May 26, 2009

CALL TO ORDER: MayorEngle, 7:00 P.M.

ROLL CALL: Councilmembers Present: Warren, Beadles,McLaughlin, Lomen, Baumberger, Nash; Smith excused

Staff Present: PWD Martin, Chief Hastings, City Attorney Grow, Deputy Clerk Kesler

AGENDA CHANGES: Add Valley Vision Contract under Unfinished Business and Facilities Planning and Public Safety under committee reports. .

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: MOTION BY BEADLES/NASHto approve the minutes of the May 11, 2009Regular Meeting. Motion carried.


  1. From the Public

Dan Cease spoke regarding an organizational meeting to be held on June 2 at the Library regarding the feasibility of a community garden.

  1. From the Mayor

Mayor Engle thanked the council members who attended the storm water meeting.

  1. From Staff

PWD Martin reported on progress for the soccer club to use ArnoldPark. They have secured insurance and reached an agreement. The project is moving forward.

PWD Martin announced that a joint public hearing will be held on June 2nd at the CHS auditorium at 5:30 regarding storm water planning.


  1. Ordinance No. 1455, Amend Business License, Off Site Sales – 2ndReading

Ordinance No. 1455 was read by title. MOTION BY WARREN/BAUMBERGER to adopt Ordinance No. 1455. Motion carried.

  1. Authorize Mayor to Sign Contract with Michelle Bly, Progressive Engineering, for Grant Writing Services

Councilmember Warren explained that Admin Committee is recommending a contract with Progressive Engineering to assist with searching and applying for grants. The proposal is to authorize $55.00 per hour, not to exceed a total of $2,500. The City attorney will review the draft contract for council action.

  1. Valley Vision Contract

MOTION BY MCLAUGHLIN/WARREN authorizing the mayor to sign a contract with Valley Vision for economic development services. Discussion ensued because the agreement was not in the agenda. The motion and second were withdrawn. MOTION BY WARREN/NASH to table action until the next meeting. Motion carried.


  1. PTBA, Kim Gates and Greg Gill

Kim Gates and Greg Gill addressed the council regarding new and additional proposed bus routes. Gates said the new routes will run every half hour or more instead of every hour. He said that buses will stop at Albertson’s and Wal-Mart five times per hour. The new routing will shorten the time a rider is on the bus. The PTBA is pursuing new signs and shelters for the bus stops. Councilmember Baumberger commented that the .2% sales tax that supports transit is due to sunset this year. It will be on the November ballot for renewal.

  1. Resolution No. 2009-05, Authorize HRA VEBA

Resolution No. 2009-05 was read by title. MOTION BY NASH/BAUMBERGER to approve Resolution No. 2009-05. Motion carried.

  1. Resolution No. 2009-06, Amend Position Allocation List

Resolution No. 2009-06 was read by title. MOTION BY BAUMBERGER/BEADLES to approve Resolution No. 2009-06. Motion carried.

  1. Authorize Voting Delegates for AWC Annual Meeting

Mayor Engle advised that the AWC Annual Meeting will be held in Spokane in June. Mayor Engle, Councilmember Warren and Clerk Storey are registered to attend. The City is allowed three voting delegates. MOTION BY BEADLES/BAUMBERGER to authorize Engle, Warren and Storey as the city’s voting delegates. Motion carried.

  1. Authorize Budget Amendment for Purchase of Yardwaste Totes

PWD Martin explained that the 1,676 containers that the city has are all in use. There is additional demand and he is requesting a budget amendment to purchase an additional 100 containers. Cost would be approximately $6,500. MOTION BY BEADLES/BAUMBERGER to authorize a budget amendment of $6,500 to purchase 100 totes. Motion carried.

  1. Street Closure for “Alive after Five” Function

Kristin Kemak, Chamber director, requested additional street closure dates for the Alive after Five. The plan is to hold the event the first Thursday of each month through October. Mayor Engle asked what the Chamber plans if approval from the state is not obtained in time for the June event. Wanda Keefer said that there are backup plans. She said VernonPark is a possibility, but the goal is to highlight the downtown corridor. MOTION BY BEADLES/McLAUGHLIN to approve the request subject to approval by police, fire and WSDOT. Motion carried.



Councilmember Beadlesreported that all bills have been audited and approved for payment. MOTION BY BEADLES/NASH to approve the bills as read, total expenditures for May 26, 2009,of $156,675.40. Motion carried.


Councilmember McLaughlin commented that all items have been addressed.


Councilmember Baumberger said the Committee would like to see the Finance Committee review financing options for capital projects. He said we are not looking at a specific project at this time. Baumberger asked Admin Committee to review contractual issues as they relate to facility planning. Finance and Admin assume those responsibilities.


Councilmember Baumberger commented that with the current issues regarding EMS and ambulance services, Chief Cooper is concerned with the annual EMS levy budgets. It does not make sense to put together a budget for each entity if they are not interested in continuing the contracts with Clarkston. Council directed Chief Cooper to request direction from AsotinCounty and City of Asotin regarding their intentions for the EMS levy and whether they should be included in calculations for next year’s budget.


Councilmember Beadles complimented the parks department for the work done at FosterPark. It appears to be getting a lot of use.

Councilmember Nash announced a meeting on June 1st at the Heights Grange Hall at 5:30 with representatives from City of Pullman regarding stormwater issues.

Councilmember Nash expressed appreciation for the photos of old Clarkston.

Councilmember Nash commented on the conditions of streets during a recent trip to the East Coast. He expressed appreciation for the way our streets are maintained.

Councilmember Nash said he has had citizens express concern about the intersection at 13th & Chestnut. PWD Martin said that intersection is part of a traffic study. He will keep council informed as information becomes available.


Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.


Vickie Storey, City ClerkDonna M. Engle, Mayor

Total Fund Expenditures, 5/26/09 / Ck #38851-38919, JV 9067-68 / $55,204.22
Total Fund Expenditures,
Total Payroll, 5/15/09 / Ck #38500-38555 / $101,471.18


May 26, 2009, Regular Meeting