
/ Which LMS/IMS is/are currently in use at your University? / Is the LMS/IMS considered "an enterprise" system, i.e. the whole university is expected to use it?
Australian Catholic University / Customised Blackboard 4.7 (by NextEd). Some Web CT / Not currently. Blackboard is used for the delivery of postgraduate courses (14 altogether) only. Individual staff are using components of Web CT for undergraduate courses.
Australian Defence Force Academy / WebCT Standard Edition (maybe Campus Ed in 2002) / Yes
Australian National University / WebCT Standard Edition. First used semester 1, 2001. We expect to use WebCT Campus Edition in 2002. / We are heading that way. It is planned that all courses will have some sort of presence in WebCT for semester 1, 2002.
Central Queensland University / WebCT and WebFuse (an in-house designed LMS) / No, 'not expected' in the sense of compulsory availability of individual courses online, but the Division of Teaching & Learning Services and the Information Technology Division do not support other systems.
Central Queensland University / WebCT / Significant coverage but not exclusive
Curtin University of Technology / WebCT began as the centrally supported system. Curtin Graduate School of Business uses Learning Space, Curtin Business School has just signed with BlackBoard, the Humanities Division uses a home grown version called Angazi, and we are about to put some units up in OLA's webMentor. For this reason we are pushing for a Content Management System to enable the database to work with as many of these as possible. / There is a small review of the situation underway at the moment to see whether there should be one or a suite centrally mandated.
Deakin University / TopClass, FirstClass and WebCT / TopClass is the corporate LMS application. However, FirstClass has by far the greatest installed base with approx. 24,000 students registered to use it. WebCT is installed in one School, only, and is an older version.
Currently reviewing the marketplace for an enterprise level system.
Edith Cowan University / Blackboard - University system - currently being implemented. (Also WebCT and inhouse systems used) / Blackboard - this is the only one supported centrally (however Faculties can use others if they pay for it - some such as in IMM and IT use an in-house system as it is consider a part of the R&D activities. One faculty uses WebCT but will migrate to Bb)
James Cook University Townsville / Blackboard level 3 / Yes
Macquarie University / At the Centre for Flexible Learning we are using WebCT. The University hasa new student information system that is being introduced called Student / With WebCT we are moving tothe Enterprise version next year but we will do a re-evaluation before we commit to 'cobalt'. There has been no official University wide commitment to WebCT however, in practice, we are managing to achieve this through the service we offer. Departments can host their own materials and introduce their own communications systems however I am not aware of another LMS like WebCT in existence across the campus.
Massey University / WebCT / Yes
Monash University / WebCT / It will be the only centrally supported LMS.
Murdoch University / WebCT is predominant. Some pockets use an html template. / WebCT is the system which is 'centrally-supported'. We treat it like an enterprise system, and it is integrated fairly closely with other systems (students, staff)
Northern Territory University / We are using level 1 blackboard -very preliminary stages of use. We are going to be using Callista - after we develop the TAFE component! / Yes to both
Office of Employment, Training and Tertiary Education (ETTE) / We use Web- CT for the teaching and learning platform and each TAFE Institute in Victoria has their own particular SMS that generally has been locally built. At present 12 out of 19 are implementing a centrally developed SMS.
Open Learning Australia / OLA is developing a SCORM compliant content management and online delivery model which differs from the range of proprietary systems currently available.
Queensland University of Technology / At QUT we have developed our own system call OLT (on-line teaching). It is used across the University. We are constantly monitoring the market place but there is not a system that suits are requirements more effectively. We appreciate that this could change.
RMIT University / We have now gone live with the prototype. Have a look at: www.rmit.edu.au Please do the following which demonstrates how learning objects and LMS are at the first stage of integration 1) (ignore the look and feel!) 2) on home page (or any and every page) at the top set the search filter to images, pdf, multimedia… 3) put 'blood' or 'pipette' in the search box and search 4) examine the search result- you can either play/view; or an RMIT staff member can cut and paste the unique URL into their Blackboard shell. 5) have a look around and give me some feedback. / Yes.
RMIT University / Blackboard 5.5
QM Perception
WebLearn (internal quizzing module) / Yes
Swinburne University of Technology / BlackBoard, Teknical Virtual Campus, WebCT / One of the three
The University of Adelaide / Blackboard / Yes
University of Canberra / WebCT version 3.6.2 / WebCT is the only centrally supported system at the University of Canberra and the adoption rates can be ascertained by going to the UC WebCT
homepage, clicking on About WebCT, then viewing the WebCT server usage statistics link at the base of that page at:
University of Melbourne / At Melbourne we currently use a variety of systems, including our home grown WebRaft and OCCA (Online Courseware Component Architecture) and a couple of commercial systems such as TopClass and WebCT (version 4). We propose to purchase WebCT's new Cobalt version once we have had a chance to assess it to see if it meets our needs. If we go ahead with the implementation, it will be phased in and will be the sole centrally supported system in the University.
The University of Newcastle / Blackboard / Yes
The University of Newcastle / We currently use Blackboard. We have one teaching department that uses Flexicomm (Building and Construction) but they are very small and there is a lot of internal pressure in that department to move across. / Yes. Blackboard was chosen after an extensive evaluation, and it is 'supported' centrally. Where faculties want to go off and use another system, they do so at their own expense. The latter has not occurred, other than the point above (1).
University of New South Wales / WebCT / Yes - WebCT CE - Campus Edition which has been linked into the student management system.
University of Queensland / We are using WebCT as our adopted enterprise system. We are cataloging our learning objects into the U21 LRC. / Yes - if it is the most appropriate. It is the only one we are supporting as an enterprise. People can develop their own if this is not appropriate but we find we can use the shell of WebCT as the main vehicle and insert and add parts that it does not have fairly well. As people have to pay for development in our system this argument is fairly compelling as it means they can get both the system and the additional things they want.
University of South Australia / We have our own, called UniSAnet, http://www.unisanet.unisa.edu.au/unisanet/ / Yes
University of the Sunshine Coast / TopClass / Used for our online delivery, MBA and MFP. Not used for our face to face teaching, we are using HTML to web supplement the face to face teaching. In future we want to select an LMS for the whole university to use.
University of Sydney / Currently the University of Sydney is committed to WebCT (Version - 'standard', not campus), / Yes, I suppose so. 'Expected' is a bit strong in this direction... 'expectation' might work the other way: anyone individual or department could go and use any LMS, but they can't 'expect' university support. Our Faculty of Business is using BlackBoard for at least another 12 months; our Faculty of medicine has developed its own LMS for some project-focussed work it is doing...
University support for WebCT includes:
- licencing, central servers, hardware, infrastructure (offices, equipment, etc)
- workshops (developmental and training) are run for WebCT by both the Institute for Teaching & Learning (academic development & teaching/learning focus) and the Flexible Online Project team (technical focus). Our WebCT workshop program is composed of a series of beginners and intermediate workshops, some team taught, some taught face-to-face only, some taught in blended fashion: f2f and online. Both the Institute and the FOL Project team work with individuals, groups, departments, and projects to support academics colleagues with curriculum (re)design, online teaching and assessment.
-The Institute for Teaching & Learning has developed a Unit of Study (subject) Outline template to assist staff in planning their unit/s (subject/s) and the Institute is also reviewing and developing some procedures and clear advice to support staff and Faculties to facilitate the evaluation of online and blended learning.
- There is a USyd WebCT HelpDesk (phone, e-mail, website) to support academic staff 'designers' and student users.
- The FOL Project team also provides local admin support for academic staff in terms of monitoring enrolments through a WebCT interface with our student database and management systems (FlexSIS)
-  The FOL project team also supports staff with the technical checking of their site before it is released to students. The release process also requires staff to have each unit of study (subjects) reviewed by a teaching colleague.

University of Tasmania / WebCT / Yes
The University of Western Australia / We have three LMS available to staff - WebCT and two in-house developments Flying Fish which is mainly a tutorial system and the Forum which is used to support some innovative communication exercises like political simulations. Staff are free to choose but we have a user pay system at UWA if they need support to develop material. Training at present is provided "free". Either Blackboard or WebCT are going to emerge as the main player. I think they are leapfrogging each other at the moment and it is still a bit early to tell which will be the leaser in the long run.
University of Western Sydney / WebCT Standard Edition, to be upgraded to Campus Edition early 2002, and moving to new release from WebCT from 2003; Blackboard; and an in-house system developed within the School of Communication and Information Technology. / UWS has adopted WebCT as its enterprise system and will phase out others during 2002. Only WebCT will be supported centrally from 2003.
University of Wollongong / WebCT / yes
Victoria University of Technology / WebCT / Yes and no. It is the centrally supported system but one faculty continues to use its own home brew system but as we achieve higher levels of interoperability with our student system, they will almost certainly shift to WebCT.
Auckland University of Technology / Just completed a full evaluation for a University standard. We've chosen Prometheus from George Washington University, US. Blackboard was our second choice.
University of Canterbury / WebCT / Yes

Sue McKnight

Deakin University

Learning Services

23 January 2002