International Consortium for Educational Development

Annual Report 2015

The Object of ICED

The object of the International Consortium for Educational Development is for the public benefit to advance education worldwide by promoting, sustaining and increasing individual and collective knowledge and understanding of all aspects of educational development in higher education.

ICED achieves this object by engaging in these activities:

1. Advancing educational development through scholarship and research on practice

2. Improving the practice of educational development

3. Reaching out to support new and emerging networks

4. Acting as an international voice for educational development

5. Supporting its member networks

ICED Council Meeting and Continental Symposium

ICED held its Council meeting in Victoria, Vancouver Island, British Colombia, hosted by our colleagues in the Canadian network, the Society for Teaching & Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) in June 2015. 15 of the 25 member national networks were represented and the 24 people present (including observers and ICED officers) participated in a fruitful exchange of ideas and experiences.

The first ICED Continental Symposium on ‘Evidence Based Educational Development’, was co-chaired by Arshad Ahmad, Associate Vice-President, Teaching and Learning, McMaster University (Canada) and Helen Guerin, ICED President and former President of the All Ireland Society for Higher Education (AISHE). Over 50 Canadian colleagues. In total, 50 Council members and particvipants from Canada and USAattended the event and shared their experiences of working in Higher Education in Canada

The ICED Board

The Board met 6 times during 2015. Nitza Davidovitch of the Israeli Network of Centers for the Advancement of Teaching in HE (INCATHE) joined the Board in June2015. She replaced Mart Noorma of the Estonian Network for Educational Development (ENED). From the Council meeting in June, David Green represented IJAD on the Board and Michele di Pietro was invited to join the Board as the 2018Conference Convenor. Kristine Mason O’Connor stepped down from a long period of service as ICED’s Treasurer at the Council meeting and was warmly thanked; James Wisdom was elected as her replacement.

Planning for the Continental Symposium occupied a large part of the Board’s time in the first half of the year. In the light of experience, the Board decided that the plan to run Symposia before or after Council meetings in non-conference years was unlikely to generate the surplus ICED had been hoping for. The Board preferred the Japanese experience of the host network using the opportunity of having so many Council memberswith them.

Future meetings

Plans for future events are well in hand. The next ICED conference ‘Ethics, Care and Quality in Educational Development’ will be hosted by our colleagues in HELTASA and will be held in Cape Town, South Africa, 23-25 November 2016. The 2017 Council Meeting will be in Shanghai, China, the 2018 conference in Atlanta, USA and the 2020 Conference in Zurich, Switzerland.

Conference Guidelines

Building on Kristine Mason O’Connor’s work in updating the ConferenceGuidelines, the Board agreed to a revised version which was published on the members’ area of the website.


Work continued on the HELTASA/ICED Project, named the Southern African Universities Learning and Teaching Forum (SAULT). David Gosling stepped down from his role as coordinator, having been one of the prime movers in getting the project established. After an open call, David Baume was appointed in December 2015 to continue the coordination. The Forum met in Namibia for a well attended and successful meeting in February 2016. David Baume’sreport to the Board of that Forum meeting will be considered at the 2016 Council meeting.

Three other projects were discussed by the Board during 2015. They were a proposal from Germany’s DGHD for an Erasmus Mundus funded Joint Master of Academic Development degreewhich would be the next project for ICED’s Bologna Group; an Erasmus+ Project called Supporting European Educational Development (S.E.E.D.) through the Netherlands’ EHON; and a proposal for an online course for entry-level educational developers.


The ICED email list is well used for a variety of purposes. It carries news and information about ICEDand IJAD (especiallycalls for contributions to special issues), along with many notifications of conference and publications which would be interesting to the member networks. It also carries information about job opportunities and requests for surveys and questionnaires of the world-wide community of educational developers. ICED has also established itself on Twitter, and the Board has experimented with the use of Google+ as another means of strengthening the community. Because of resourcing difficulties the Board has been unable to make progress with ICED webinars, but has asked member networks to publicise any webinars they may be running and to make them open to participants from other networks,

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