Essence of Communication
Pediatric History
The information provided on this form is confidential. It is used to appropriately prepare for the evaluation.
At the time of the evaluation we may ask for clarification or discuss any further information
***Please fill out each line to the best of your knowledge or put N/A if not relevant***
Personal Information:
Child’s Name: ______DOB: ______Age: ______
Person completing form: ______Relationship: ______
Referral Information:
Describe your and/ or other’s concerns about your child’s speech-language / communication / learning skills: ______
Referral Source(s): *** This information is required***
Primary Healthcare Provider: ______Phone #: ______
Practice Name: ______Specialty: ______
*** A copy of the evaluation will be sent to the primary healthcare provider, even if they did not make the initial referral ***
Referring Healthcare Provider:
___ Same as Primary
___ Other Healthcare provider (ex: ENT, Neurologist, etc)
Name: ______Phone #: ______
Practice Name: ______Specialty: ______
___ Not referred by a Healthcare provider (ex: school SLP, tutor, friend, etc)
Name: ______Phone #: ______
Association to client: ______
Past and/or Current Speech-Language Services:
___ Early Intervention
___ In School (IEP and/or 504 Plan and/or RTI):
Grade(s): ______
Still receiving? ___ Yes ___ No why stopped? ______
___Other private practice or institution (hospital, clinic, center, etc):
Name of place: ______Phone: ______
Provider’s Name: ______
Dates of service: ______
Status of these services: ___ Discontinued
___ Continue in addition to services at Essence of Communication
*** We will need copies of recent reports, IEPs, etc from all past and current providers prior to the evaluation***
If you are unable to provide the reports we require a signed release of information and will request the records.
Family History
Mother’s Name: ______Father’s Name: ______
(If applicable)
Co-mother’s Name: ______Co-father’s Name: ______
Child currently lives with:
___ both parents in same home
___ shared living in different homes between parents
___ a single parent (other parent not involved with child) ___Mother ___Father
___ Other (Guardian, family member, foster care) (Please describe relationship): ______
Is the child adopted? _____ At what age: ______Outside the US, where? ______
Name: ______Age: ______Sex: ______
Name: ______Age: ______Sex: ______
Name: ______Age: ______Sex: ______
Name: ______Age: ______Sex: ______
What is the native language spoken in the home? ______
What other language(s) are spoken in the home? ______
If English is not the primary language spoken in the home what is the preferred language the child speak? ______
Family History of any Speech – Language / Learning / Developmental Problems?
Yes / DescribeMother
Maternal family side
Paternal family side
Describe any other family history that you feel is important: ______
Please provide us with your primary goals and expectations for us to keep in mind during the evaluation and therapy processes.
Developmental History
Prenatal History:
Overall health of mother during pregnancy: ___Good ___Poor ___ Unknown
(please check below all that apply)
Yes / Condition / Describe including treatment, medications, etcAnemia
Rh incompatibility
Serious viral infections
Severe nausea & vomiting
Substance Abuse
Length of pregnancy: ______weeks. If less than 40 weeks please state why: ______
Describe any other complications during pregnancy: ______
____Vaginal Length of labor ______Induced? Y / N Drug(s): ______
Please describe delivery including any complications: ______
____C-Section Why? ______
Drugs: ______
Apgar Scores: ______Birth weight: ______Length: ______
Please indicate if any of the following were present at birth:
Yes / Condition / Describe including treatments, medications, etcBlood sugars abnormal
Cord around neck
Difficulty breathing
Required oxygen
Neonatal Care:
Was in a Special Care Nursery (SCN) or NICU? ______If yes, how long? ______
Why? ______
Care in SCN/NICU: Please describe any concerns/difficulties while in the SCN/NICU (latching on, feeding problems, reflux, difficulty calming, etc): ______
Were therapy services and/or medical follow-up recommended at discharge? Yes / No If so what? ______
Feeding: ___Breast Fed How long? ______Easy ___Difficult: ______
___Bottle Fed How long? ______Easy ___Difficult: ______
___Other: ___N-G Tube ___PEG Why? ______
How Long? ______Comments: ______
___Reflux: How long? ______How managed?: ______
Eating: When did the child start eating? Soft solid foods: ______Chew solid foods: ______
When did the child start drinking from? Sipper cup: ______Regular cup: ______
Habits (picky eater, typical, etc) describe: ______
Diet (gluten free, restrictions, textures, etc) describe: ______
Oral-Motor: ___ Sucks: Thumb / Finger / Pacifier / Objects ____History of ___Currently does
Describe: ______
___ Oral Habits: Bites fingernails / chews clothing / other ____History of ___Currently does
Describe: ______
Motor: (please record age when first observed):
Rolling over: ______Sitting unsupported: ______Crawling: ______Walking: ______
Is handedness established? Y / N Preference: ___Right ___Left
Body coordination concerns? Y /N Describe: ______
Toilet Training (daytime only): Completed? Y / N Age: ______Easy ___Difficult
Babbling (combined syllables such as “baba, bobo”, etc when they were a baby): Y / N
Describe: ______
Age of first words: ______What were the first words? ______
Age of word combinations: ______What were the combinations? ______
Did speech start and then stop? ______What age? ______
Special Programs / Other Therapies: Please list any additional services your child has or is receiving, include the provider’s name if possible
(ex: OT, PT, Educational / Tutoring, Autism, Counseling, Horse, Adaptive PE, Vision, Hearing, etc)
Through the School Outside of school
Medical History
***Please provide as much detail as possible***
Medical Conditions / Illnesses / Injuries:
Condition / Age / DescribeAttention Deficit Disorder
Autism / PDD
Brain Injury
Chronic upper respiratory infections
High Fever
Surgery other than tubes in ears or Tonsillectomy
Upper Respiratory History and Current Status:
Ear Infections: Frequency: ______Severity: ______Eardrum rupture? Y / N
PE Tubes: Y / N ENT: ______
Surgery Date(s): ______
Upper Respiratory Infections: Frequency: ______Describe: ______
Tonsillectomy/Adenoidectomy: ENT: ______
Surgery Date(s): ______
Frequent nebulizer use: ______
History of oxygen use: ______
Sleep patterns:
___Sleeps through the night without waking, except toileting
___Wakes frequently during the night. Reasons: ______
___ Snores
Number of hours sleeps at night continuously: ______
Allergies: Please check all that they are allergic to and describe response to allergens:
___Foods ___Nuts ___Milk ___Latex ___Medications ___Environmental ___Other: ______
Describe: ______
Vision and Hearing:
Yes / Date / Where / Results / ConcernsHearing Tested
Vision Tested
Current Medications: Please list current medications and reason for taking
Current Level of Functioning
How does your child currently communicate? (ex: Points, grunts, whines, gestures, talks in sentences, etc):
How does your child feel about his/her communication skills (include behaviors, verbal remarks, etc)?
How do others respond to your child’s communication skills?
Parents: ______
Siblings: ______
Peers: ______
Others: ______
Learning / Academics:
Current School: ______Grade:______
Describe any academic concerns you may have: ______
Has your child been retained a grade? ____ What grade?: _____ Why? ______
Does your child have difficulty learning new information?______
Does your child have difficulty concentrating or attending to tasks? ______
If your child does not attend preschool/school, do they attend day care or other learning environments? ______
If so: Where? ______Frequency: ______
Describe any sensory issues your child may have, especially regarding touch, light, smells, sounds, etc: ______
How are sensory issues managed? ______
Social / Play: Describe your child’s social and play skills: ______
Describe any concerns you have regarding your child’s social / play skills: ______
Describe any extra curricular activities (e.g., soccer, piano, church, etc): ______
Behavior: Describe your child’s overall behavior: ______
Describe your child’s personality: ______