DECEMBER 4, 2016

Christmas Giving Tree –Tags on the tree represent gift requests for families visited by our St. Vincent de Paul Society throughout 2016. If you take a tag, please return the wrapped gift NO LATER THAN SUNDAY DECEMBER 11th. In order to ensure safe delivery of the gifts, please make sure you ATTACH THE TAG TO THE OUTSIDE OF THE GIFT AND LEAVE IT EITHER UNDER THE TREE OR INSIDE THE RECTORY. For more info contact Katie O/Connor at . THANK YOU!!!

St. Ann’s 2016 Christmas Mass Schedule

December 20th 6pm Communal Penance Service & Individual Confession

December 24th 5pm (Church & Social Hall) Christmas Eve Mass

December 24th 7pm & 10pm (Church) Christmas Eve Mass

December 25th 9am & 11am (Church) Christmas Day Mass

December 26-30th 9am Daily Mass (there will not be any 6:30am or 8am mass)

December 31st 5pm Vigil

January 1st 9am & 11am New Year’s Day Mass

Please note that there is NOT any morning mass on December 24th, Christmas Eve. Also, the Rectory Office will be closed December 23rd & 26th for the Christmas Holiday and December 30th & January 2nd for New Year’s.

Msgr. Dewson Council Knights of Columbus – The Knights will be selling Christmas cards after Sunday masses for the next few weeks. These are high quality cards at very reasonable prices. Please look for their table after all Sunday masses in front of the church. The proceeds support the Knight’s charitable activities for our church, school and community. Thank you for your support!

BREAKFAST WITH SANTA – December 10th from 9am-11am in the St. Ann’s School Social Hall. This event is open to school and prep children through 4th grade and their families. Limited tickets available. The cost is $10.00 for adults; $5.00 for ages 5-12; 4 and under free. Process your payment through the Parish Giving Link at Preregistration is required – please RSVP to by Friday, December 2nd and indicate the number of adults and children under twelve attending. For questions, call the rectory at 654-5519.

Auditions for St. Ann’s Church & School Musical are This Week – “Disney’s Aladdin Jr” – Reserve your spot for the December 5, 6, or 7th auditions. The musical is open to any child in 4th – 8th grade at St. Ann’s School, PREP or Sacrament program or any child in the same grades who is a registered member of St. Ann’s Church. Rehearsals for the show begin in January with show dates of Friday, March 31st and Saturday, April 1. There is be a place for any child who wants to be part of the show either as a performer or stage crew. For more info, email or call the Rectory at 654-5519 and ask for Jane. Don’t miss out on this inaugural event!

Choir Christmas Concert – Mark your calendars! The annual Choir Christmas concert is next Sunday, December 11th at 2pm here at St. Ann’s. This concert, which is free of charge, will feature our St. Ann’s Children’s Choir, Elkton High School’s Advanced Women’s choir and the St. Ann’s Parish Choir. It’s sure to put you in the holiday spirit. There will a light reception following the concert in the Social Hall. Hope to see you there! 302ann1

Saturday December 3

8:00 A.M. John J. Tosi, Sr.

5:00 P.M. Joseph & Evelyn Dorris

Sunday December 4

7:30 A.M. Mary Cunningham & Deceased members of the Cunningham family

9:30 A.M. James P. Garofalo

11:30 A.M. Parishioners

Monday December 5

6:30 A.M. Cornelius Reardon

8:00 A.M. Beverly Bacino Kitchen

Tuesday December 6

6:30 A.M. Nello Paoli

8:00 A.M. Dolores Morole

Wednesday December 7

6:30 A.M. William McClafferty

8:00 A.M. William & Nellie McClafferty

5:30 P.M. Mary Glynn Vigil Mass

Thursday December 8 Immaculate


6:30 A.M. Deceased members of the Sorbara & Regan families

8:00 A.M. Rosemary Heron

5:30 P.M. Stanley Stupi

Friday December 9

6:30 A.M. Matthew Durkin

8:00 A.M. Christopher Leach

Saturday December 10

8:00 A.M. Rev. Msgr. Paul J. Taggart

5:00 P.M. Theresa A. & Thomas W. Faulkner, Sr.

Sunday December 11

7:30 A.M. Paul D. Bradley

9:30 A.M. Francis Grimes

11:30 A.M. Parishioners

Pray for the sick, shut-ins and elderly of our Parish.

The Chapel of Divine Mercy is open 6am to 10pm, 7 days a week with the Blessed Sacrament exposed. Can you offer an hour of your time? Visit to sign up. You can also call Chris at 584-1422 or Nan at 656-8438.

ST. ANN’S PRAYER LINE – to place a name or special request on the prayer line email Joe/Shirley Ackerman at or 384-7513.

BULLETIN ADVERTISERS – Have you taken a look at the patrons listed on the back on the bulletin? It’s because of their support that we can provide this bulletin at no cost to our parish. Please visit these businesses and don’t forget to tell them where you saw their ad!

Decorating the Church for Christmas – St. Ann’s is looking for volunteers to adorn our church. The date needed is December 21st after the 8am mass. If you can help, please contact the rectory at 654-5519. Thank you!

Attention Lectors – The workbooks are ready for pickup in the sacristy. Get yours today.

Second Collection Next Weekend For Religious Retirement – Aging religious need your help. Senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests have offered their lives in service to others – educating the young, comforting the sick, seeking justice for the oppressed. Today, many are frail, elderly, and in need of assistance. Your gift to the Retirement Fund for Religious helps to furnish medications, nursing care, and other necessities. Please give generously to next weekend’s second collection.

Hospital Visitations – Make sure to call the Rectory at 654-5519 if you are in the hospital and would like a priest to visit.

Catholic Radio – Listen to Catholic Radio every Sunday morning at 10:05am on WDEL 101.7FM, 1150AM and Next Sunday, December 11th, learn about the good work of Serviam Girls Academy when school president, Peggy Prevoznik Heins is the guest.” Listen to past episodes at or search “Catholic forum Radio” on iTunes podcasts.

Snow Removal Help – St. Ann’s is looking for able bodied individuals to be available on an “on call” basis to help with the snow removal on our sidewalks and steps around the Church and School. Compensation will be on an hourly basis. If you are interested, please contact Joe Marge at the Rectory office at 654-5519. Thank you.

Religious Vocations –St. Paul reminds us that Christ became a minister of the circumcised to show God’s truthfulness, to confirm the promises He made, so that all might glorify God for His mercy. Priests, sisters, brothers and deacons offer their lives as a witness to God’s fidelity to His promises. Is God inviting you to live your life as a witness to His truth? If you think so, call or write Fr. Norm Carroll, Diocesan Director of Priestly and Religious Vocations at 573-3113 or .

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Ride Needed – Parishioner is looking for transportation to either 9:30am or 11:30am Sunday mass. He is disabled and needs help getting in and out of a wheelchair. His house location is Broom Street and Concord Avenue in Wilmington. If interested in helping, call the rectory at 654-5519.

55+ Group St. Joseph Parish in Middletown – is planning a 3 day 2 night trip to the Christmas Lights at Virginia Beach/Williamsburg, VA on December 12-15. There is no age limit. If you are interested, call Marie at 302-449-2496.

Christmas Dance Party – with the “Geator with the Heator” Jerry Blavat, Friday December 9th at St. Elizabeth’s Hall from 7pm-12 midnight. Cost is $40 per person (must be 21 years of age) and includes dinner, wine, beer and soda (cash bar available). For tickets, call Mania at 598-0682 or Roseann at 743-1108. Benefit for St. Elizabeth Church.

Lights of Love – sponsored by the Junior Board of St. Francis hospital will take place on December 8th. Here is an opportunity to recognize friends and family members or honor the memory of loved ones by making a donation of $5.00 or more. Those people will have their names displayed on a scroll in the hospital lobby through January 10th. A special Mass will be offered on December 8th at noon in the hospital chapel. Bishop Francis Malooly will be the celebrant and the lighting ceremony in the hospital lobby follows. For more info, contact

Pilgrimage to South Dakota, Rose Bud Indian Reservation and St. Francis Mission – The Diocese of Wilmington’s Native American Ministry, along with Journey with the Bear, St. Kateri Circle and Collette Travel is hosting a pilgrimage in the USA. Sign up by December 30th to receive a $50.00 discount per person. For more info, contact Sharon Ward at 545-3383. The trip is scheduled for July 7-13, 2017.

FAITH ENVIRONMENT-SAFE ENVIRONMENT – Did you know that in 2003 in response to the United States Conference of Bishops’ Charter for the Protection of Children, the Diocese developed a safe environment program entitled For the Sake of Gods’ Children? The Bishop, all priests, deacons, seminarians, religious brothers and sisters and all lay employees and volunteers participate in the program to assure that a comprehensive safe environment exists in our parishes, schools and institutions. For more info, go to and click on For The Sake of God’s Children.

St. John-Holy Angels Lottery Fundraiser – Looking for Christmas gifts for neighbors, teachers, etc.? St. John/Holy Angels Lottery Calendars are $20 each with 90 chances to win between $50 and $250. Only 1000 calendars will be sold. Sales run through December 31. Winning numbers are based on the Delaware State Lottery’s Play 3 night drawing from January 1 to March 31. For info or to purchase a calendar, call 302-731-2219 or email .

Worldwide Marriage Encounter – “May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to think in harmony with one another.” As we await the coming of the Lord, let us live in our marriages with endurance and encouragement. Explore how by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend on March 24-26 in Rehoboth Beach, DE. For more info, visit the website or to register, call Tony & Linda Massino at 302-220-9833.

Coming Up:

12/5 7pm Athletic Assn Meeting

12/5 3:30pm Musical Auditions

12/6 1pm Reconciliation grades 3-5

12/6 3:30pm Musical Auditions

12/6 7pm Possible Liturgy Committee

12/7 3:30pm Musical Auditions

12/7 5:30pm Vigil Mass

12/7 7pm Choir


Masses: 6:30am, 8am, 9:15am

(school) & 5:30pm

12/9 6pm School Movie Night

12/10 9am Breakfast With Santa

12/11 2pm Choir Christmas Concert

Advent Prayer

Light of the world, enter the darkness of our hearts and renew us in faith, hope and love. As we prepare to celebrate the great mystery of the Incarnation, help us to see your presence in our world, especially in the needs of the poor. Strengthen us to become true peacemakers able to love our enemies and forgive those who have offended us. Lead us to acknowledge our own sinfulness, accept your mercy and extend your healing love to those around us. Amen…
