Program Assessment and Review Council (PARC)
Minutes for Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Members Present:
Guy Bachman, Mladen Barbic, Martha Dede, Todd Ebert, Lesley Farmer, Amy Heyse, Zvonimir Hlousek, Kelly Janousek, Cecile Lindsay, Markus Muller, Van Novack, Sabine Reddy, Jeremy Redman, and Robin Richesson.
Members Absent/Excused:
Babette Benken, Sharyn Blumenthal, Ray DeLeon, Keith Freesemann, Liesl Haas, Mary Ellen Kinney, Lisa Maxfield, Rosa Moreno-Alcaraz, Henry O’Laurence, Olga Rubio, Michelle Saint-Germain, Mahmoud Wagdy, and Aaron Wilson.
Jennifer Coots, College of Education, Department of EDPAC, Marquita Grenot-Scheyer Associate Dean College of Education, Shireen Pavri, College of Education, Department of EDPAC.
1. Meeting called to order at 2:31 p.m. with Time Certain
Meeting was called to order and packets were distributed including agenda, minutes, and program review calendars status sheet.
3. TIME CERTAIN 2:30 p.m. for University Program Review Committee Report on College of Education, Special Education.
Guy Bachman and Jeremy Redman present the Program Review for Master of Sciences in Special Education. The following was highlighted:
● The MS with two options plus Credential Level I and Level II comprise this degree. 75% of the students receive the MS. There is the option is for comprehensive examination or thesis.
● This degree has been in existence for about 30 years.
● Overall there is more program rigor in the MS since the last study with emphasis on writing skills and literature reviews.
● The external reviewer commented on the respect and need for the program at CSULB on pages 2 & 4.
● The program has a strong demand by secondary education since the federal mandates were invoked.
● Student learning outcomes and Assessment have been streamlined since the previous report because of State of California Standards.
● Student Services section received outstanding advising notice by the external reviewer, knowledge of the campus and the ability to trouble-shoot helping students stay in the program (i.e. timely intervention).
● Discussed the problem if Institutional Research Data and departmental student count as shown in Table 1.
● Graduation rates have improved and are above the University rate, most students receive the MS within two years.
● The code EDP has just been put in place this past year which will fix some problems.
The Report corrections include:
● Addition of page numbers in the report.
● Page 4 acronym miss typed should be California CTC.
● Page 5 should state five “tenure/tenure-track” faculty members….
● Page 7 correct recommendation #1, To the MS of Special Education Program and Division of Academic Affairs to include the mandate by the CSU Chancellor to increase to meet the demand for Level I Credential. There is also a need to cross teach with other faculty to meet this mandate.
● Page 7 correct recommendation #3 by remove sentence on, though the College does have special sample equipment.
The Department of EDPAC explained the complexity of the MS, Credential levels basic Level I and the need for real credential given with a Level II. To receive the MS coursework beyond the credential is really only two more courses and the thesis. They also expounded the Trouble-shooting for students by mentioning weekly meetings by the faculty and noticing students with problems.
UPRC for Special Education recommendation:
● M/S/P the Program Review subcommittee recommends that the Council accept the self-study for the Master of Science in Special Education.
● M/S/P the Program review subcommittee recommends that the Council accept the Internal Program Review Report for Master of Science Education in Special Education as amended.
2. Minutes of the December 5, 2007 meeting were approved.
4. Meeting called for lack of quorum at 3:13 p.m.
Next meeting February 6, 2008.