Year at a Glance - Spanish I

1st Nine Weeks Ch. 1 & 2

· Interactive Notebook Setup

· Alphabet/pronunciation/Vowels



· Greetings/Goodbyes

· Subjects+Verbs

· Subject pronouns

· Ser/Estar (light intro for estar)

· Asking/saying where someone is from

· Days of week

· Telling time

Puerto Rico Culture/History

· Asking/telling what someone is like

· Asking someone’s age and birthday

· Ser with adjectives

· Gender/verb agreem’t

· Forming questions

2nd Nine Weeks Ch 3&4

· Likes/Dislikes

· Describing/Descriptive Adjectives

· Singular/Plural nouns

· Nouns w/ Def. Articles

· Gustar/¿por qué

· Reading/Writing



· Gustar w/Infinitives

· Querer w/infinitives

· Pronouns after prepositions

· Doing things/going places

· Where you go and how often

· Present Tense regular –AR verbs

· Present tense Jugar/Ir

· Weather Expressions

· Listening/writing skills

3rd Nine Weeks Ch 5&6

Costa Rica Culture/History

· School supplies you have/need

· Talking about classes

· Cuánto/mucho/poco

· Tener and Tener Idioms

· Venir and a + time

· Making plans w/friends

· Inviting to do things

· Ir a with Infinitive

· _er and _ir verb endings

· tag questions

· irregular Yo forms

Chile Culture/History

· Describing family

· Possessive adjectives

· Stem-changing verbs o-ue and e-ie

· Describing house, its location

4th Nine Weeks Ch 7&8

· Home responsiblities

· Estar with prepositions

· Negation w/nunca, nadie, tampoco and nada

· Using Tocar/Parecer

Mexico Culture/History

· Commenting on food

· Making polite requests, ordering/serving food

· Using Ser and Estar

· Sing Pedir and Servir

· Preferir/Poder/Probar

· Talking about meals

· Offering help and giving instructions

· Direct objects

· Direct object pronouns

· Affirmative informal commands/with pronouns

· Reading/writing

All grammar in these two chapters are student-taught and/or project-based.