Graduate Study Committee Meeting Minutes
January 17, 2017
Members Present: Adele Schepige, Chung-Fan Ni, John Rector, Patrick Graham, Tom Kelly, Melanie Landon-Hays, Lars Soderlund, Elisa Maroney, Terry Gingerich, Stewart Baker, Dirk Freymuth, Justin Schepige
Ex-Officio: Linda Stonecipher, Kristin Mauro
Minutes:Kristen Larson
Guests:Amy Clark, Interpreters
Agenda Item / Who / Outcome/Follow-upApproval of November minutes / Adele Schepige / Approved
Curriculum Proposals
Elementary MAT program and MTH 621, 622, 623
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Education
TA 442/542 Using Creative Dramatics to Teach Across the Curriculum / Adele Schepige
Patrick Graham
Adele Schepige / Review and Explanation of rationale for proposed eMAT, prerequisites needed for entry in to the eMAT program (67 credits)
- Coordinator will evaluate transcripts and content area
- Need for one additional elementary ed faculty
- MTH 621, 622, 623 created specifically for eMAT
- Amy-will changing ED 609 to 1-9 credits affect other programs? Currently 1-15cr
- ED 681 in proposal should be ED 581
- ED 616-edit to repeat for up to 9 credits
- One cohort/year, more if demand necessitates; 2yr program
Modified and New courses:
- DHHE 648 Educational Audiology and Spoken Language Development Split to maximize the instruction of each content area
- DHHE 648 Educational Audiology (modify)
- DHHE 649 Spoken English Development (new)
- DHHE 643 Instructional Approaches and Classroom Management-split to maximize instruction of each
- DHHE 643 Instructional Approaches in DHHE (modify)
- DHHE 647 Classroom Management in DHHE (new)
- DHHE 609 Practicum-modify allowing 1-3 credits
- No changes to credit hours
Drop course, no longer offered in curriculum
New Business
4+1 Programs
President Fuller / Tom Kelly
Adele Schepige / Discussion: What is the appropriate number of graduate credits and undergraduate can take and count toward UG & Grad degree?
- 15 is consistent with other Oregon Universities
- 500 level courses
- Will pay UG tuition for the 15 grad credits
- No problem for Degree Works-Amy
- Questions
- At what point would student apply for graduate program?
- Credit based or Progression based?
- Need for policy development that will apply across programs wanting to develop 4+1 options
- Linda and Amy will provide a policy draft to the Graduate Studies Committee
- Request visit for April
- Ideas for discussion topics
- Off campus grad programs
- Summer stipend for course development
- PhD programs
- Requirements for graduate faculty
Closing of Meeting / 4:40 pm
Next Meeting: Tuesday, February 21, 2017 3:30-5 pm Location: ITC 205