First author Name(2), Co-authors Names(3), Adviser(4)

(The presenter name must be underlined and all authors names must be written in bold, centralized and Arial 12)

(1) Work executed with resources from…

(2) Job position, Name of institution; City; State; e-mail address.

(3) Same information as for the second author.

(4)Adviser; Institution.

Key-words: three to five, with commas among them.


The expanded abstract must have title, authors, authors association, INTRODUCTION, METHODOLOGY, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION AND REFERENCES, with a blank line placed before and after each.

The introduction must contain information that justifies the work. There are no words limit, but it must not be too long.

The quotations must follow the model: (SPARKS, 1995) ; (MOKWUNYE; HAMMOND, 1992); (SILVA et al., 2010). All references used in the text must be referred in the reference section.

The last paragraph must clearly bring the objectives of the work.


Depending on the work's nature, the experimental area characteristic must be inserted, making clear the conditions in which the research took place. A short description of the procedures adopted, the modifications that took place. Measure units and symbols must follow the International System (IS). If necessary, the section “METHODOLOGY” can suffer subdivisions, depending on the need.

a. Subtitle: In the text, the call for tables or pictures must be like that: the procedure is described in table 1. It can be done like this too: (Table 1) or (Picture 1).


As previously mentioned, tables and pictures con be inserted into the text or right after the “REFERENCES”, according to their dimensions. Results must be not only presented, but also discussed. It's not advisable to repeat in the text the data presented through the tables. If necessary, this item can also suffer subdivisions.

b. Equations, Pictures and Tables: equations must be centralized and numberd at right. In the text, they must appear like this: A eq. (1)...


Pictures and tables must be mentioned in the text. It is advisable to insert pictures in JPG format, intermediate quality. Colored pictures are allowed.

The pictures and tables titles must appear above them, and the source below. Abbreviations must be mentioned in the cross references. Do not use frame or extra line in the tables.

Table 1 – Days of each Month
Ano / Jan / Fev / Mar / Abr / Mai
2014 / 31 / ... / ... / ... / ...
2015 / ... / ... / ... / ... / ...
Source: the author

Picture 1 – UNIPAMPA's logo.


Each conclusion must be written in a paragraph, which will not have a blank line among them. The present tense must be used.


References must follow the patterns:

a. Journals:

FONSECA, J. A.; MEURER, E. J. Inibição da absorção de magnésio pelo potássio em plântulas de milho em solução nutritiva. Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, 21, 47-50, 1997.

b. Books:

KONHNKE, H. Soil physics. 2.ed. New York: MacGraw Hill, 1969.

c. Chpaters:

JACKSON, M. L. Chemical composition of soil. In: BEAR, F. E., ed. Chemistry of the soil. 2.ed. New York: Reinhold, 1964. p.71-141.

d. Annals:

VETTORI, L. Ferro “livre” por cálculo. In: 15º Congresso Brasileiro de Ciência do Solo. Campinas, 1975. Anais. Campinas: Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, 1976. p.127-128.

e. CD-ROM:

SILVA, M. L. N.; FREITAS, P. L.; BLANCANEAUX, P. et al. Índice de erosividade de chuva da região de Goiânia (GO). In: 15º Congresso Brasileiro de Ciência do Solo. 1996. Anais. Águas de Lindóia: Embrapa, 1996. CD-ROM

f. Internet:

MENDES, G. El Niño and La Niña. Disponível em: < Acesso em 15 out. 2000.

Anais do 8º Salão Internacional de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão – Universidade Federal do Pampa