Line 1 Enter your household’s annual gross income Line 1 $_______
Line 2 Deduct from your annual gross income $2500
For each dependent child under age 18 or who
Is handicapped, disabled or a full-time student. Line 2 -$_______
Line 3 If you currently pay childcare expenses for the care
Of a child or children age 12 and under and if the
Childcare is necessary to enable a family member to
Work or further their education, you may deduct
$5,000 Line 3 - $_______
Line 4 Is the head of household or spouse 62 years of age,
Handicapped or disabled? If yes, enter a deduction
Of $500 on Line 4. Line 4 -$_______
Line 5 Subtract the amounts in Lines 2,3 and 4 from Line 1
Enter the total here. Line 5 $_______
If Line 5 is $ 53,750 or less you currently meet the maximum income requirements for Founders Ridge.
If you have any questions please call Adelaide Bridges at 703-246-5197 or Eva Cardenas at 703-246-5099.