Guiding Question:
How can you use mathematics to educate people about the living conditions of third world countries?
Health and Social Education
Date Assigned: March 18, 2009
Approximate Time Required: 75 minutes in class
Assignment Description:
Did you know that one in six people in the world does not have safe drinking water? Tragically, 25 000 people die daily due to lack of clean drinking water. To help this problem, UNICEF has established programs in various countries to bring aid to African villages in the form of water wells.
One African village in particular that is experiencing a water shortage is Chickua, Malawi. Chickua has a population of 130 people. The townspeople have recently discovered that their existing water well is no longer replenishing. Instead, the well is diminishing at an alarming rate of 50 litres per day! The radius of the well is 1.75m, while its height is 33m. Only 60% of the well’s capacity is actually water. Furthermore, each person needs a minimum of 16 litres a day to survive.
UNICEF has decided to dig a new well for the Chickua residents, but it will take 100 days to complete the project. Is there enough water to sustain the village until it is finished? If not, UNICEF will have to send extra aid.
You must do a complete a mathematical analysis of this problem and present your findings to ensure that the villagers will have enough water to survive.
Show your work:
Present your findings:
5-6 / 3-4 / 1-2Criterion C
Communication in Mathematics / o I used appropriate mathematical language in my work and my answers
o I showed the steps I took to solve the problem / o I used some mathematical language in my work and answers
o I showed most of the steps I took to solve the problem / o I used basic mathematical language in my work and/or answers
o I attempted to show the steps I took to solve problems
Criterion D
Reflection in Mathematics / o I explained the reasonableness of my answer
o I explained what my answer means in connection with real life
o I described what was good about the method used and suggested changes where needed / o I briefly explained the reasonableness of my answer
o I described what my answer means in connection with real life
o I described what was good about the method I used or suggested changes where needed / o I attempted to explain the reasonableness of my answer
o I attempted to describe what my answer means in connection with real life
o I did not describe what was good about the method I used, no did I suggest changes where needed.
Your Grade
Criterion C = ______
Criterion D = ______
NB.. Criterion A could also be evaluated