Attending a LiFT Academy function is a privilege. The following guidelines have been established for the safety and protection of our students. In addition to the guidelines for safety, there are also guidelines for appropriate behavior. Please read through these guidelines with your son/daughter. In order for guests to attend a LiFT Academy function, guests must sign the acknowledgment portion of this form.
1. All guests are expected to adhere to all school rules and policies while participating in a LiFT Academy function. This includes LiFT Student code of Conduct and dress code.
2. Dress Code: Males are to wear jacket and a tie. Females should have a dress of appropriate length (no shorter than 5 inches above the knee), no front cut-outs, or plunging necklines.
3. Students may not leave the building unless a parent accompanies them.
4. Dancing must be modest and not in any way lewd or suggestive. The chaperones reserve the right to determine appropriate dancing.
5. The LiFT Academy student is responsible for the actions of his or her guest.
6. A guest must arrive when the LiFT Academy student host arrives, and leave when the host student leaves.
7. There is a zero tolerance policy for tobacco, alcohol and/or drug violations and will result in school discipline and police action.
8. A parent or guardian is expected to pick up their child immediately at the end of the function, no later than 10:00 p.m. Loitering on school property is prohibited and could result in possible disciplinary action.
9. Any violations of the above will result in:
· Possible further disciplinary action
· A phone call home/student released to a parent/guardian
· The loss of future function participation privileges
By signing below, I agree to uphold the rules set forth at LiFT Academy as well as those outlined above. I understand if I am in violation of these rules, I may be asked to leave the Prom, and could face school and legal consequences.
I, ______, have read, understand, and agree to the LiFT Academy Dance Regulations.
Student Signature Date Parent Signature
Administrator Permission from Guest’s Home School
Guest’s School of Attendance: ______
______We recommend this student to attend your event and have no behavior concerns.
______This student is in good standing at his/her home school.
Guest School Administrator Name Position/Title School/Office Phone
Signature of Administrator Date
LiFT Student & Family Acknowledgment
LiFT Student Name Grade Phone
LiFT Academy Student Acknowledgment: I agree to be responsible for y guest’s actions and adherence to the LiFT Academy rules. Failure to do so will jeopardize my privilege to attend future LiFT Academy functions.
LiFT High School Student Signature Date
LiFT Academy Student Parent Acknowledgment: I have reviewed the information provided and give my permission for my son/daughter to attend the LiFT School Function with the person listed below. You may contact me at the following phone numbers:
Cell Number Home Number Emergency Number
Parent Name (print) Parent Signature
Guest & Family Acknowledgment
Guest’s Name (print) Age Phone Number Grade
Guest’s Parents Names Cell &/or Home Phone Numbers
As a guest at LiFT Academy, I understand I am under the jurisdiction of the school and must follow all school rules including dress code. Failure to do so may be grounds for my removal from the LiFT School function.
Guest Signature Guest Parent Signature Date