Pre-K/Kindergarten1 Backpack(washable/non-rolling) 4 writing tablets 1 pack of beginner pencils(jumbo size) 1 pencil/crayon box/ pencil sharpener Erasers Glue/glue sticks Markers/crayons/dry erase markers Folders/ copy paper Kleenex/Clorox cleaning wipes Hand sanitizer/Lysol disinfectant spray Zip lock bags(gallon size) 1 set of clothing to keep at school / First Grade
1 Backpack(washable/non-rolling) 1 Three inch( 3 ring binder) Wide ruled notebook paper construction paper 48 #2 pencils 6 erasers (not the pencil top erasers) Scissors (blunt tip) 1 pencil/ pencil sharpener 1 Glue or 3 glue sticks 1 box CRAYOLA crayons 3 EXPO dry erase markers 4 pocket folders with prongs 1 ream of copy paper Kleenex/Clorox cleaning wipes Hand sanitizer Lysol disinfectant spray 1 box GALLON Zip lock bags (boys only) 1 box QUART freezer bags (girls only) / Second Grade
1 Backpack(washable/non-rolling) 1 Three inch ( 3 ring binder) Notebook paper construction paper 3 packs of pencils(#2) 4 erasers scissors (blunt tip) 1 pencil sharpener Glue/glue sticks Markers crayons 3 dry erase markers Folders/ copy paper/index cards Kleenex/Clorox cleaning wipes Hand sanitizer Lysol disinfectant spray Zip lock bags (gallon size) Pocket dictionary/thesaurus
Third Grade1 Backpack 1 Three inch ( 3 ring binder) Notebook paper/construction paper 2 composition tablets 48(#2 pencils) erasers/scissors (blunt tip) 1 pencil/crayon box 1 pencil sharpener Glue/glue sticks Color pencils/crayons/dry erase markers/highlighters Folders/ copy paper/index cards/dividers Kleenex/Clorox cleaning wipes Hand sanitizer/Lysol disinfectant spray Zip lock bags(quart & gallon size) Pocket dictionary/thesaurus / Fourth Grade
1 Backpack 1 Three inch ( 3 ring binder) Notebook paper/construction paper 2 composition tablets 48(#2 pencils) erasers/scissors (blunt tip) 1 pencil/crayon box 1 pencil sharpener Glue/glue sticks Color pencils/crayons/dry erase markers/highlighters Folders/ copy paper/index cards/dividers Kleenex/Clorox cleaning wipes Hand sanitizer/Lysol disinfectant spray Zip lock bags(quart & gallon size) Pocket dictionary/thesaurus / Fifth Grade
1 Backpack 1 Three inch ( 3 ring binder) Notebook paper/construction paper 2 composition tablets 1 pack of graph paper 48(#2 pencils) erasers/scissors (blunt tip) 1 pencil/crayon box 1 pencil sharpener Glue/glue sticks Color pencils/crayons/dry erase markers/highlighters Folders/ copy paper/index cards/dividers Kleenex/Clorox cleaning wipes Hand sanitizer/Lysol disinfectant spray Zip lock bags(quart & gallon size) Pocket dictionary/thesaurus