POLICY / Subject Title:
Wireless Policy
System Policy, Campus Policy
Policy Number:
Supersedes Policy No.: / Approved Date:
12-21-2016 / Effective Date:
01-01-2013 / Review Policy
Denny Metzger / Team Members:
Brandon Hughes, Ron Belill, Correy Ewald, Erik Davis, Justin Chimner, Mike Myers
System / Approval Agency
IT Operations
The purpose of this policy is to define the requirements and expectations when accessing Baker College’s wireless network.
This policy is Baker College-wide and applies to every user of every wireless network at Baker College. Users are categorized as administrative, student, work-study, vendor, and guest.
Administrative UserBakerGuest
MAC Address
Self Registered Guest User / Individual who is a part time or full time employee of Baker College.
Wireless network for short-term visitors.
The primary wireless network for faculty, staff, students, and affiliates with a valid Baker College username and password.
Media Access Control Address is a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications.
Wireless network for devices that do not support user authentication and are located within the residence halls.
A visitor that will create a temporary account for the wireless Guest SSID.
Sponsored Guest
Student User
User Device
Vendor User
Work-study User / Subject Matter Expert
Supervisor for Temporary Student equivalent Guest account.
Temporary Student equivalent Guest account.
Individual who is currently registered in one or more courses at Baker College.
Any computer, tablet, phone etc. that a user brings with them expecting to authenticate to the wireless network.
Employee of a company that does business with Baker College.
A student who is working in the work-study program at Baker College.
4.1Accessing Baker College Wireless Networks
4.1.1By using Baker College Wireless Networks, you will adhere to Baker College’s Acceptable Use Policy (IT0039).
4.1.2Users must authenticate to the wireless network using their own unique, designated username and password.
4.1.3All devices attaching to the wireless network must meetthe minimum requirements that are stated on the Baker College Technical Requirements web page.
4.2Baker Wireless Networks
4.2.1Baker College will provide wireless access to faculty, staff, students, affiliates, and guests.
4.2.2BakerWiFi is the primary wireless network for faculty, staff, students, and affiliates with a valid Baker College username and password. Users may be authenticated on multiple devices. For example: phone, notebook, laptop, PDA.
4.2.3BakerGuest - Self-registered Guest Users
a.)Self-registered Guest users will authenticate to the BakerGuest wireless network using the unique username and password provided.
b.)Self-registered Guest users can authenticate to the BakerGuest wireless network with two concurrent devices.
c.)Self-registered Guest user accounts will be active for 12 hours. After 12 hours, the account will expire and the user will need to re-register to continue using the wireless network.
d.)The BakerGuest wireless network allows the following services/protocols: web, secure web and secure mail services.
4.2.4ResLife - Devices that do not support user authentication and are located within the residence halls will use the ResLife wireless network.
a.)Users must register the MAC address of their device prior to connecting to ResLife at mydevices.baker.edu.
5.1Information Technology (IT) Department
5.1.1Baker College CIO/COO is responsible for ensuring this policy is adhered to.
5.1.2Campus IT staff
a.)Troubleshoot campus wireless connectivity issues.
b.)Review and recommend updates to wireless-related documentation.
c.)Report wireless-related issues to Wireless SMEs.
d.)Notify affected parties of scheduled outages.
5.1.3Wireless SMEs
a.)Communicate wireless related issues to campus IT members.
5.2End User
5.2.1Must have a wireless device that is in good working order that includes a currently patched and updated operating system and an updated antivirus program.
5.2.2Understand and adhere to this policy.
Please refer to the Baker College Information Technology webpage for referenced guides and additional information.
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