Ecole Irvine Elementary PAC Meeting Agenda
May 18 2016
Board Members: Cristin Wilson (Chair), Tara Tait (co-chair), Sinead Joy(co-secretary), Rachel Loffler (co-secretary), Jennifer Darling (Treasurer)
Attendance: Michelle Hawley, Laurie Birnie, Sinead Joy, Leanne MacGregor, Tracey Carslake, Amara Garcia, Jacquie Bischoff, Michelle Tack, Colleen Morel, Salima Dhanji, Brenda Hynes, Lisa Smith, Cristin Wilson, Jen Darling, Suzy Phillips, Tara Tait, Tonya Pankratz
ItemWelcome / Cristin Wilson
Old business and approval of last meeting’s minutes
Minutes approved / Cristin Wilson
- Cycling BC – complimentary programme all equipment and instruction provided by professionals. Three year programme
Plan is to offer it to Grade 3 and 4 classes instead of Gr 4/5 over the next three years.
Tentative dates Oct 3/4/5
PAC VOTED IN FAVOUR of payment for programme – payment to be made on a yearly basis ($750 per year)
- iPad proposal
This type of technology is better for the K/1 to introduce technology. Can be used for letter formation, fine motor skills and generally using apps in an education setting. Total Cost $ 3,798 + $438 +$165 =$4401
PAC VOTED IN FAVOUR of payment towards the purchase of 6 iPads each year for three years. / Jacquie Bischoff
Carnival Update –
Organised and ready to go. We have 42 preorders to date, raffle prizes, sign-up sheet on volunteer spot, Concern over recycling—it will need to be organized and put out in strategic places for participants to use. Will be collected at the end of the event. Volunteers needed to run events, etc. / Steve Darling/ Jen Darling
Budget Presentation –updates
RBC– $4440.95
CIBC- $25515.96
New spending will be added later. / Jennifer Darling
Principal’s Report – dates and events, updates
staffing – maintained all 19 divisions
- New Head Teacher (assistant admin) positionKaycee Howard accepted the position .2 will be admin .8 of her time will be class based
- New .8 position to cover teachers returning 4 days
- Current extra staffing -- .6 based on the tiered intervention model teacher added to support most vulnerable. 15hrs extra EA time. Targeted to work with children with whom social emotional issues are holding them back from learning.
- Preps are now going to technology rather than music. Mr. Oun will teach technology. Music will continue to be a part of the curriculum. Classroom teachers will be teaching music to their own class.
May 26th - assembly recognizing M. Escueta
Rotary Club – meeting with Ms. Birnie to discuss how they can support the school. They provided grocery gift cards for the school to share as needed.
Avenues of Change – pre-k summer school being offered to interested families. Only 16 spaces available. Three weeks part time plus a final week this includes lunchtime.
Preparing for transition – criminal record checks and drivers abstracts – families will be notified if they are expiring so things can be maintained and up to date.
2016/17 School calendar will be ready for publishing May 30
Looking into a pilot on two early dismissal and two late arrivals (9:45) – hand off issues have arisen
Sports day June 24th. / Ms. Birnie
PAC voting 2016/17 –
Co Chairs–Tara Tait and Cristin Wilson
secretary–Sinead Joy and Rachel Loffler
Treasurer Jen Darling
Hot lunch- Suzy, Tracey, Tara, Colleen --day changed to Friday
Santa breakfast – Brenda Hynes
Positions to be filled by existing volunteers or TBA
Liaison - TBA
Twitter – Brenda Hynes
Treat day-
Volunteer Spot Coordinator – Ken Hoff
Movie nights (4)–Michelle Tack, Colleen, Tracy
Facebook – Lisa Ploss
Green /recycling – TonyaPankratz
- New Items Seismic upgrade – evaluation from the council on the seismic upgrade to come
- Safety in the lower parking lot – can we get signs and a work order Tara to liaise with Ms. Birnie who will send work order email.
- Voting on purchases from staff wish list –
PAC VOTE – putting aside $4000 towards the purchase and installation
--Sand Toys – outdoor play equipment and perhaps a storage unit including a large sand box
PAC VOTE – defer until update on the condition of the purple playground
2 iPads – Grade 2/3 student support and be successful in FrImm.
PAC VOTE –majority in favour $1500
6 iPads – K/1 to introduce technology
PAC VOTE majority $4401
Mattress and covers for medical room
PAC VOTE postpone to September
PAC VOTE postpone to October
PAC VOTE postpone to October
Set dates for 2016/17 PAC Meetings – proposal to keep the same 3rdday of each month but switch to Tuesdays at 6:30 / Cristin
Additional Items
Movie nights outdoors –perhaps organize one for next year
Next meeting - Sept 20 , 2016 @ 6:30pm
Meeting adjourned
** If you would like to be added to the agenda, please email **