Purpose of the Report

1. Copy from plan

Author of the Report

2. Name qualifications/experience/knowledge of case – Copy from plan

Family Composition

Name / D.O.B / Relationship / Address / Tel. Number

Support Network

Name / Relationship

Background History and Source

Assessment Design and Methods of Working with the Family

This assessment has been informed by the Department of Health Framework of Assessment of Need for Children and their Families and the Assessment Guidance (2000). The Department of Health Framework of Assessment The Family Pack of Questionnaires and Scales (2000)will be used where appropriate – delete as necessary.

Copy these next paragraphs from plan

The strengths and weaknesses of the six dimensions of parenting capacity (basic care, ensuring safety, emotional warmth, stimulation, guidance and boundaries, and stability) are assessed in relation to their impact on the child’s developmental needs and wider family and environmental factors.Assessments draw on evidence based research which underpins the Department of Health Framework of Assessment and social work practice. The assessment will explore a range of issuesrelating to parent behaviour and functioning which will include,where relevant, an analysis of the impact ofadult mental ill-heath, learning disability, drugand alcohol use and domestic violence onparenting. The assessment explores familyinfluences, for example whether a parent isable to sustain a supportive relationship witha partner. The assessment also considers thepotential for change by identifying the previousresponses to attempts to help, the motivationto change now, the pattern of the parent’srelationships with professional workers, theirresponse to advice during the assessment,what support networks are available and theparent’s potential to benefit from therapeutichelp. When appropriate, the assessment will include liaison withprofessionals from other agencies working withthe family to contribute towards this process.

This assessment will be undertaken collaboratively with (name of parents) in a clear and open manner with regular review and feedback incorporated into the assessment sessions. Parents will be supported to understand the process of the assessment and encouraged to discuss any concerns they may have. Parents will be provided with structured support and advice with a view to providing opportunities to demonstrate the strengths in their parenting capacity.

The Assessment

This assessment consists of the following elements:

Firstly, the assessment will include individual sessions with …… to explore the range of issues outlined above and highlighted in the schedule of appointments.

Secondly I will assessment the family home conditions and …..for example preparation for Baby.

Thirdly, I will interview the following family members:…

In undertaking this assessment I have had sight of the following documents (e.g. previous assessments or Court bundle).

I have also had face to face, telephone and email contact with the following professionals (e.g. the children’s social worker (if applicable); GP; care co-coordinator at Haringey Community Mental Health Support Team, Care coordinator Community learning Disability Team; drug/alcohol adviser; domestic violence adviser)

The parenting plan including theSchedule of appointments is attached.

Parent’s engagement with the assessment process

Summary of Assessment Findings


  • Parental History
  • Parental Relationships
  • Specific Parenting Issues e.g. Domestic Violence/Mental Health/Substance Misuse
  • Basic Care
  • Ensuring Safety
  • Emotional Warmth
  • Stimulation
  • Guidance and Boundaries
  • Stability
  • Analysis



Social worker


Signed ……

Team manager


Appendix 1

Example Timetable for Parents

Type of Session / Date / Time / Venue
Initial agreement meeting
Session 1
Session 2
Observation of contact
Session 3
Session 4 (joint session)
Observation of contact
Session 5
Session 6
Observation of contact
Session 7 (joint session)
Session 8
Session 9
Final review (joint session)

Appendix 2 Care Proceedings Front Sheet (Use where case is in care proceedings only)

Filed on behalf of the Applicant





IN THE MATTER OF ( Children)

B E T W E E N:

The Mayor and Burgesses of

London Borough of HaringeyApplicant


AND Respondents