Somerton Parish Council : Minutes of Parish Council Meeting

1Those Present

Parish Council:..Cllr A Mitchell, Cllr A Corner, Cllr N Clare, CllrNGood(Clerk).

Parishioners :....Mrs A Smith.

1.1Apologies for Absence

Parish Council:..Cllr S Muir.

Parishioners :....Mrs R Power, Mrs R Arnold.

OCC:...... Cllr A. Fatemian

CDC:...... Cllr JJ Macnamara, Cllr M Kerford-Byrnes

2Minutes of Previous Meetings – 27thApril, 2015

Proposed by Cllr Mitchell and seconded byCllrCorner.

3Constitution Of PC after the Election.

Cllrs Clare, Corner and Mitchell were elected unopposed. Well done on their successful campaigns!

Cllr Muir has stated she does not wish to stand again due to personal commitments – she offered to support and assist the PC been in the future. The PC thanks Cllr Muir for her efforts whilst she was a member and her kind offer of assistance. The PC wishes her the best for the future.

Discussions around the staffing and mode of operation of the PC after the election.

The conclusions are:

  • Revert to Bi-Monthly meetings on Monday evenings – the next dates are: 27th July and 28th September at 8:30pm (after Keep Fit).
  • Cllr Clare expressed a desire to stand down completely from the Council for personal reasons. He kindly agreed to stay as a councillor whilst the PC seeks additional volunteers to co-opt - thanks for that. The PC expressed its thanks for his heroic efforts supporting the council over the (many) years of which it has not been as appreciative as it might have been!
  • Cllr Mitchell was elected unopposed be Chairman – he was proposed by Cllr Corner and seconded by Cllr Clare.
  • There are still two positions vacant which can be co-opted on if willing candidates can be found.

3.1Clerk and Treasurer position

The Treasurer post is currently vacant. The various correspondence was reviewed and the lady currently supporting Lower Heyford and Steeple Aston looked to best suited especially as we have to submit our annual return. Mrs A Smith agreed to approach her with a view to us meeting her and seeing how we would get along. If successful, the PC thought a trial basis of a year would suit both sides. The PC felt this was a good role suitable for many the village but it lacked the time and capacity to entice people onboard.

4Matters Arising from Previous Meeting

4.1Traffic Calming and Speed Camera Progress

Cllr Mitchell and Mrs R Power updated the meeting on progress the sub-committee.

Cllr Mitchell had sent his missive to the various Parish Councils and had received one response from Fritwell only who said she would seek the view of the new council.

Outstanding actions

  • Cllr Mitchell to write a letter to Heyford Base asking to improve the signage for lost drivers.
  • The speed data is to appear on the website.

4.2Driving on the Base

The meeting noted that various car companies are running experience days – U Drive have had 10 days already this year. The meeting was concerned that the companies have exceeded the number of days they are allowed to run.

[U Drive are quoted incorrectly above – there is another firm who have had over 10 days worth without planning permission.]

The PC was asked to send some correspondence to clarify the rules around how these arrangements enforced i.e. there are several companies running days so can the days of noise be confused between the companies.

4.3Grass Cutting and Road Sweeping incl Ardley Road slopes

Cllr Corner had emailed OCC about the blocked calvert under Water St.

4.4Drains down Water St

Cllr A Corner to liaise with OCC Highways to do sort out the drainage now whilst it is dry.

4.5Grass cutting

PC has approached OCC to get a map of what is meant to be cut but not seen anything to date. Cllr Muir to continue with this.

ACTION:..Clerk to ask contractor to mow to the 10m beyond the sign on Heyford road and make sure we are up-to-date with Invoicing as well as the play area.

4.6Church – Wall Repair and Clock Maintenance

Wall Repair – agreed to split the bill between us and the PCC. Total cost previously was stated at £1,200 of which we would pay half.

Clock Maintenance – the PCC are changing their Treasurer and the situation looks unclear at this time. More to follow.

ACTION:..Cllr Clare to keep the PC updated on both issues.

4.7Winter Maintenance

Left on the Agenda as OCC will be sending an eMail in July asking about next year.

5Matters Arising from Correspondence and Events


6Financial Report


Up for renewal - Clerk to circulate renewal notices to Cllr for approval.


The documentation has arrived and we need some one to fill it out!

Various names were suggested to fulfil the role. Cllr Mitchell and Clerk agreed to get together after the meeting to discuss it.

Outstanding Invoices due – one from OCC for the road calming - £408 + VAT.

6.3Churchyard Mowing

The PC received a request for a greater contribution to the Churchyard. The request quotes a total of £1,200 which means our maximum contribution is £600.

VOTE:....Agreed to support the Churchyard Mowing up to £600.

ACTION:..Clerk to respond to Mrs Leon – done!

6.4Play Area Finances

PC had received a revised quotation for the grounds maintenance which looked very good value – this has been taken up on a trial basis.

6.5Treasurer Post

The Clerk stated that the treasurer post was still vacant and the end of the year is approaching rapidly when the Annual Audit has to be prepared and submitted.

The Council restated that the post of Treasurer created by its decision of 30th November, 2009 has always been and will continue to be an unpaid post.

[Currently the plan would be for the person to fulfil the Treasurer and Vacant Councillor positions – if a person wanted to be a Councillor but not the Treasurer position then we would look to recruit another person to cover the Treasurer responsibilities.]

6.6Budget elements for consideration

These items are likely to be included in the budget for next year:

  • Church Wall – Cllr Clare has got a quotation for £1,200 and that the PC would supply the materials as VAT is reclaimable on this part. To be financed from various sources includingthe Church, Mrs M MoellerThompson, Cllr Fatemian's fund and PC funds.
  • Clock – the issues of maintenance and repair of the over-night muting mechanism.
  • Grass Cutting – PCC have advised the cost might rise for the next year.
  • Winter Arising – new salt view has been installed at Aston View – cost of £250+VAT - Invoice has arrived and sent to Cllr Faint.
  • Outstanding Landscaping – enquire as to likely cost if any.

ACTION:..Clerk to contact PCC Treasurer about the Clock maintenance fees..

OCC Traffic Calming

7Reports from County and District Councillors


None present.


None present.

8Children related

8.1Playground Sub Committee Constitution


An inspection is due in the next few weeks.

8.1.2Grass cutting and Grounds Maintenance.

Charles Hoare Landscapes due to start in the next couple of weeks on their 3 month trial – fingers crossed.

Still to hear about the CRB checking of them.

8.2Future Plans

The sub-committee needs to formulate a budget for the next year.

9Planning Matters

9.1Large Local Developments - Upper Heyford

Not much has been heard on the application recently and the various inspectors activities.

An application has been made for a large number of houses in the Kirtlington Area

Also, there is an application for 70 houses by Pye Homes – East Of Heyford Park to which we were invited to submit a response.

VOTE:....The PC agreed to submit feedback on the proposal objecting on basis that it is development on a green field site.

ACTION:..Clerk to formulate a response and submit.

9.2Other Applications


9.2.1Base Related

Filming Application – application got withdrawn from the Planning Meeting agenda.

Car Movements – It seems there is an application for the movement of Pegasus car management around the base.

ACTION:..Clerk to take it up with CDC about this application and to make sure PC are included.

Paddocks – no news received.

Mature Pines at the Rectory – they had applied to cut them down and CDC had put a Tree Preservation Order on them so they remain.


Mrs A Smith to publish the various minutes, agendas and traffic survey on to the website. Mrs Smith asked for some welcoming text to go on the front page.

11Any Other Business

11.1Defibrillator in the Village

Mrs A Smith brought up the idea of a defibrillator in the village. It had been discussed at the social club and thought be more appropriate for the PC.

11.2Welcome Pack

Should we have a welcome pack for new people arriving in the village. An interesting idea!

12Date of Next Meeting

The dates of the next meetingsarethe next dates are: 27th July, 2015 and 28th September at 8:30pm (after Keep Fit).

Signed: ......


Author: Neil GoodPage 1 of 4Printed: 26 May 2015