STATISTICS 100.201 – Statistical Concepts and Reasoning
SUMMER 22017 (6/28/2017 – 8/9/2017)
Instructor: Nicholas Sterge
Email address:
Office Hours:Monday 11am – 12pm, Wednesday 3pm – 4pm
Office Location:422 Thomas Building
Course Meeting Times: Lecture MTWR from 9:35am-10:50am, Osmond Lab 115
LabF from 9:35am-10:50am, 112Boucke Building
Teaching Assistant: Bingyuan Liu,
Office Hours:TBA
Required Textbook:Seeing Through Statistics,3rd or 4th Edition, Utts. On reserve at Davey Library.
Statistical Software: Minitab
This course uses Canvas; the Penn State’s online course management system. For information on accessing Canvas go to:
Content: Topics covered include methods for collecting and summarizing data, analyzing the relationship between variables, and using basic probability concepts to draw conclusions about populations based on data. The course is less technical and more conceptual than Statistics 200. Statistical concepts and interpretations will dominate over techniques and calculations – but you will need to be able to work with fractions and square roots.
Course Grades:
Lab Activities 20%
Homework 20%
Midterm 115%
Midterm 215%
Final Exam30%
Lab Activities: The lab activity will be posted on Canvas. The activity of lab is partially completed by hand and partially by using statistical software, direction for which is provided with each activity. You may be required to submit electronically through Canvas.
Homework: Homework will be assigned through Canvas. Problems will be a mixture of short answers and multiple choice. You are encouraged to work in groups, but copying the solution is not allowed. That is, each student is expected to submit the solutions in his/her own, even if the problems have been solved in collaboration with others.
Midterm: There will be twomidterm exams in this course, tentatively 7/18 and 7/31. To take place during the regular lecture session. There will be an in-class review session before each midterm exam. Each student will be providedformula sheet in advance. You will be able to annotate those notes on the same page in any way you want. You should also bring a calculator to the midterm. Devices such as cell phones with calculator and communication capabilities are not allowed.
Final Exam: The final exam will occur on 8/11.The final exam may not be taken early. Time and location will be announced.The exam is cumulative.Similar to the midterm exams, there will be an in-class review session before the final exam. Each student will be providedformula sheet in advance. You will be able to annotate those notes on the same page in any way you want. You should also bring a calculator to the exam. Devices such as cell phones with calculator and communication capabilities are not allowed.
Makeup policy:Makeup work for midterm and final exam will be scheduled at the convenience of the instructor with the documented reasons for the missed work.
Grades (tentative):
Grade / A / A- / B+ / B / B- / C+ / C / D / FPercent / 93-
100 / 90-92.9 / 87-89.9 / 83-86.9 / 80-82.9 / 76-79.9 / 70-75.9 / 60-69.9 / < 60
Penn State’s Principle on Academic Integrity:Academic integrity is the pursuit of scholarly activity in an open, honest and responsible manner. It is acceptable to discuss homework problem together, but each student must write up every homework independently in his or her own words.In addition, this course will follow the guidelines listed at
Disabilities:PennStatewelcomesstudentswithdisabilitiesintotheUniversity’seducationalprograms.Ifyouhaveadisability-relatedneedforreasonableacademicadjustmentsinthiscourse,contacttheOfficeforDisabilityServices(ODS)at814-863-1807(V/TTY).ForfurtherinformationregardingODS, pleasevisittheOfficeforDisabilityServicesWebsiteat thedocumentationsupportstheneedforacademicadjustments,ODSwillprovidea letteridentifyingappropriateacademicadjustments.Pleasesharethisletteranddiscusstheadjustmentsyou’re yourinstructorasearlyinthecourseaspossible.