HED Advisory

/ Next Meeting: / Feb. 2, 2012, 2-3pm, 5304/5054 MCE, North Tower
Date / Time / Location / Jan. 5, 2012, 8380B, MCE South Tower
Chair: / Karen Hughart
Vickie Thompson / Recorder / Maribeth Hagan
Attending: / Jenny Cotton, NICU
Martha White, 9N/9S
Wing Liu, Pharmacy
Phillip Stewart, Pharmacy
Lydia Colley, PICU
Mark Sullivan, Pharmacy / Melissa Powell, 8N/8S
Mike Jorden, 7N
John David Hughes, PCICU
Chris Kennedy, Admin Dir Inpt Med
Kathy Burns, CVICU / Connie Sue Pollard, 10N
Amber Brock, 5S/6S COBS
Heather Campbell, 5S/6S COBS
Bill Raines, Informatics
Kristen Berutti, Informatics
Stephanie Grose, SSS / Nancy Rudge, Informatics
Heather Freeman, SSS
Sylinda Littlejohn, SSS
JC Erickson, SSS
Sara Turcotte, SSS
Stephanie Payne, SSS Student
Meeting Objectives: / 1)Information sharing on new features & training and implementation plans if applicable
2)Decision making on new enhancements
3)Begin to identify significant enhancements needed (for future prioritization).


Who/Time / Topic / Summary / Decision / Next Steps
  1. Ron Reed for Peds (5 min.)
/ Breath sounds vs. Respiratory: Is “grunting” a description of a breath sound or of Respiratory character? (See attached info. On current pulmonary assessments.) /
  • Will leave this as it is currently and provide re-education as needed

  1. Cherese Brooks, Burn (10 min.)
/ Need to be able to document Bed zeroed. Need more information re: What is the problem we are trying to solve? /
  • Deferred until Burn can send a representative to discuss

  1. Karen Hughart (5 min.)
/ Contact information additions to HED (to permit documentation when there is change from what was documented in Admit History). (See attached example.) /
  • Agreed to add as new Section below Psychosocial Assessment section of Assessment/Interventions Tab. This is not a required field so would be in lower case.

  1. Bill Raines (30 min.)
/ Review feedback on workflow analysis using StarForm to develop an electronic Controlled Drug Record (CDR). Chris Kennedy & Mark Sullivan to be invited to hear feedback. Please review the attached document with staff and be prepared to give feedback. /
  • Good discussion with positive feedback to move forward
  • Concerns expressed about multiple sign in’s required
  • Discussed adding a scheduled(q4hr and shift change) reminder in AdminRx to remind staff to document on Starform CDR
  • Would like tie-in to StarPanel
  • Pharmacy has to have disposition of drug, but each vial/bag does not need to have its own form—one form may be used for multiple vials/bags of the same drug as long as it clearly identifies the disposition of the drug
  • Work will continue on ways to do this and will be brought back to HED Advisory

  1. Vickie Thompson (10 min.)
/ Magnet Review and prep. (We will spend more time on this in the Feb. 2 meeting. )
  • Practiced answering possible questions from Magnet Surveyors
  • There will not be an interview with HED Advisory but several reps from this group will participate (along with others from across the organization) in the Information Management interview.

  1. HED Analysts/Builders
/ Upcoming Enhancements
New Agenda Items? Contact Maribeth Hagan to add items to list or submit via Bright Ideas link available in HED to get items on the list

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