-3648 / Fax (845) 486-3612
June 5, 2012
Ernie FloegelEvelyn Kaufmann Lt. Frank LaMonica
Brian RexhouseJames WarnerPeter Wilkinson
Kevin Irwin
(District Attorney’s Office)
Eric BickmannAngela FleslandWilliam Grady, D.A.
Margaret HirstBrad KendallSgt. Christine Lopez
Matthew S. VetareMarcia Rosenfield
W. Johnson called themeeting to order at 3:33p.m.
Approval of previous minutes:
J. Warner motioned to approvethe March 6, and May 8, 2012 minutes. E. Kaufmann seconded the motion. The minutes were unanimously approved.
Fiscal Status:
As per our previous meeting;
W. Johnson discussed with the board members a review of fiscal data sheets/packet provided. As of today we still have not received our NYS Fine Revenue for the first quarter.
The STOP Programs’ dedicated fund balance at the end of 2011 was $224,701. Our approved 2012 budget is $694,000, leaving the potential of a $130,000- $140,000 draw-down from the dedicated fund leaving a balance of approximately $85,000 at the end of the 2012 fiscal cycle/budget year. W. Johnson cautioned members that with the dedicated fund depleted the 2013 budgetcan only be based on projected Fine-Revenue to maintain fiscal responsibility and management.
Arrest data:
W. Johnson reviewed the important information from our previous minutes.
Reported 2012 arrest figures are continuing to fall off on a downward trend. Spreadsheet reveals 319 arrests for the 1st Qtr of 2012. W. Johnson shared five year average (of 1st quarter arrests) is 392. Eleven year average is 369 for first quarterarrests. DutchessCounty has seen reductions and has dropped from 1630 arrests in 2010 down to 1480 arrestslast year (2011). Our related fine revenues also are lagging. Fine revenue totaled $551,000 in 2011; which is the smallest amount since 2004.
Board members were reminded that there isa 12 - 18 month lag between arrest to conviction obviously effecting revenues and collection. Taking that information into consideration,W. Johnson is hesitant to project more than $500,000. in Fine Revenue for this coming year. W. Johnson cautions the board that 2013 will be a difficult fiscal year.
Proposed 2013 Budget:
From the previous board meeting the vote was passed to cut budget at 25% all around.
The 2013 expenditure would be around $532,000. Complete elimination of the Coordinated Sobriety Checkpoint appropriations and reduction in DRE call out appropriations were discussed. The advertising budget ($3,000.) was also eliminated. The current 2012 budget was flat from the previous year with 10% increases only to the three county contracts. W. Johnson reminded members that we are awaiting notification of a NYS STOP DWI Foundation Grant application totaling $79,500 for identified crackdown road checks. We should find out by mid/late October, 2012.
The proposals (2) both include 3% increases to personal services dollars for both the Coordinator and PPA to cover expected fringe benefit increases. Exact amounts will be identified later in the budget preparation. The coordinated Checkpoint campaign was eliminated, and the DRE callout initiative was also reduced. W. Johnson indicated we anticipate making up some of the difference with a new NYS STOP-DWI Foundation grant for the 2013 fiscal cycle which includes personal services dollars for sobriety checkpoints and utilization of DRE’s.
A vote was taken. The proposed 2013 Budget (with the exception of City of Poughkeepsie) was approved and passed.
Regarding member discussion as to what municipalities were cut from the 2011 budget. The two were the Village of Wappingers Falls and Village of Fishkill.
Legislative Update:
W. Johnson provided articles regarding updates to Leandra’s Law to the board. Basically the senate has passed preliminary legislation to make the law more accountable for offenders to get better alcohol monitoring. Nearly 70% of offenders are not using the interlocks. The new update is recommending using a trans-dermal monitoring device to monitor offenders for more accountability. Only 31% of offenders installed interlock. W. Johnson asked the Board to reach out to their Assemblyman to try to be familiar with this idea. E. Floegel asked who monitors the requirement of the device. F. Lamonica answeredyes; Law Enforcement can charge them with a misdemeanor.
K. Irwin spoke about the problem with tracking these interlocks. The paperwork (Trax) seems to have a glitch that needs to be corrected. F. Lamonica said he would check at his next meeting with NYS Troopers if this could be corrected. Discussion pursued regarding this problem. W. Johnson said he would draft a letter to the Association asking for their opinion.
New Business:
National Conference on Drugs Alcohol and Impaired Driving will be in August:We will be sending Jessica Segal, District Attorney’s Office. Reservations have been made, travel orders have been made. DC Planning Dept. will be doing the transportation expenses and lodging.
There has been ARIDE training announcements sent out throughout the state. All Drug Recognition Expert’s were contacted. At least 6 local law enforcement officers will attend; two from Beacon, two from East Fishkill, two from DCSO. There is a new NYS coordinator for the DRE program at GTSC. Rich Devlin retired two weeks ago. W. Johnson and E. Floegel went to the retirement luncheon. W. Johnson said it would be best to wait till October 1 to try to schedule more sessions.
W. Johnson has been contacted by the CountyExecutive’s Office to spearhead an Injury Prevention Safety Program. He will try to do it around the end of September. W. Johnson will reach out to the Health Department, DCSO.
The Last Drink Report for the first quarter 2012 was handed out/reviewed. Highest BAC was .42 at Mill Street, Poughkeepsie. This report will be sent out to all local bars and restaurants.
Sobriety Checkpoints are scheduled. There will be more Sobriety Checkpoint “Crackdowns” using the new grant money. K. Irwin requested that the correct paperwork will be filed with the District Attorney’s Office to help with the process. F. Lamonica said he does send the last arrest report of the checkpoint to J. Segal at the District Attorneys.
W. Johnson thanked everyone who attended the Jo Johnson Memorial R.I.D. ceremony. Kudos to CountyExecutive’s Office for getting out the public press releases in a timely way.
There was some good exposure for R.I.D.
E. Kaufmann motioned to adjourn the meeting at 4:26. F. Lamonica seconded the motion.
Respectfully Submitted,
Janet Silvestri
STOP-DWI Minutes Page 1