Adult Advancement and Careers Service
How the UK Resource Centre for Women in Science, Engineering and technology can help.
Who are we?
The UK Resource Centre for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology (UKRC) works with industry, academia and the public sector to improve the participation and position of women in science, engineering and technology and the built environment. (SET).
We are funded by the government (DIUS) as part of its science workforce strategyto ensure that the UK is able to benefit from the talents of women scientists, engineers and technologists.
We provide expert advice and training to organisations to assist in culture and structural change to improve gender equality and to develop equality knowledge and competence in their workforce. We also run a range of programmes to support individual women in their career progression. We are working with active cohorts of around 500 women at any one time.
How does this link to the Adult Advancement and Careers Service?
We want to see an inclusive Adult Advancement and Careers Service that caters for women across the full spectrum of SET sectors and at all levels of employment. In particular there is a need to address occupational stereotyping and raise the awareness of opportunities within science, engineering and technology for women. We are keen to ensure that qualified and experienced SET women seeking to return to SET after a career break, those wishing to change into a more technical role and others who may be displaced by the economic downturn are able to access relevant and well-informed support from the service.
How might we help?
We feel we could play an active role in supporting the development of the Adult Advancement and Careers service by:
- Providing input relating to SET specialisms and gender equality from practical experience
- Assisting with resource development including case studies, statistical data and research evidence
- Providing bespoke gender equality training for career professionals and others in the AACS workforce
- Working with a pilot region/prototype to give a focus to issues relating to gender and SET
- Working with a pilot region/prototype as a route for referral for women engaged in our services to support their career progression
Please contact:
Jane Butcher, Assistant Director UKRC – Services for Women
to discuss these ideas further.
07968 013912