Discovery Course Proposal
Deadlines:Nov. 20th, 2017 –Discovery course proposals to CCIC
NOTE: This call for courses is only for courses CURRENTLY in the Bulletin, or for courses previously taught as 4931s or other variable title classes that will be proposed in time to appear in the 2018-19 bulletin. A separate call for NEW courses will be made in spring 2018.
Submit all files as attachments to: - Indicate Discovery in subject line
Guiding Principles and Assumptions
1. The Discovery Tier is designed to further student ability to develop and address questions from multiple perspectives, and each course in the Discovery Tier is expected to contribute to this goal.
2. Courses are not intended for majors only (and may not be restricted to students in particular majors or programs), but rather to encourage interdisciplinary learning. Preference will be given to courses at the 2000 level or above, and with few if any prerequisites.
3. Courses must be meaningfully tied to a particular theme in such a way that students will be able to discern the links to the theme. Courses must directly and substantially address the theme through content, methodology, and written assignments. Normally, courses will be restricted to a single theme, although in subsequent years, select courses may be in two themes.
4. Courses accepted into the Marquette Core Curriculum must be offered regularly (that is, at least once every two years).
Course Number and Title:
Department offering course:
Course Description (Bulletin description will suffice):
Relationship of Course to Theme and Marquette Core Curriculum (How does this course address the theme? How does it help students understand the theme from a particular disciplinary perspective?)
Course Activities & Assignments (List the assignments and activities that will connect the course to the theme):
Additional information:
1. Copy and paste into this proposal the most recent syllabus for this class, with notations that clearly articulate any changes you will make to course content or assignments to fit this course securely into the theme.
2.. Include a note from the department chair indicating approval of the course and indicating the department’s ability to offer the course regularly if accepted for the Marquette Core Curriculum, including how often the course will be offered and how many sections will be offered.
3. All courses will be approved by the Marquette Core Curriculum Implementation Committee. In the case of courses which have multiple sections with different syllabi, each department will approve individual syllabi to ensure consistency and to provide oversight for the course. Please describe the process by which your department will review and approve individual syllabi (if applicable). Note all syllabi will be forwarded to the Marquette Core Curriculum Implementation Committee on an annual basis.