Hawaii HOSA Executive Council Meeting
October 10, 2012
Time: 3:51 p.m.
In Attendance:
-Brianna Daranciang, Pres., UH ManoaAda Toyama, State Office
-Jameson Casinas, Pres-Elect, MoanaluaChelsie Smyth, UH Manoa
-Brysen Pasion, VP, MililaniDeion Anunciacion, Waipahu
-Princess Lynne De Dios, Sec., Mililani Robert McCarthy, Leilehua
-Jae Yun Lee, Treasurer, UH ManoaAeshalani Palomares, Leilehua
-Joshua Lopez, Intern, MililaniLarissa Omura, Waipahu
-Jessica Kim, Intern, MoanaluaBrenda Parinas, MASH
-Tanya Rae Villanueva, Med-Assist School of HIBianca Mina, Campbell
-Amanda Sueoke, CampbellZachary Pascual, Waipahu
Handouts Distributed:
-Agenda-Registration for Fall Leadership Workshop
-Pin Design Flyer-Flyer for Fall Leadership Workshop
-Map of Kapi’olani Community College -Cystic Fibrosis Information and Fundraiser Flyer
-Hawaii HOSA Membership Count-List of Competitive Events (includes Physical Therapy)
-Election packet
Meeting Convened by Brianna Daranciang at 3:52 p.m.
Agenda Topic / Discussion / Action/DecisonTreasurer’s report / -Membership total as of 10/10/12 is:
282members from Heald College, Kauai High, Maui High, Mililani High, Moanalua High, and Pearl City High / Membership registration and dues to national HOSA are due Oct. 31st
Cystic Fibrosis / -65 Roses Campaign
-Sell 65 roses, dress them up to sell. If a profit of at least $100 is made, chapters can submit paperwork for National Service Project to receive recognition at the national conference in Nashville next year. / Deadline to sell 65 roses and submit paperwork to Mrs. Toyama for the National Service Project recognition at the state conference is January 31. School names will also be submitted for recognition at the national conference.
JDRF / -JDRF Walk, Nov. 3 at Central Regional Park.
Sign up for walk at JDRF Hawaii website. All forms are available at the website.
-If interested in working at the volunteer tent, contact Mrs. Toyama
-For those chapters not able to do the walk, there is also a sneaker campaign and paper shoes are available. Mrs. Toyama has a supply and you can contact her. / Sign up early for the walk to get walk t-shirt with HOSA new brand logo on it.
Sneaker campaign from now till January 31.
Chapter with most donations per member will receive a Converse sneaker keychain for every chapter member.
Fall Leadership Workshop / -Saturday Nov. 17 at
Kapiolani Community College in Olapa 214-215. See KCC map for location. / Registration ends on Friday, November 2, 2012. $10 fee per person at door. No-shows will be assessed registration fee.
-Winter Social / We will have a field day at the beach on December 15th or January 12th and will have fun games to help members build relationships with one another. UH Manoa’s zombies and humans health-related game with water equipment will be featured. More details forthcoming. / Collection of toilet paper roll or paper towel from each participant for Ronald McDonald House.
Round Tables/Symposiums / -Members want to see a
Physical Therapist, Radiologist, Medical Assistant, Paramedics, Medical Examiner, Family Doctor, Surgeon, an Athletic Trainer, Oncologist, Respiratory Therapist, Forensic Scientist, Nurses, Pediatricians, and an Assistant Professor from UH Hilo’s Pharmacy Program (if he can’t come, we will invite a pharmacist). / Other speakers are: Orthopedic Surgeon, Dermatologist, Medical School Preparation (Medical tracks ex. D.O., M.D., etc), Neurosurgeon, an Anesthesiologists, and an ER Doctor. Jean Matsuda has agreed to coordinate this.
Hawaii HOSA Website / -Some parts will be ready by October 12. / State Office HOSA and officers will use this website as a means of communication to inform everyone.
Pin Design / -Pin Design must be turned in by the 15th / Voting will take place on Hawaii HOSA website from October 29th to November 2nd
Next Meeting: October 31, 2012
Adjourned at: 5:12 P.M.
Recorder: Princess Lynne De Dios