In attendance:Councillor H Staples (Chairman)
Councillors J Harrison, E Armstrong, O Snell, P Skinner, J Skinner, M Ordway
(arrived at 6.40pm)
Boston Borough Councillor J Noble
K Partridge (Clerk)
15 members of the public
1CHAIRMAN’S REMARKS: Councillor Staples welcomed all to the meeting. Thanks to those who helped clear the brambles at the pumping station. Also thanks to those who made lanterns and attended the Illuminate parade.
It was agreed to discuss planning matters at item 4.
2APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Apologies received and accepted from Councillors G Bishop. Apologies also received from Lincolnshire County Councillor E Ransome.
3DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: Councillor P Skinner declared an interest in all planning applications through his role on the Planning Committee and took no part in planning discussions.
4PLANNING MATTERS: To discuss the following applications:-
B/16/0436 – outline planning applications for the demolition of the former scrap yard buildings and disused farm building and the erection of up to 180 dwellings, ancillary public open space, landscaping, drainage and access (all matters reserved) at land east of Lindis Road (inc former Shooters Yard).
Members of the publichad made representations to the Parish Council and these points will be included in the comments forwarded to Planning.
- Concerns with additional traffic which will exit the proposed development in between 2 other roads (opposite) ie: Monteith Crescent and Hardiway.
- Additional traffic will exit Lindis Road at the Eastwood Road/Freiston Road junction – visibility is extremely poor from that exit particularly when looking towards Freiston Road. This is also exacerbated with the butchers having 2 exits onto that road. Visibility very poor when exiting Tower Road on to Freiston Road when looking towards Richmond House direction.
- There are no supermarkets or doctors surgeries on that side of the town, therefore additional traffic will need to use the already congested John Adams Way.
- Concerns that not enough allocated parking has been taken into account in the development, this gives rise to concerns that vehicles will park on the loop road and make it extremely difficult for emergency vehicles to gain access.
- Flooding already occurs in the gardens of some of the properties that are near the proposed attenuation pond, there are grave concerns this is in the wrong place as the site is higher in that area and residents are concerned they will suffer more flooding.
- Concerns with regard to sewage, Eastwood Road has been a victim of “back-up” at times of heavy rainfall, additional sewage into the system may increase the problem.
- There is no allocation for the elderly or disabled residents within the proposed development as none of the properties are single storey.
- Some of the documents/reports are incorrect, road names are wrong and it is stated there are 2 pedestrian crossings – there is only one on Eastwood Road and none on Freiston Road (as stated).
- Local doctors surgeries and schools are already at capacity.
- Parish Council would like confirmation of how the social housing element will be funded.
- Some of the reports appear to be somewhat out of date, more up to date ones would be preferable.
Members of Fishtoft Parish Council would like to request this application is considered by the Planning committee rather than Officer delegated powers.
B/16/0451 – demolition of the two storey sheltered unit comprising 40 units of living accommodation. Constructed in 1980. Brick and block with concrete beam and block floors, designed for elderly at The Sycamores, Scotia Road.
No objections. Members were disappointed that Mayflower did not consult with the Parish Council, the clerk will raise this with them.
It was understood that owing to low numbers of residents and the high costs of refurbishing the current building had led to the decision to demolish it. Mayflower need to raise grant funding to develop the site and they hope to build 16 family houses.
B/16/0449 – part demolition of existing store building and construction of a new single-storey building, construction of a new fenced exercise area and making good of existing hard landscape areas around new facility at North Sea Camp. No objections.
Planning application B/15/0404 – outline application with some matters reserved for the erection of 29no.residential dwellings with detailed consideration of access and layout at land off Clampgate Road, Fishtoft – an appeal has been made to the Secretary of State against the decision of Boston Borough Council to refuse planning permission. All representations already made have been forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate.
5POLICE REPORT: List of reported incidents received covering 21 November to date.
1 x abandoned vehicle
1 x ASB inconsiderate behaviour
2 x theft
2 x vehicle offence
5 x concern for safety
4 x suspicious persons
2 x transport hazard
4 x RTC
1 x pet in road
Pilgrim Hospital incidents –
3 x ASB inconsiderate behaviour
2 x theft
3 x concern for safety
1 x suspicious person
1 x traffic offence.
It was reported shed thefts are prevalent at the present time.
6MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 21 NOVEMBER 2016: It was resolved the minutes be approved and signed. Proposed by Councillor E Armstrong, seconded by Councillor Harrison and agreed.
Parking at Hawthorn Tree School: Local Parking Enforcement Officers have been requested to attend, no feedback received to date. The Police Commissioner shares concerns and will be forwarding details to LCC Highways portfolio holder and also to Lincolnshire Police for their consideration regarding any operational assistance.
The Chair of Hawthorn Tree School Governors will be attending the Parish Council meeting in January to raise the matter.
Hilldyke Telephone Kiosk: The clerk had contacted BT – the kiosk has been tidied up but will be removed within the next few months.
Communications with Planning: Following recent concerns that requests and comments to planning had been “lost”, Planning have requested a consistent approach from all Parish Councils and specific email address and contact details have been forwarded.
Comments regarding planning application B/16/0436 – comments from the public included in agenda item 4.
9HIGHWAYS: Highways update not received.
10LITTER PICKING GROUP REPORT: It was noted Rochford Tower Lane and Toot Lane will need some attention once the weather improves.
11CLERKS REPORT, CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED AND COUNCILLORS ISSUES: General correspondence received included Matt Warman MP surgery dates.
Road Signs at Spilsby Road junction: The Clerk had contacted 2 further local companies who had placed their advertising signs at the mini roundabout; unfortunately one of those was not happy with the request. The Clerk will contact them again.
It was noted that signs at Johnsons Garden Centre are restricting the view for motorists when exiting the garden centre onto the A52; this will be brought to their attention
Councillor J Skinner had received a complaint from a resident of Marshall Close who was concerned at the speed some of the agricultural machines pass through the village, especially at the corner near to the church. The Clerk will raise this with the company.
Councillor Ordway thanked those who helped with the bramble pruning; there is still more to do and further dates will be circulated in the New Year. To be discussed again next year.
Councillor Snell reported that following the recent closure of Wythes Lane, it appears no work was carried out. Clerk to raise with Highways.
Councillor Walsh reported it was becoming more difficult for some residents to get into Boston for Doctors appointments as the last bus is at 3.15pm. It was also almost impossible to access public transport to commute to work. Call Connect is one optionfor residents.
Councillor Staples reported that following recent reports of a damaged lamppost, within 24 hours it had been removed and there has been a promise that it will be replaced.
3 street lights not working in Sandringham Gardens had been reported but these had not been rectified. There was still one light on Whitehouse Lane also not working, despite having been reported some months ago.
Councillor Noble had already reported on the Sycamores under the agenda item 4.
The changes to the affordable housing clause on the development at Woodthorpe Avenue, and which was requested go to Planning Committee, was granted.
a) a budget update was presented and accepted
b) to approve payment of accounts:-
Clerks salary - £323.44
Clerks expenses - £27.26
British Legion, poppy wreath - £30.00
Weedkiller treatment, war memorial - £30.00
Consider donation to cover electricity and water costs at the Pavilion for the lantern making day – it was resolved to donate £30.00
Proposed by Councillor P Skinner, seconded by Councillor Armstrong and agreed.
c) budget/precept proposals for 2017/18. Budget sheets had been distributed to all Members, this will be discussed at January meeting for agreement.
Boston Borough Council Transformation Programme – confirmation of costs had been received for running, maintaining and replacing footway lights and election costs. The acceptance slip was signed.
It will be necessary to carry out a risk assessment of open spaces as this responsibility will now fall under the Parish Council; Councillor P Skinner agreed to take on this role.
Councillor Ordway was concerned at the difference in costs between different authorities as previously reported. This is believed to be because different providers are used. It was noted the agreement will run on a yearly basis and twelve months’ notice can be given to opt out of the arrangements.
15CONSIDER MOVING MEETINGS: Councillor Staples suggested moving meetings – April to September at the Pavilion, October to March at Rochford Tower Hall; this would ensure safety for residents with regard to poor lighting at the pavilion and better heating for the welfare of Members. It had been ascertained there is a further outside light at the Pavilion. It was agreed to monitor the situation but to leave already arranged meetings as they are.
16DATE OF NEXT MEETING: The next meeting will be held on Monday 16 January 2017 at the Playing Field Pavilion commencing at 7.00pm with a 10 minute public forum, if required.
There being no further business to discuss the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.55pm.