Student’s Name: / Peel Student Number:
Individual Education Plan: / yes / no / Ontario Education Number:
Year 3 - Total Days Late: / Total Days Absent:
Year 3 Teacher: / School: / Phone:
This Summary of Progress lists all of the Overall Expectations from the Ontario Kindergarten Program.
These expectations describe in general terms the knowledge and skills that children are expected to demonstrate by the end of Kindergarten Year 2. Since not all young children will learn in the same way at the same time, the range of achievement of these expectations will vary according to each child’s previous experiences and stage of development. In keeping with the developmental nature of early learning, students will not receive a letter code in Term 1 of Year 1.
The following code is used to indicate student progress in each area:
T – additional time and experience neededS – sometimes demonstrates
O – often demonstratesC – consistently demonstrates
Personal and Social Development
Term 1 / Term 2
Demonstrates a sense of identity and a positive self-image
Understands the unique differences among individuals, families, schools, and the neighbourhood
Demonstrates independence, and a willingness to take responsibility in learning and other activities
Uses problem-solving skills in a variety of social settings
Identifies and uses social skills in play and other situations
Displays an awareness of surroundings
Personal and Social Development - Comments / Next Steps
Year 3 / Term 1:
Year 3 / Term 2:
Term 1 / Term 2
Communicates by talking, listening and speaking to others for a variety of purposes
Understands and demonstrates critical thinking when engaged in the reading process
Uses reading strategies that are appropriate for beginning readers in order to understand written materials
Communicates in writing, using strategies that are appropriate for beginners
Displays an understanding and critical awareness when viewing media
Language - Comments / Next Steps
Year 3 / Term 1:
Year 3 / Term 2:
Term 1 / Term 2
Understands number, using manipulatives to explore and investigate counting, quantity, and number relationships
Understands the concepts of measurement through play, focused investigation, and guided practice
Describes, sorts, classifies, and compares two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional figures
Explores, recognizes, describes, and creates patterns, using a variety of materials
Sorts, classifies, and represents information in concrete and graphic forms, and begins to understand probability
Mathematics - Comments / Next Steps
Year 3 / Term 1:
Year 3 / Term 2:
Science and Technology
Term 1 / Term 2
Demonstrates through exploration and experimentation an awareness of the environment
Uses inquiry skills to conduct simple investigations through play, focused exploration and guided practice
Demonstrates an awareness of and care for our world
Investigates and talks about the characteristics and the safe use of some familiar materials
Recognizes and safely uses some common forms of technology
Science and Technology - Comments / Next Steps
Year 3 / Term 1:
Year 3 / Term 2:
Health and Physical Activity
Term 2 / Term 3
Demonstrates an awareness of health and safety practices for themselves and others
Participates in a variety of activities that require the use of both large and small muscles
Demonstrates control of large muscles during physical activities
Demonstrates control of small muscles at a variety of learning centres
Health and Physical Activity - Comments / Next Steps
Year 3 / Term 1:
Year 3 / Term 2:
The Arts
Term 2 / Term 3
Demonstrates an awareness of themselves as artists, through engaging in activities in visual arts, music, drama, and dance
Exhibits basic knowledge and skills gained through exposure to the Arts
Uses imagination and problem-solving strategies in artistic expression, both individually and with others
Expresses responses to a variety of art forms from many cultures
Communicates ideas through various art forms
The Arts - Comments / Next Steps
Year 3 / Term 1:
Year 3 / Term 2:
To Parents/Guardians: This copy of the report should be retained for reference. The original or an exact copy of the June report has been placed in the student’s Ontario Student Record (OSR) folder and will be retained for 5 years after the student leaves school.
Teacher’s Signature______Principal’s Signature______