HED Advisory
/ Next Meeting: / Feb. 2, 2012, 2-3pm, 5304/5054 MCE, North TowerDate / Time / Location / Jan. 5, 2012, 8380B, MCE South Tower
Chair: / Karen Hughart
Vickie Thompson / Recorder / Maribeth Hagan
Attending: / Jenny Cotton, NICU
Martha White, 9N/9S
Wing Liu, Pharmacy
Phillip Stewart, Pharmacy
Lydia Colley, PICU
Mark Sullivan, Pharmacy / Melissa Powell, 8N/8S
Mike Jorden, 7N
John David Hughes, PCICU
Chris Kennedy, Admin Dir Inpt Med
Kathy Burns, CVICU / Connie Sue Pollard, 10N
Amber Brock, 5S/6S COBS
Heather Campbell, 5S/6S COBS
Bill Raines, Informatics
Kristen Berutti, Informatics
Stephanie Grose, SSS / Nancy Rudge, Informatics
Heather Freeman, SSS
Sylinda Littlejohn, SSS
JC Erickson, SSS
Sara Turcotte, SSS
Stephanie Payne, SSS Student
Meeting Objectives: / 1)Information sharing on new features & training and implementation plans if applicable
2)Decision making on new enhancements
3)Begin to identify significant enhancements needed (for future prioritization).
/ MINUTESWho/Time / Topic / Summary / Decision / Next Steps
- Ron Reed for Peds (5 min.)
- Will leave this as it is currently and provide re-education as needed
- Cherese Brooks, Burn (10 min.)
- Deferred until Burn can send a representative to discuss
- Karen Hughart (5 min.)
- Agreed to add as new Section below Psychosocial Assessment section of Assessment/Interventions Tab. This is not a required field so would be in lower case.
- Bill Raines (30 min.)
- Good discussion with positive feedback to move forward
- Concerns expressed about multiple sign in’s required
- Discussed adding a scheduled(q4hr and shift change) reminder in AdminRx to remind staff to document on Starform CDR
- Would like tie-in to StarPanel
- Pharmacy has to have disposition of drug, but each vial/bag does not need to have its own form—one form may be used for multiple vials/bags of the same drug as long as it clearly identifies the disposition of the drug
- Work will continue on ways to do this and will be brought back to HED Advisory
- Vickie Thompson (10 min.)
- Practiced answering possible questions from Magnet Surveyors
- There will not be an interview with HED Advisory but several reps from this group will participate (along with others from across the organization) in the Information Management interview.
- HED Analysts/Builders
New Agenda Items? Contact Maribeth Hagan to add items to list or submit via Bright Ideas link available in HED to get items on the list
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