Clerk: Mrs Lisa Horritt



Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 11th January 2016 at 7.30 pm at the New Staff Room, Tillington Manor Primary School, Young Avenue, Holmcroft.

1. Attendees and Apologies
Chairman Cllr Mrs M Redfern Cllr J Redfern Cllr J Cantrill
Cllr B Cross (MBE) Cllr P Bowen
Clerk Mrs L Horritt
Meeting was Quorate
Public: Mr R Thomas, Mr Barnett


County Councillor Frank Chapman, Borough Councillors Stephen Leighton and Ray Sutherland
The Chairman wished everyone a Happy New Year.

2. To accept Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests relating to items on the agenda

BC. Item 6. Planning

3. To consider signing and approving the minutes of the last Parish Council meeting held on 7th December 2015.

Proposed Cllr P Bowen, seconded Cllr Cantrill.

4. To review Matters Arising from those minutes

Defibs – c/f action required by Clerk.

24 Creswell Grove – Clerk has spoken to SCC, works confirmed as within their boundary so no action required.

5. Public Participation

Mr Thomas announced that Staffordshire County Council have put a permanent memorial to Harry Kerr (who crashed at the site during the second world war). This has taken the form of a stone monument, seat, and a sign board which also mentions the Parish Council.

The Parish Council noted that they hadn’t been informed about this by SCC and will follow this up. They also noted their delight at the memorial, board and seat.

6. To discuss and approve response to planning applications received:

15/23467/FUL – Plot B, New Car Dealership – Inglewoods

The Council discussed the issues of the levels relating to the land and the work that was done in 2013 to increase the height of this. The Clerk had spoken to the planning officer and she noted that it was worth noting on the response to the application.

The Council also discussed the level of staff parking, 26 staff with only 13 spaces provided. Following issues at Landrover it was felt this also needed to be raised in the response.

7. To consider any Highways and NHT matters that need action and to review any previously reported

·  38 Creswell Grove – Verge issue ref them putting some slabs and diging up the grass. Clerk has spoken to SCC who have asked the Parish Council to write in the first instance. Clerk to action.

·  Primepoint 14 yellow lines – public notices due 3rd February. This will end 24th Feb, assuming no negative responses, lines could be completed by end March 2016.


·  J14 Motorway lighting – Clerk has received a response from Highways agency. They are reviewing the lighting in this area, but it will be subject to approval and funding. To follow up in a few months.

·  A34 paths – Cllr Cantrill reported that on the farm side, many of the footpaths are becoming very overgrown. Clerk to raise with NHT.

8. To receive Councillors Reports

Cllr M Redfern:

·  Raised that the trees on the service road by Wilkes Wood keep dying – Paul Marriott has offered to replace one. Clerk has spoken to SCC and the Parish Council agreed to take responsibility for the tree by agreement with SCC.

·  Henry Hidderley has been in contact. He thanked the Council for the picture with his sons. He also noted his grid is sinking again. Clerk to follow up.

·  Wilkes Wood – there are still issues with cars parking there. The Clerk noted that these are not illegal and the only suggestion had been that the residents use the area so that it put people off. They have chosen not to do this and the Council and police are unable intervene.

·  Litterpick required – MacDonalds wrappers in Creswell Grove/Wilkes Wood

Cllr J Cantrill

·  Noted HS2 will impact the Parish – most likely through the roadworks during the building process.

·  Reported that the Severn Trent water works will be finished by 30th March 2016.

·  Reported Staffs University has been sold to a Chinese investment company.

Cllr Bowen

·  Nothing further to report

Cllr Cross

·  Reported that there have been issues on Marston Gate including cracks in houses. There has also been work carried out by Severn Trent in the corner by the old farmers gate.

·  Also raised about the consultation on Holmcroft library – Cllrs will attend the meeting there to understand what may happen.

Cllr J Redfern

·  Reported litter on the verges along the Creswell Grove woods – there is a large number of beers cans. Clerk to report.

9. Clerks Report

Current Financial Situation – Clerk

·  To approve financial payments, receipts and transfers

Items for payment.SBC Election costs £82.11, Trf to reserves £550 (£450 general, £100 cost of elections), Office exps £41.69, Vision ICT Website £240. Agreed by all present

·  To discuss initial thoughts on 2016/17 budget

The Clerk had circulated the files, the precept was agreed to be held at previous year level, resulting in a further saving to residents for 2016/17.

·  To discuss and agree amenity visits for 2016

These were agreed as April, July and October. Clerk to request these. Visits to be for 2 hours each.

·  To discuss setting an expense policy and guidelines

Carried forward – Clerk has template from SBC.

10. To review correspondence received

All correspondence had been received and distributed.

11. Dates of future meetings

1st February at 7.30pm in the staff room.

12. Meeting Close

The meeting closed at 9.00pm

Lisa Horritt 15th January, from notes taken at the meeting 11th January 2016
