Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

JUNE 2010

Table of Contents

Meaning and Purpose of the MPPD 1

What is Professional Development?, p1

What is a Master Plan for Professional Development? , p1

What is the purpose of accomplishing the MPPD? , p2

Whose professional development needs are addressed by the MPPD?, p2

Guiding Principles in developing the MPPD, p2

Roles/ Responsibilities and Structural Process Flow 3

Roles and Responsibilities at the Regional, Division , p3

MPPD Structural Process Flow, p4

Preparatory Activities for the MPPD of the Region and the Division 4

Start-up Meeting of the Region T&D Chief and PDP-WG, p4

Orientation of the Division T&DWG by the Region PDP-WG, p6

Session Guide for the Orientation of Division PDP-WGs on the MPPD, p6

Monitoring and Evaluating the MPPD Process 13

PDP-WG’s Role in Monitoring and Evaluating the MPPD Process, p13

Approval and Implementation of the MPPD 13

Steps for Accomplishing a Master Plan for Professional Development, p14

The MPPD Template 15

Review of the Plan 16

M&E Tools for MPPD 21

Attachment A: Budget Template 32

Acknowledgement 34

MPPD Guide and Tools 13

Master Plan for Professional Development (MPPD) Guide

Meaning and Purpose of a MPPD

What is Professional Development?

Professional development is the process of improving the competencies and work performance of personnel through the provision of a wide range of opportunities for personal and professional growth in knowledge, skills and attitudes. Professional development focuses on improving the competencies of personnel in line with their mandated roles and responsibilities in order for them to achieve expected standards.
To bring about real change in people’s level of competency, it is essential that a systematic and continuous approach is adopted in the provision of professional development. It is important that professional development opportunities are provided for all and that strong leadership provided to support and assist people to participate in these opportunities.
One way of providing leadership and a systematic approach to the provision of professional development is through the development of Master Plans for Professional Development (MPPD). MPPDs can be developed at both the region and division level ensuring that the professional development needs of all teaching and non-teaching personnel at these levels are addressed

What is a Master Plan for Professional Development?

The word “Master” connotes something intended to operate on the broadest level and having control or influence of the operation of everything or of all others, events or other things. As the term suggests, a Master Plan for Professional Development (MPPD) is the major blueprint that directs and influences all activities related to professional development that need to be conducted for identified target personnel over a given period of time.
The MPPD sets out the region or division’s overall professional development goal and identifies a series of objectives to support its achievement. The MPPD goal is based on a review of data that identifies the training needs of the various personnel groups as well as national and regional priorities and thrusts.
Prioritized programs, which address specific competencies, are described in the MPPD and outcomes are set to identify what is to be expected when a program has been successfully completed. A timeframe for the completion of the different programs is also established along with a budget estimate.
The MPPD specifically focuses on the provision of professional development to the various personnel groups and provides the necessary details e.g. objectives, competencies, program content, processes, and budgetary requirements, required for implementation. Identifying the specific resources needed for implementation and the strategy or mechanism to secure the funds necessary are major processes of the MPPD as it ensures that professional development programs can be delivered.
The equivalent to the MPPD at the school level is the School Plan for Professional Development (SPPD) and is developed following parallel steps as the MPPD for Region and Division are accomplished. The MPPD Guide and Tools outlines the standards, processes and M&E tools for use in the implementation of the MPPD component of the PDP System.

What is the purpose of accomplishing the MPPD?

The MPPD is accomplished to enable a region or division to plan and prioritize their professional development activities over a period. It allows them in systematically addressing the professional development needs of their various personnel groups and to ensure that all personnel are provided with ongoing opportunities to progressively develop higher levels of expertise.
The MPPD identifies the specific details of the professional development activities, which will take place to achieve the development goals for the Region/Division. It serves as the major guide for professional activities for a three- year period, with a certain degree of flexibility and is reviewed annually. The planning is in conjunction with the accomplishment and regular review of the Regional/Division Education Development Plan (REDP/DEDP), done every six years with a mid-term review.

Whose professional development needs are addressed by the MPPD?

The MPPD is developed to address the professional development needs of all teaching and non-teaching personnel who are the responsibility of the region or the division. The specific personnel groups covered by an MPPD at the various levels would include:
-  Regional level: Regional Education Leaders (Chiefs/Assistant Chiefs of different functional divisions/sections ), ES II, ESI ( from across the divisions who have common needs), Regional/Division Trainers, Regional Office Non-teaching personnel
-  Division Level: ES I, PSDS, School Heads (Head Teacher, Principal, TIC), Teachers (with common needs from elementary, secondary, ALS), Division Office Non-teaching personnel, School/Cluster Trainers
Guiding Principles

Guiding Principles in developing the MPPD

·  Professional development plans and programs focus on improved student learning and consider the development priorities of the school, division, region and central office.
·  All personnel groups are provided with opportunities to participate in ongoing and continuous professional development in order to increase their current level of competency.
·  Effective strategies are utilized to increase participation and involvement of education personnel in professional learning
·  Professional development plans are the result of a collaborative process with representation from all concerned.
·  Professional development is formative, cyclical, and accurately collects and analyzes data to improve future activities.
·  The MPPD efforts at the central, regional, division and school levels provide a unified approach to professional development
·  The MPPD, while outlining the professional development plans for a period, is flexible enough to incorporate emerging priorities.
Roles and Responsibilities at the Region and Division Levels
The accomplishment of the MPPD requires a collaborative approach. To ensure ownership and commitment to the MPPD it will be necessary for people to work together and actively contribute to its development.
Under the leadership of the T&D Chief/Chair, a working group (PDP-WG) will be formed to oversee the MPPD process at the Region/Division level. The Region PDP-WG will be responsible for facilitating key regional personnel in the accomplishment of the MPPD. They will also have a role in orienting Division PDP-WGs on the MPPD process to be completed at the division level. It is suggested that the Division MPPD is accomplished prior to the completion of the Regional MPPD. In this way, the Division MPPDs can inform the prioritization of needs in the Region’s MPPD.
The procedures for the accomplishment of the MPPD are identified and are set out in Steps for Accomplishing a Master Plan for Professional Development. In general, the process involves representatives from the different personnel groups and key stakeholders working collaboratively to identify the regions’ overall professional development goal for the period covered by the plan.
The suggested composition of the Regional team responsible for the accomplishment of the plan include the RD/ARD/NEAP-R Executive Director, T&D Chief, Chiefs/Assistant Chiefs, personnel recipients represented by ES 2 (representing different functional divisions/sections), SDS/ASDS/Division T&D Chairs.
The Regional T&D is responsible for orienting the Division Team on the MPPD. The guide is outlined in the next section related to the Orientation for Divisions of the MPPD Process. Representatives from all Divisions T&D are invited to a central location for the orientation. The procedures for supporting the accomplishment of the Division MPPD are discussed by the Regional PDP-WG.
The process for accomplishing the MPPD at the Division level is the same as that at the regional level. The suggested composition of the Division team responsible for the accomplishment of the plan includes:
·  SDS/ASDS, Division T&D Chair, ES I (representing the different functional units) Administrative Officer, PSDS, Teacher Representative, Principal Representative, Medical Officer, HRM Officer, Planning Officer, Budget Officer, Division T&D WG Members
The Division PDPWG is responsible for ensuring that the ASDS, ES1/PSDS are prepared to orient School Heads and their PDP-WG within their respective districts/ clusters on the accomplishment of the School Plan for Professional Development (SPPD).
The structural process flow below outlines the roles and responsibilities of those involved in the development of the MPPD at the various levels.

MPPD Structural Process Flow

Preparatory Activities: Start-up Meeting of the Region/Division PDP-WG

Upon the issuance of a memorandum from the RD/SDS, the T&D Chief/Chair and the PDP-WG members meet to plan the process for managing the accomplishment of the MPPD at the Region and Division levels. The meeting basically focuses on the following:
·  Walkthrough of the MPPD Guide and the accompanying Template and M&E tools
·  Understanding the process flow for the MPPD and careful study of the roles and responsibilities for its accomplishment
·  Planning for the accomplishment of the MPPD- This should consider:
-  Identification of personnel to be involved in the process ensuring the leadership and participation of the RD/ARD and Chiefs (Regional) and the SDS/ASDS (Division) among the expected planners
-  Schedule for the accomplishment of the MPPD
-  Roles and responsibilities of the PDP-WG members during the accomplishment of the MPPD
-  Reproduction of materials for use during the accomplishment of the MPPD
-  Coordinating the monitoring and evaluating of the process
-  Administrative tasks associated with the accomplishment of the MPPD e.g. writing and communicating memos
-  Identifying the Region’s role in monitoring and evaluating process of the Division Accomplishment of the MPPDs and the Division’s role in the M&E of the Schools’ SPPD process
·  Studying the Session Guide for conducting the MPPD workshop found in the latter part of the MPPD Guide.
Steps for Accomplishing the Master Plan for Professional Development
The MPPD Template is a tool for the completion of the MPPD and is included as part of this MPPD Guide. An electronic version of the MPPD Template is also available. Planners are encouraged to use the electronic template for the MPPD as it is a more efficient guide in encoding the information needed to complete the MPPD. The final copy of the MPPD that is submitted for approval should be developed electronically as much as possible.
Samples of accomplished MPPDs may be accessed for use by PDP-WGs through the TDIS which is an element of the Enhanced Basic Education Information System (EBEIS) at It Is necessary to decide on the strategy for the accomplishment of the MPPD and how this may best be facilitated. Possible options include conducting a two to three-day Planning Workshop for Professional Development, the main objective being to accomplish the MPPD for the Region/Division.
It is also advisable to identify the Region/Division Officials who will facilitate the sessions for the completion of the MPPD using the suggested Session Guide. The following steps for accomplishing the MPPD will guide the Session Facilitators with the support of the PDP-WG.
Resources should be reviewed prior to the accomplishment of the MPPD to ensure that all necessary documents required to support the development of the MPPD have been located and are available for use.
Resources / Division / Region
1 / BESRA PIP / √ / √
2 / SBM Framework and NCBS-SH / √ / √
3 / NCBTS Framework / √ / √
6 / Organizational TDNA results of the Division/Region / √ / √
7 / Consolidated Division /Region TDNASH results / √ / √
8 / Consolidated Division/Region NCBTS -TSNA results / √ / √
9 / Division /Region Administrative Staff TDNA results / √ / √
10 / Other Documents relating to Staff Development / √ / √
11 / Student Performance Data (Reg/DIv Consolidated Results) / √ / √
12 / Details of Budget Allocation for T&D activities / √ / √
13 / MPPD Guide / √ / √
14 / MPPD Template / √ / √
15 / Budget Template / √ / √
16 / MPPD from all Divisions / √
17 / Organizational TDNA Results of all Divisions / √
18 / Summary of SPPD Professional development priorities from all Schools in the Division / √
Understanding the MPPD and its purpose
Before accomplishing the MPPD it is important to have a clear understanding of the purpose of the MPPD and to identify the personnel groups who will be covered by the MPPD.
1.  Elicit the need for continuing professional development for all personnel in the organization to help address the changing demands and for better student learning and improved school performance.
2.  Present the objective of the MPPD and explain the meaning of Professional Development and MPPD, its purpose and the guiding principles. (Refer to the first page of the Guide).
3.  Explain that the accomplishment of the Master Plan for Professional Development is the joint responsibility of all stakeholders and personnel groups who will be affected by the plan.

Start the Completion of the MPPD

Analyze the national and regional/division context for the MPPD: It is essential to have an understanding of the national reform agenda and analyze its thrust for human resource development in the context of School-Based Management requirements and the NCBTS’ demands for effective teaching. Additionally, the Region and Division development priorities for human resource development will also be important to analyze as they give significant directions for capability-building efforts. The following documents are necessary inputs to the context for human resource development:
1.  Recall the essential directions for human resource development contained in the following documents:
o  Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda (BESRA) Program Implementation Plan